Do You Have Ancestral Pride?

in #psychology6 years ago

Many people are proud of their heritage, but it's something I've never connected with


Growing up, the idea of having ancestral pride is something that always seemed a bit foreign to me. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that my primary ancestry is English, a culture full of things that one shouldn't necessarily feel proud of.

Conquest, empire, colonization, persistent warfare and economic dominance of the earth doesn't exactly resonate with me or elicit a feeling of pride. In fact, if I were to express an emotion in relation to my cultural background it would be sham.

Quite a few of my friends have Irish heritage, a culture that has a much more inspiring history to celebrate than many other European cultures. The Irish have been a perennial underdog with a passionate sense of rebellion running through their veins. If I were Irish, I would probably connect on a deeper level to my ancestral roots than I currently do.

Connecting with your culture without being prideful


I understand the importance many people have in recognizing and maintaining cultural traditions. While society has become scattered and fragmented in the modern age, tribal roots and connections still maintain a degree of importance.

Without a certain amount of connection to our past, it can be difficult to make sense of the present and understand who we are and how we got here. Many cultural traditions in the western world are primarily centered around consumerist and hollow rituals designed to fuel economic growth instead of the human spirit.

Our identity is constantly evolving throughout our lives and is hardly static or solid. It is important to have reference points to look to for guidance and understanding, but it can be reductionist to attach one's identity to their cultural or ethnic heritage too strongly.

Pride also indicates a degree of superiority over others, which is a false way to build up one's ego and is often a recipe for future conflict with another. What happens when someone badmouths your dominant culture or heritage? If you're overly attached and prideful, it's easy to become defensive and even go on the attack.

Our cultural background is one point on the map that makes up who we are


It's important to take time to reflect on all of the human beings that made our life possible. Delving into our history, making sense of it, and perhaps even celebrating it can be a useful way to decode our relationship with the world.

But to associate ourselves too strongly with a collective identity has pitfalls, as our individuality can fade away in favor of a prepackaged version, one that's clearly laid out based on cultural lines. If your culture is generally open-minded, it may not be such a negative act to have strong associations with it.

A culture that has toxic ideas and relationships with the rest of the world can lead a person down a road of racial or ethnic superiority, one that inevitably leads to separation and violence. This may be the reason I've detached myself from my English heritage, as these are prevalent throughout much of my culture's history.

I'm still figuring out my own identity as I make my way through life. My ancestral past provides me with an important perspective more than it gives me a sense of pride and it is something that is still evolving to this day.

What is your stance on your ancestry as it relates to your identity?

All uncredited pictures from or my personal account

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Ancestral pride is a double edged sword. It can generate values in our heart but it can also make us racist and arrogant. I have seen in the Indian subcontinent that how much damage it can do.

Indeed, it requires a delicate balance.

I liked what you said that ties, bounds and cultural relationships lead down towards racial acts. Actually, not many people are like you, that is may be because you are self-confident and you achieved in life so you are more proud of what you earn rather than what was given to you down the line. That is a real self-hood and appreciable and thats when you find your place in the history and in the world. Good luck

I think you may give me a little too much credit there, but I appreciate the comment!

You are so humble :)

I have never connected with it either and I don't understand a lot of people who do connect with European ancestry when sometimes they have never been there and their family moved here 4 generations ago.

I had a friend who would always try to talk to girls while we were out and he would always say he was Italian even though he had never been there. I think his great great grandma moved here or something. I thought it was so weird for him to say that when he was born in the United States.

Ha, that's funny to use it as a method of hitting on women, as if that makes you more exotic or something along those lines.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Do not count on it

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Cool, thanks for sharing.

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