"Dumb Purple Kale Anyway" ~ Original Photography ~ Original 'Gardening' And Short Discussion About It All ~

in #purplevegetablefiasco7 years ago (edited)

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The Desired Result -- Only Much Larger, And More Edible

You Can't Afford NOT To Grow Them

I'm not really a gardener, but I DO like to eat. And one thing I like to put into the cook-pan? Greens and vegetables. Usually in some sort of stir fry, soup, or other one-pot-glop. Simple, tasty, good for you, and in large amounts. And since I'm cheap, and these things are expensive at the store, there is only one answer. Start growing some greens on my own.

Ooh, Why Not These Pretty Ones?

During a trip to the local hardware and everything-else convenience store, I discovered these purple Kale out front on a cart. On sale, three for $6. "Hmm, purple Kale. Colorful AND edible. And on SALE!!" I didn't bother reading the tag, since they were edible vegetables, and I know how to plant things.

I went inside, payed the cashier, and hauled them out toward the back of the Subaru. As I left the store with my armload of future soup, someone out front by the Kale cart piped up, "...you got some ornamental Kale."

It was more of question than a statement, which I found a bit odd. But being a friendly sort, I replied anyway, "yeah, aren't they pretty. And look SO tasty." They made a quirky, professional gardener's all-knowing face, as I turned on my way to the car. No reason to upset things at the Kale cart, I always say.

Let's Get This Stir-Fry Into The Ground

Back home, I planted my new purchases in the back 40, next to a large pile of old grass. With October right around the corner, I figured the grass-hay would block out the chill winds and colder temperatures as winter set in. I even gave my new little charges a nice bed of hay, to grow up, through and around in. Think of a winter-time, 1940's, inflatable Navy life-preserver belt of cushy, dead grass to keep them warm, happy and safe. And very soon, HUGE.

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My Nice Little Mae West-Nest Of Hay

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Snug Behind A Mountain Of Wind-Break Grass

What Is Wrong With These Plants?

For some reason, my three little purple Kale's just sat there, and did nothing. Except sit there. For months. Three months and more, to be exact. And it's not like I treated them poorly.

I gave them names. I watered them with a huge bucket. Quite a lot, actually. I talked to them in encouraging tones, whenever I walked by doing my chores. "Come on, little guys, I need some purple GREENS." I even sent them *P.M.W's before bed each night. I gave them everything within my power to grow giant, mauve Kale-parts for the stew pot.

And still, they just squatted there in the dirt. Doing their short, colorful-Kale thing, in their little grass pile. Staying the same, exact size, never putting on more leaves, and even encouraging other weeds to come and join the garden party in bunches.

And though I have to admit they WERE pretty, they NEVER became a 'useful green'. No matter how long, or hard I tried. Did I buy some broken vegetables? I thought about driving back across town to ask the store people, but never got around to it.

And Then?

The Lovely Onset Of Winter

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Ice And Collards - Winter 2016 - Setting A Fine Example

History Should Be Nice And Repeat Itself

The photo of icy Collards above is from a couple of years ago. We had a nasty ice storm, and things turned solid-er than a frozen rock in the garden. Except the Collards. They were FINE. I ate them all winter and spring. Fifteen below (°F), and no biggie. Soup all winter long.

What does this have to do with the purple Kale? Well, evidently everything. And NOTHING. My poor new plants froze up solid like those garden rocks. At least two of them did. Good old K is OK, but K² and K³, not so much. And it wasn't even that cold. And I surrounded them with nice hay. These plants should be very similar, at least in MY garden book. (Unless I'm mistaken, they're sort of related.) So why did the Collards survive, and not 66.666 % of my purple Kale?

NOTE: These Photos Are A Little Gross ( :

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K² Looks More Like Jabba-The-Kale Than A Hearty Vegetable

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But Looks A WHOLE Lot Better Than K³

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The Precious Label ~ Buried Deep Next To Odd-Looking Space Monster

Don't Plant The Label Until You Read It

Time for some deep analysis. I was in such a hurry to put my new, lovely Kale in the ground, I just stuck them in and added their label. And buried it deep. And now, today, I dug it up, and decided to actually READ the thing.

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So THAT'S What It Says!

Unusual accent plant
along walkways or
placed in gardens or
Plant in sun or part sun
15-18" (38-46cm)
apart. Best color
in cool weather

Now I understand what the person at the Kale cart was implying on day one at the store. These are ornamental Kale. As in, use as an ORNAMENT, not in soup. NOW it makes sense. They are pretty, but never grow up, freeze solid in bad weather, turn into globs of goo once they warm up, and don't seem to put on more edible leaves as you pluck them. Go figure. Even though they're purple, and lovely to look at, and ARE Kale, there are better things to grow for soup.

As with so many things in this life, sometimes you just gotta take the time to read the little white, plastic labels.

~ Finto ~

Thanks for stopping in and viewing the Purple Kale Decor Debacle. If you have any thoughts about growing colorful vegetables, cold weather garden-prep, reading tag directions properly, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

*P.M.W. -- Positive Mental Waves

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 01/08/2018 @ 10:05

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

DONE Capture Purple Kale Garden Post.PNG


Beautiful photos! When I saw the first photo, I think it's a wonderful purple flower, or it looks like cauliflower.... Yes, it would be for decoration, I absolutely agree with that guy! ;))

I also like your photo of Ice And Collards ....Very fresh! Great shot! ;)

I'm pretty sure it would be good, and colorful in a stir fry, but one would go through the vegetable patch very quickly. Unless I grew thousands of them. I'll stick to regular Kale and such from now on. Even though it doesn't look quite as nice ( :
Do you get Collard greens and Kale there to eat? Probably not, but just wondered.
Thanks for stopping in, and enjoying my colored vegies. I hope you have a monumental day today, and the sun shines brightly on your world.

