What You Avoid Facing May be the Thing You Need the Most

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

I'll bet you have a number of things in your life that you're avoiding facing


Every single human has something they know they need to do or come to terms with, but for one reason or another find a way to avoid it. This might be something like getting out of a toxic relationship, spending less money on pointless items, drinking less, exercising more, etc.

On the micro level, there is certainly some aspect of ourselves that we could improve upon in this moment simply by facing ourselves with no reservation. If you're bad at budgeting, you need to own up to the fact that you have a spending problem. If you've got an addictive personality, you need to recognize your addictions and find ways to correct them.

It is incredibly easy to ignore the things that cause great discomfort, for the simple fact that it doesn't feel good. Often our natural reaction is to want to avoid pain, even if the pain is minimal in comparison to the harm we are causing ourselves by not facing painful realities.

No pain, no gain


"If you bring forth what is inside you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is inside of you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." The Apostle Thomas

Facing the dark part of ourselves, whether it's deep, repressed emotional material or something as simple as lacking patience, is a key factor in becoming a more well-rounded individual. Carl Jung famously said that 'One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.'

The path to wellness must include facing the parts of yourself that are uncomfortable, painful, or difficult to look at. Ignoring these parts of ourselves doesn't make them go away, often it makes the situation much worse. Repression only works for so long before you're bursting at the seams on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Macro and micro applications


I believe it's important to apply this mindset not only to our personal lives but also our societal problems as well. I know plenty of people who would rather not look at certain information in regards to our financial and political system, but ignoring these realities will not change them.

Discussions of the federal reserve and other 'controversial' topics will often elicit an eye-roll or a metaphorical earplugging by those who'd rather not listen. But facing these uncomfortable realities will make a person much more prepared for the future, and can be immensely beneficial in financial terms. Anyone who took the time to understand fiat currency and saw the value in cryptocurrency is certainly thankful they didn't stick their head in the sand...

The road to personal empowerment usually has a few stops through our own version of hell. As long as we have the mindset of not giving into the fire, the flames can toughen our exterior and increase our resiliency.

All uncredited pictures from pixabay.com or my personal account

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What I found myself doing for quite some time a few years ago was that I was rather reacting to external circumstances in order to create balance.
So for example, I tried to counterbalance the world's big attachment to materialistic goods by means of representing the total opposite. When people bought new clothes everyday, I internally reacted by not buying clothes at all, and so forth. Yet at some point I noticed that it is not my job to balance the external imbalance but instead balance myself irrespective of the world's imbalance, recognizing that I can like materialistic goods without making my state of Happiness dependent on them. So it is ok to buy that watch or piece of clothing without any sense of being superficial or not knowing what life truly is about.

Might sound obvious, but some time ago this was quite an insight for me to stop reacting on a materialistic level.

true writing <3 ! you bring out a lot of great points and i like how you also related to the larger picture of things we're socially avoiding. usually a lot of fear-energy is caught up in those places and when we go into them we realize just how much of our energy was tied up there!

Once we overcome our fear of these topics, we can wade through to the other side and become stronger for having done so. The best things in life are often after a series of difficult realizations, events, and actions.

Good writing
I appreciate your blog.
Thanks for sharing life.

A very wonderful article, my friend
Everyone has something to fear
Something afraid to lose it
You are a really successful person

Agree woth your words sir... Those things which are we afraid of... those things we need the most... if we can overcome those things we don't have to afraid of anything.☺

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