Auto-voting Suspended... HEAR ME RANT!

in #rant6 years ago (edited)

Prepare yourselves... Wall Street is about to crash upon hearing this news, but I've had to suspend my auto-voting after less than two days.

The Crash of 1929

I thought I was doing something nice by spreading what little I have to offer to a wider circle of friends and followers. Unfortunately, my puny account cannot sustain this.

Bank Run during the Panic of 1857

There are apparently other issues as well, such as the following: while the auto-voter worked exactly as advertized, it can take me some hours to follow up on my votes with a comment or a resteem. This actually got me a complaint from someone today who didn't realize I had voted, and thought I was only commenting. Sigh... I will reconsider exactly what I'm doing.

Look guys, I know my vote ain't worth shit, ok? I could just spend it all on myself. Plenty of people do exactly that - and I've stopped following some who do.

Here's something else: If your 100% upvote is not worth at least $0.02, stop voting on comments! You know that gets rounded down to zero, right? If you don't know, you better listen up...


So while giving someone a 100% zero value upvote on a comment might make you feel good, the recipient gets nothing and you have just wasted TWO HOURS AND FORTY MINUTES of your voting power. It isn't normally a problem with posts because they will generally have at least $0.02 on them, so adding a little more dust to the pile does not get wasted.

I'll be back later tonight with a post, but voting is switched off completely for now. Sorry.

This concludes our programming for today. Cue the National Anthem. Lights out.


Hmmmmm! The complaint you got reminded me of the abuse I received when I commented without voting when I was new to steemit @keithboone. I'm sure you will remember that occasion.

It just seems so petty. Perhaps there should be a file on those who fall into this category so we can avoid them and spend our valuable time on encouraging and getting to know people who appreciate our interest in them or their post.

I remember. To be clear, I was NOT abused here, but I found the comment annoying, especially since I HAD in fact voted. You know me, I'm a hot head. It's entirely possible the person would now be deeply offended by my rant, who knows. Look - I was just trying to spread my tiny votes around a little further by using an auto-voter, and I had selected 50 accounts to support in this way. You were on the list too Trudee...

Oh......I wasn't inferring that you were abused Keith. My comment was solely directed at my situation. I just can't understand why people can't appreciate positive input without expecting votes or decent sized votes to accompany them.

I've often thought about doing auto votes but I think I prefer to enjoy more freedom with when and where to vote and hopefully spread them around evenly. I'm never going to get it perfectly balanced but I hope people will understand that my goal is to be fair.

I don't have the SP to be able to vote much, and I've delegated 1/3 of what I do have. This is just STUPID! I hate myself for playing this ridiculous game.

I'll never forget the rude little toad, Trudee! @trudeehunter

Haha......I happily forgot him Denise, until Keith's comments reminded me of that very unpleasant inter-rude. (lol)

OMGosh! You are too funny! Inter-rude!! :))))

Really? Someone complained that you commented without voting? I comment as much as I can, and vote when I am able! If my friends don't get a vote this time around I hope they know it will all even out the next day when I have more voting power again! But I suspect that I would unfriend anyone who complained about not getting a vote!

I may be overstating things when I say "complained". It was stated that an "upvote would be appreciated" - but I had already upvoted hours earlier. Sometimes I may take offence where none was intended, I don't know.

I make a lot of votes and many of my curation votes are pretty small. I'm sure there are people who think I am not very generous without realizing that my vote is what gives them the bigger vote that follows!

I certainly understand, Melinda :) All of this auto-voter nonsense started when I decided to stay on the platform and try to find a way to be more efficient, freeing up time for other things. Ever since I made that decision, I've been back to full time here... for what exactly? I don't know. Sometimes I just despair of it all... According to Steemworld, I made $0.04 yesterday.. but oh! Look! Over a dollar today! WooHoo!!!!

Screen Shot 2019-01-03 at 9.40.36 PM.png

Maybe I'll just cut back to two days per week. I'll do my own #eaglefriday and #mountainmonday. Other days I'll vote and comment a little but not post. There is no point for someone like me to post here.

Now, now Keith. My first account was meager, I screwed it up but I still re-joined. This second account is doing worse....but I am going to post and chat and comment w/o voting cause I enjoy it.

Sure hope you continue, too. We can be miserable together and laugh at each other's lack of progres and cheer each other on when we do good. Deal?

Time will tell @nana-nini. It seems I'm too addicted to ever leave. Addictions are generally bad things, however. I know this post makes it sound like I'm all about the money, but honestly, I gave up a long time ago on the idea that there would ever be a pot of gold at the end of this particular rainbow. How's your weekend going? :)

I guess addicted is the word....can't help myself. Lol

I'm guessing it is the younger generation who will realize Steemit millions.

I have said all along this is the kids money when we are gone. They aren't expectimg much and we don't want to disappoint them. Lmao.

I am probably a nuisance on here cause I don't understand the workings but just trying to stay in the circle I have. It is comfortable.

Weekend was great...nothing to post about, though. Pretty ho-hum. And you?

I will attest to the fact that there are people out there that will complain when you comment and don't vote. I will admit that there are days I spend a little more time commenting because my voting power is low. When you have as little SP as I do, it becomes almost worthless. I was crushed the first time someone reminded me that it was rude to comment and not vote.