Ha ha! Don't put it in a stir fry....it's too pretty to do so! ;))

I'm not sure whether we have those Collard greens in Thailand. We have Kale, but it's not like this one! ;D

It rained heavily yesterday, so today, the weather is very nice, cooler than before! Hope you have a good and wonderful day, today! ;)

That's sad; it would have been a colorful soup;
This is a good example of what happens when you don't read the label.
I had a similar experience. I tried to assemble a wooden t-rex sort of 3d puzzle; struggled for half an hour, thinking how can kids do this, if this is so hard. Why didn' t they put instructions on the back of the picture with the t-rex; I turn the picture and there were instructions on the back. I had a good laugh :))

I think I can still eat K1, I just had to be dramatic here. There are still about 15 leaves on him. Just no more coming up.

And don't you just hate that ( : Seems to happen to me all the time. I can imagine how hard a T-Rex would be, was it one of those wooden skeleton things? Of course, as you say, a 3rd grader could probably do it. It's just adult proof. At least our things we don't read are for odd Kale and dinosaur puzzles, not a nuclear power-plant repair, or the front steering rebuild of the cars at the Cliffside RoadRace of Madagascar. Might have to go into hiding.

Well I guess the saying needs to be changed to you can judge a kale by its tag lol....but just think of all the pleasure you got from looking at them...or not...hopefully 6 bucks worth LOL

LOL to the kale judgement. All that magical purple is worth it's weight in gold. Or at least the price in paper of a post on Steemit. What ELSE am I going to write about?

I'm relieved - I thought this was going to end with eating inedibles and an expedition to the infirmary.

I'd append this episode as an epigraph to my epistle about reading the directions, but it's expired and un-editable.

Thanks muchly. Eating those would take a LOT of covering condiments. And the infirmary visit would no doubt be fast on it's heels.
I went back and read your directions debacle. It was a real hoot, very funny and enjoyable. Too bad we can't do 'go-backs' and such on here, it would add a real dimension of SOMETHING to the site. Maybe that's why there IS an expiration date...

It looks like K2 still has a little life left in him. Maybe it needs a little protection from the rain that's rotting it all. Maybe you can build a little kale hut. A winter project. And those weeds all around that kale look like some good eating to me -- chickweed! :D Pick clean and pick organized for that chickweed!

NOW my winter is set. Small, wooden, home-DIY KaleHuts for each of my plants. And I couldn't think of a thing to keep me busy this winter. Go figure.
So those weeds are good and edible? At least growing the Kale wasn't a total loss. It encouraged all that Chickweed to come out of hiding. And there ARE a LOT of them, so I should get to eating. "Clean and organized, clean and organized." Got it, now I just have to get out and 'get pickin'. Thanks for the suggestion.

And this time of year, watch for little slugs on the backsides of the leaves! I hope I see a KaleHut post. And maybe there will be a whole KaleHut line of goods someday. From the KaleHut! : )

Ooh, good one. LOL to the Kale Hut. Can I use that name, when my small craft of opportunity arrives?
Are slugs an edible source of protein? I've never tried, but am sure they would be hard to 'stomach'. All the way from start to finish. Never had the joy of accidentally ingesting one. But I'm sure you wouldn't soon forget it.

I feel like I should apologize, I laughed all the way through reading this. :P

Keep in mind, I actually killed a cactus once. Yep, a cactus.

Ha ha. That is nice, but not at all necessary. Plus, that is the intent of it all. And I laugh at myself on a regular basis anyway. I've killed a few cacti in my life too, over time. THAT takes real skill. (Actually, I always thought you didn't water them. Guess you are supposed to. Live and learn. Or watch them croak and learn is more like it.) Thanks for stopping in, and the nice comment.

You must have been pretty busy.
It is really hard to grow flowers.
they spoiled like kids :)
I am trying to raise the polished pine tree on my balcony
but that tree is still baby :)
I'm trying to protect her from the wind.
I congratulate you :)

Well...if I was MORE busy, I might have better success. That may be part of the problem. Need to spend more time with my vegies on the back end of the planting.
Hope your pine works. Keeping it out of the wind should help. Takes a lot longer to get a tree to size, than a Kale, that's for sure. Though time does go by quickly, and before you know it, big tree on the balcony.
Thanks for stopping in, and the comment and vote. Muchly appreciated.

Excellent post dear friend @ddschteinn, very creative, the images look great.
It is a real pity that you have not eaten the red lettuce in a salad. It is very tasty.
Thank you very much for sharing this material
I wish you a wonderful evening dear friend

Thanks so much for the visit. I will still probably eat what's left of K1, but won't be a BIG salad or soup. Sch are the joys of gardening. I do love Kale though. So tasty. Have a nice evening as well, my friend.

The purple looks good!

Thanks for stopping in and the comment and view. The purple is rather wild, but would taste better in my stewpot. Such is the learning curve of the gardener wannabe.

Ah, sweet kale! When it grows un-ornamentally of course!

The stuff is pretty magical in a soup or stir fry. Love it. Probably should give the purple more of a benefit of the doubt. But vegetables are a lot like this computer. More of a tool, than a tinker-about hobby. Don't want to be messing around in the box with a #2 phillip's all the time, just want it to work and do what it's designed to do. I'm thinking this may not be the best attitude in the gardening department.

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