The Truth About Karma

I just read a story by @giantbear about karma that inspired this post.
You can find that Here.

The idea behind Karma is a simple one:

Do good onto others, and good things will happen to you. Do bad onto others, and bad things will happen to you.

Now, karma may not be that black and white, and many people don't believe in its existence at all. They may say something like:

"There is nothing to suggest that some omni-potent force keeps track of the things you do."

And to them I'd say yeah, you're right. There is nothing to suggest that.

But I'd argue that they should look at it differently. I don't think thats what makes karma plausible.

What makes karma possible, is the intention behind it.

Attempting to come from a completely non pseudo-scientific stand point, thoughts, and, by extension, intent, absolutely hold sway over our experiences (in other words, our reality).

For example, how do you choose to do anything? You must first think about wanting to do it, and then you take the proper steps necessary to bring yourself into experiencing that which you want to do.

Think of it like this:

When you do good things, you are coming from a positive mental state. Your thoughts are in line with the good you are doing, which, in turn, makes you feel good. If it didn't, you wouldn't do it in the first place.

This, consequently, sets you up for having a higher likelihood of experiencing good things, because thats the space your thoughts are coming from.

The inverse, doing bad, would also be true.

Basically -

when you do good (or bad), you bring yourself into a positive (or negative) mental state, making the odds of your subconscious leading you towards other positive (or negative) experiences more likely.

Or something like that.

There is a reason highly successful people use methods such as "acting as if". If you tell yourself you are that, or will experience that, you will only increase your likelihood of doing so, as your thoughts, and, as a result, your actions, will become more in line with your intention.

I hope that makes sense.

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I really do believe in karma. I'm glad it's real

Agreed, thank you for reading : )

How does this explain the success of negative actors and the whole 'nice guys finish last' phenomenon? in which being polite caring and considerate of others ends with you being walked over or used as a rag to clean up anothers mess? ;)

Devils advocates!

hahaha, in all seriousness great post, interesting gymnastics, but going with good/bad words leaves open to interpretation, what is good for you might not be so good for another.

for example, stealing bread to feed your family, or should you just 'get a job' or white collar crime skimming off top of your local business, to donate to charity? circumstances and context are always relevant as is intention and methodology.

where do 'victim less crimes' come in all this? is there any such thing?

So many questions!

Have a nice day and thanks for sharing <3

Very good points indeed.

Again, this all comes down to intent. The stronger ones intention is, the stronger the willpower to make the intent manifest, making their impact on their reality greater.

This, of course, also applies to those with bad intentions.

I also believe one can be polite, caring, considerate, and strong. Being respectful and possessing a moral compass does not automatically translate into spinelessness or an inability to confront or stick up for oneself. Compassion and understanding do not directly correlate with weakness.

Have you ever read "The Prince" by Machiavelli? It essentially tackles this concept.

He argues that in order for a leader to be just and good, that leader must first understand all of the ways in which a leader can be wicked and bad, and should know how to execute their methods just as well as they can.

It is through understanding that which opposes us that allows us to conquer it.

Understand everything, predict all possible outcomes, manipulate reality.

I can dig this.

Dig it deep friend, I'll bring shovels!

Also might makes right doesn't seem like good karma, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Or at least that's what the people tell me. ;)

So there is this girl, you love this girl very much, but she has self destructive disordered personality, by interfering you are empowering, making the cycles swing harder. By ignoring, you are removing stimuli, leaving an opportunity for self awareness to grow, and for the person to become 'stronger' and more reliant on self instead of selling out to chaos. So by having 'good supportive' intent you are making things 'worse' but by pulling the rug, you are forcing the fish to sink or swim, adapt, change, grow.

Sometimes to be kind you have to be cruel. Good / Bad / Evil / Pure / Chaotic, its all energy, transmutable from one to the next, you can turn good into bad or bad into good, as easily as you flick a switch.

unfortunately this is more for the metaphysical realm, its kinda hard to wish away a bullet. :< still working on that one. haha!

Not sure if 1000% relevant, but I figured I'd use an example. <3

But would that be considered good intent, or selfish? Especially if you knew the direct consequences.


1000% agree with energy being transmutable. There is a reason the yin-yang symbol is designed the way it is.

There is never any good that is not without its bit of bad, just as there is never any bad that is not without its bit of good (although that one is a bit harder to swallow haha)

Flip the coin. See from all angles, do what is best for the many and yourself, there is always an outcome that is best for everyone involved, it's just a matter of seeing it. Choices are not polar, there are many facets to be considered.

Predestiny and free will ;)

Maybe use natural law/natures method, if you bake 100,000 cakes at once, one of them will turn out the best and the rest can be recycled. hahahaha.

I'll gladly help recycle 99,999 cakes ; D

Thanks for the discussion friend

I think that ultimately, the natural laws, specifically those of vibration (as we have seen with the Law of Attraction) in conjunction with the law of causality, together cover the rules of karma. Have you seen the images for the 12 laws of karma as well?

No, but I'd love for you to share them with me! I'm on steemit chat and discord under the same username

I rarely quote the bible, so I'll quote some stick figures instead:

The golden rule for a reason

I think I would ascribe the word intent to that rather than karma. The intent you put out into the universe is a powerful thing, and definitely in my life if I intend positive things and outcomes that's what reflects back to me. Anndd since that's pretty much always my intent I live in a positive space ;)

I also think that this plane/world is always striving for a balance. Something I am constantly aware of, therefore if I experience highly elevated amounts of joy I know that there will be sorrow that comes to balance, same with pleasure/pain, etc. I can consciously put myself in a neutral space, and sometimes do just to have a reprieve, but in general I enjoy the extremes of this place. But knowing that the balance has to come I also don't get worked up/whoa is me in attitude when I pinch a nerve after copious amounts of ecstacy, lol!

And thats a wonderful perspective to have! We need to be able, to at least some degree, be grateful for the negativity in our lives as well as the positivity. Thats what makes us truly appreciate the good things in our lives and be thankful for them, plus negative circumstances and challenges are the best forces for building character.

YES! Whenever people bring up karma to me, I say it has nothing to do with morality or good deeds or worthiness - it is about what you were thinking. Thoughts rule the world:)

Agreed 1000%, thank you for your response! : )

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