I am pretty sure I haven't been back there.

While I enjoy a good upvote, if I have someone who doesn't vote, I don't know. I don't look to see what everyone votes because I don't want what someone votes to be the thing I look forward to. I would rather enjoy the comments and the people that take the time to come over.

Thanks, Melinda @melinda10100 I am glad it isn't only me!

I guess if you are only here for the money you might get upset if someone does not vote on your post. But I'm here to make friends and talk to people and I will vote when I can, but if I can't I'm still going to talk to my friends! And I probably really don't care if I am friends with the people who are only here for the money. A comment about not voting would just help me weed out the people that I follow.

Isn't that the whole point of social media? Make friends and have conversations? Voting is something I try to do, if/when I can, but, honestly mine is so low it really doesn't even count. ;)

Interaction is waaaay more important to me. I am not here to get rich quick. That ship has sailed.

We are in complete agreement on that! Besides, this IS my social life these days and I love every minute of it!

Well, you are certainly most prolific on here. I can't catch up with you if I was running at 5k speed. :)

I love it too. I wish I had a little bit more time to spend on here, but, I will take what I can get.

Time is something I have plenty of and I am so thankful that I have friends here to spend it with!

Oh, if I want extra time, I have to stay up late and squeeze it in. But, I am okay with that and some days, if I don't have to work, it is late into the night I go. After all there are plenty of time zones to cover!

Thanks Denise, the thing is I did vote. The auto-voter was all about me trying to save some time while still being, I don't know... what would you call it? A good citizen? Whatever. If I can't find a way to earn more that $0.04 US a day ( like I did two days ago) then I'm not going to continue spending ALL damn day here, because that's what it takes to participate with even my current minimal level of "success" on the platform.

Say what you like, but this is a social network FOR PAY platform. If I just want to socialize with people and forget the pay and crypto and investment aspects of it all, I could just be on Facebook, where all my real world friends, relatives and every living person I've worked with or met can be found on a daily basis.

Do you know how many Steemit people I've ever met in real life? ZERO. (See, now I'm getting worked up again...)

I know some people are determined to be all super-positive and rah-rah about Steem, but I would rather have my eyes open and be realistic.

So what's to do? I could purchase some Steem. I'm actively trying to find a way but it's just stupidly hard to buy crypto with fiat. And it's dangerous too. One wrong click and funds just disappear. This has happened to me more than once, and it happened as recently as a week ago, just trying to send money from an exchange to here. Poof! Gone! Where did it go? Would you accept this b.s. from a bank?

I could try to lease some Steem. I know people do that, but I don't know how.

I could get heavily into the bots... I've been using the ocd-bot a little. It's supposed to be "non-profit" and for "white-listed" Steemians, all of which makes it sound a little less "botty" I suppose. I even know people who wrote EPIC rants against bots two months ago who are now spending money on that bot every day. I can't seem to raise enough Steem to make it worthwhile yet.

You said you like my rants, so this has been another mini-rant. I'm not angry about anything. I'm discouraged. VERY discouraged, and all the Steem-is-wonderful posts in the world are not going to change that at the moment. SUCCESS would make me happy. Failure makes me sad. Now I'm just waiting for some idiot to tell me to "work harder."

In better days, you could lease steem. I haven't heard anyone doing it lately and anyone who would be gouging. Oh, yeah. I love your rants. Mostly because they say things that most people only think. I know you aren't angry. You have a moment and the thing about you is that after that, you are fine, or at least approachable.

None of my friends are on Steemit. All of my relatives, real-life friends... yeah the same are all over on Facebook, so why am I here making nada? Please tell me! It is not for the money and its not for the recognition. I am a mediocre photographer at best and I don't even mind that, I am still a work in progress.

It is a social network for Pay platform, but, if people haven't got money to vote they shouldn't be hassled. By the way, I know you voted and the auto-vote must have a delay in it somehow. I am on auto for a few people and some come right away and then other days they are staggered. Oh. life in the cyber world.

How do you rate if you are a success? I mean, you are recognizable. Everyone knows you and your work. You win tons of contests. You are respected. The only thing you lack is the money that usually goes with it. But, that is the times and that is why I am hoping it gets better. When it does, you will explode. Nobody is voting much $$ because their votes are so low for them. They are used to rolling in it.

You are a success. Just a poor one. ;)

I am a failure because I am a photographer who continues to waste time here when I should be figuring out how to grow up and earn some $money!

I wasn't going to get into this, but I think I'm doing far better on Whaleshares than here. I have SIXTEEN followers on Whaleshares. I've posted about 20 times. My account is worth a sizeable fraction of what my Steemit account is worth, even after less than a month. I've been on Steemit for almost a year.

I needed to join Whaleshares and can't believe I haven't yet. I need to get off my you-know-what and do it.

I still have the code. Tomorrow is the day. I hope it isn't hard to join. Thanks for mentioning it!

