You Can Learn How To Do Just About Anything By Reading The Package

in #life7 years ago

It's amazing how much you can learn by reading the instructions. Usually they're right there on the packaging.

I made popcorn the other night. On the stove-top. Believe it or not, I've never actually done that before. I was about to ask The Wife how to make it when I realized there were directions on the bag.

I'm used to having a bunch of burnt, uncooked kernels at the bottom. That's because we were skipping a step.

Here's what you do: Heat two tablespoons of oil over medium-high heat, but first, throw three kernels in. Don't add the rest of your popcorn until those pop. That's how you know the oil is up to temperature.

I made a huge bowl of popcorn, and only had two unpopped kernels when I was done. Two! And no left over oil, either.

I don't expect many upvotes for telling you what it says on my bag of popcorn.

But how's this for some useful advice: read the directions!

Photo by Ben White via

Do you realize how much information is printed on the back of a can of spray-paint? You need to wait for a time when the humidity is below 70% and the temperature is above 50 degrees F. Good luck if you live in New England. You can apply a second coat within the hour. After that, you've got to wait for two full days to add another coat - and even longer if the humidity does get high.

So that's why I always got so many unsightly bubbles on my finish.

(Also, if you get a can with a clogged nozzle, do not try to clear it with a power drill. They don't actually print this on the can, but I still should have known better.)

I had to fix my roof once. Roofing is hard work! And just how the hell do you do it? I checked a bunch of home-improvement web-sites and watched some videos.

But what do you know - the instructions were right there on every package of shingles. I ended up balling them up and throwing them away 100 times.

I'd been cursing my riding lawn mower for stalling. I put up with this for two years until I learned that applying the parking brake would allow it to run even when I got out of the seat. Who knew? (In fairness to me, the mower came second hand. I had to download the manual to learn this. Which I did so that I could learn how to change the oil. Which I should have changed two years ago.)

I still haven't fired up my chainsaw. The manual for that is long, and grim. There's a lot more to chainsaws than popcorn.

I was feeling so smug about all the directions I'd read lately.

Then the Wife came home with a new TV and asked me to help set it up. I took all the parts out of the packaging and then spread out the instructions.

It turns out removing the packaging was step 6.

"Men!" said The Wife. "Why don't they ever read the directions?"

So read the directions. Especially if you're using a chainsaw, or your wife is involved. I mean, they're right there. On the thing you're trying to use.

And nobody likes soggy, burnt popcorn.


This is one of the funniest posts I've read in... maybe ever :D

Bwa hahahhahahahaaa good ones Winston :) :) :) And I f'n HATE directions/instructions...that's how I failed at baking most of my life.

I dunno, that sourdough bread looks good to me!

Yes, because I finally broke down and started following directions hahhaaa! Just like you!

I'm a big fan of reading directions. however, next time try subbing some used bacon grease for the oil in your popcorn pan. ;)

Oh man, it's been so long since we've had bacon in the house...

But when we do I will!

Haha this made me laugh😂 There might be a point in reading directions, but I think it's much more fun not to, and fail a couple of times, waste your time and money and only after that, give in and read what you were supposed to do.

There's definitely fun to be had figuring things out yourself!

Sometimes you can figure out a better way of doing things. Then you can write your own instructions - and call it a "web tutorial!"

Reading this, it made me wonder whether there are people whose hobby is to collect package instructions! And compare them on their merits, syntax, ease of following, evolution in time, use of schematics, etc.

It turns out removing the packaging was step 6.


"Men!" said The Wife. "Why don't they ever read the directions?"

With me it's the opposite: I'm a directions-guy, whereas the women in my life are too lazy to read them! They'd rather jump in and troubleshoot as they go. But then again, I'm the type who reads the praise and dedications in books...

The more I consider it, the more I think that the desire to read the directions is conditional. On the matter of spray-paint dry times, the wife is inclined to say, "let's just take those as suggestions." Of course she's eager to get the furniture painted and in place. And she's actually a great cook, but I've never known her to follow a recipe.

A new TV though, that's a matter for deliberate care...

I have to read every bit of a book. And I'm very uncomfortable leaving one unfinished, even if it's awful. How about you?

I'm very much like that too! Same with bad movies. Gotta watch them to the end. (And, sometimes, bad movies turn out to be not so bad after all.)


I usually read the instructions! But sometimes I think I know it all and find things don't go as well!

Now if I can just get my husband to read the instructions for the simple things in life!

Thanks for a bit of humor today!

You did well here! I'm happy for you!

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