Order Out of Chaos: Applying this Occult Principle

in #philosophy6 years ago

Order out of chaos is a principle made popular by the Freemasons has relevance in our personal lives


It's hard to ignore the signs of chaos in our world. Disorder and social disorganization are so common that it's easy for a person to look past them as merely background static.

In scenarios dominated by chaos, it can be incredibly difficult to attain a sense of normalcy. Anyone who has lived in a war zone can attest to this fact much more succinctly than I would ever be able to. A simple analysis of the geopolitical situation in the middle east reveals a large amount of turmoil and a lack of coherent order to the serious detriment of those living under such conditions.

Indeed, chaos is something that is often associated with very negative and subversive aspects of our reality. Too much disorder, whether in a personal or collective level, breeds an unsustainable and unhealthy situation.

But the value of chaos should not be ignored


On some level, chaos is very necessary as both a creative and functional element in our lives. Often, the most exciting experiences in our lives are when we've pushed past our barriers and allowed a little more chaos into our lives. Engaging in activities that challenge our existing level of acceptable order can be a powerful tool for personal transformation.

An individual that lives an overly ordered and structured existence is limited in their diversity of experience. Taken to extreme measures, people who place order above all else end up as hermits, afraid to go outside for fear that an unexpected negative event will befall them.

A person who never takes any significant chances in their life is likely to lead a highly predictable, unfulfilling life. Personal growth almost never results from staying within one's own self-defined safe space.

Chaos builds resilience


Taking a chance and pursuing activities that involve a degree of risk forces a person to live in the moment, to become more aware of their environment, and encourages resiliency by overcoming a stressful situation.

Whether this risk is of a social, physical, or financial nature, the act of having to face a chaotic and undetermined situation actually brings about a higher level of order in one's life. If the idea of chaos frightens you, your world will continue to shrink and your ability to progress will be severely hindered.

If an individual seeks to be more responsible, they must have more challenging stimuli to respond to. If order is what you seek, some level of chaos must be a part of the equation.

Don't be stupid, but don't be too conservative either


I'm not suggesting you go out today and invite chaos by recklessly walking through a dangerous part of town or take the Fight Club route of punching a stranger on the street to invite a reaction. There are obviously chaotic activities that bring about harm to an individual, and for this reason not all chaos is equal.

But there are certainly things you can do that will push you past your current perception of what constitutes an orderly life. It can be something like performing/sharing art in front of others, pursuing new friendships, or taking the plunge into a business idea you've been pondering but haven't followed through on.

The act of achieving a more ordered existence comes with plenty of disappointment, anxiety, hardship, and uncertainty. But without some new degree of disorder, our existing order inevitably stagnates and weakens over time.

Inviting chaos into one's life can be scary and intimidating, but the synthesis that results from such acts will be a higher level of order than you've experienced previously.

All uncredited pictures from pixabay.com or my personal account

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