It's really just a modified Steemit. Pictures look MUCH better because they display large. 14 days for a post to payout. No bots, no delegations. In a way its more "democratic." No, that the wrong word. It's more of a meritocracy. The cream rises to the top faster there - probably because there are so few members. I'm sure Weku is a lot busier but I'm banned from there so I can't tell.

I don't know. I waited until day 28 to make a post before I was banned. I'm not sure about busier. It does not have the same feel and they still aren't trading a coin. So ...

I don't have enough anything built up yet to vote, still run out of Steem sometimes with the little amount of activity I'm doing. I would be one of those rounded down to zero. I am not being stingy. Lol

I never felt guilty about commentibg and not voting.....I am guilty though. I did not realize the protocol was to vote with a comment. Myself, I enjoy the comments..

I like your comment as much as I can and vote when I am able motto!

My advice is comment, comment, comment! It's the best way to make friends here. You can comment without voting anytime you want to on my posts! When you do it reminds me to come take a look at your posts!

Exactly the way we should work together!


Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

Thank you @pixresteemer!

@dustbunny is a program run by @fraenk, for people that sign-up he sort of does what @dustsweeper does, only for both your incoming and outgoing votes. I am still in the very careful how I vote stage with the low values myself. Comment voting is very very iffy for me right now. It takes about a 60% vote value or more to be above the dust level, and like you mention, less than two cents is just like burning a two dollar bill up. A nice vote gesture, but does neither the giver nor receiver any good.

So content wise if the payout is less than $0.020 when I get around to voting, I generally give a full 100% upvote. If the post has reached a $0.020 payout already, I give a 50% vote value vote. That way I can spread my measly little vote around more. I certainly did enjoy it when the vote values were a bit higher than now, but the last 6 months have been hard on voting.

I am still cautiously optimistic about steem and that the value will return, but for now it is what it is. At least the upside is, not so many crypto charts, down side, a ton more of actifit post.

Thanks, I appreciate that and I really need to check into @dustbunny and @dustsweeper. I see people wasting their voting power on comments and I'd often like to mention it to them but then I risk just sounding like a spoilsport which is not my intention. I'm actually optimistic about Steem as well. It can't drop much lower, and I figure a rebound is coming soon!

Thats where @dustbunny shines, he will make it so some of those incommings wont go to waste. And if you see a comment you really like and want to vote on he will even raise your vote above the dust level as long as it is not to much of a habit. I recently upped my delegation, he is just doing it out of support for people, I think he loses on it all but he does not seem to mind putting in the time .

Then he's doing some very good work! I wasn't worried that I had missed out on a comment vote, I was pointing out the irony that the person thought I hadn't voted - when I had - and then turned around and threw away 2.5 hours worth of voting power!

Yeah, it is hard to tell someone about voting, I pretty much try not to anymore. The nice thing about the dustbunny is that it does help the clueless out. Yeah you get a small reward, dustbunny gets a small reward, but the person that voted get to have their vote count and mean something and get a reward also, while doing what they wanted to do in the first place by rewarding the commenter. I have not really come across a more altruistic vote thing other than @dustbunny.

Cool... I just made a small delegation. I don't have much, but what the heck, sounds like a good cause.

i'm not very good at managing my VP lol always voting too much and consistently around 20-30% VP 😂 i didn't know that about the 0.2 though? i'll try and give more for comments then so it doesn't end up at 0..!

Haha, not 0.2 but 0.02. Roughly. and thanks so much for your support!!!

same to you👍

Hey, you know what? I never said this before but you should know.. I consider you to be the best blogger on the site. Hands down. There are some others I really like as well, but you take first prize in my opinion - for whatever that is worth. @doitvoluntarily

to that I say that you are a crazy man @keithboone 👍👍 I appreciate the encouragement:)

Oh, yes, baby! There are people that post that right on their post! Commenting without an upvote is rude.



🎁 Hi @keithboone! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Glad to see you still here @keithboone. I use @steemdunk for my autovotes. It lets you have 20 people in it for free. I have about 50% for love - people I care about and want to support. The other half is for places I need to vote for the better votes I get from them such as @qurator and @steembasicincome. Each separate account get it's own timing and percentage so it's flexible.

This usually leaves me with a few more votes to spread around each day. With my low sp I not longer vote for comments at all and hope for the day I will grow (and the price will rise) so I can again.

I've been doing this for about a year and a half and it works well for me.

Thank you for keeping mountainmonday going. I'll be back :)

Thank you, it's good to know there are more options. I'll take a look, but for now I'm out of voting power - always. I agree with you about comments, I don't vote for them because it will just get rounded down to zero.

Bring on the mountains! :)

The most important thing for me was not having to spend hours trying to get posts at the right time when I know I want to vote them. I was always late and got no curation rewards that way. I'm not here for my health :)

But you are pretty healthy, right? :) Sometime I should tell you about the year I lost 100 lbs. I got too skinny at that point and I've gained a little back but I'm still down 75 - 80 lbs and it's been ten years now. Time flies...

Good for you, Keith. Few of us are long term weight loss success stories. When I got to 5 years, I got a note from one of the places I post saying only 5% of us make it that long without gaining the weight back.

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, but I am otherwise healthy now. The arthritis is enough of a problem, so I am very grateful to have nothing else to worry about.

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