Top 5 Psychology Gems 9/11/16

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

    I enjoy making My Psych 101: Posts which will still continue, on a daily bases.   

 Welcome to the 5th post of Top 5 Psychology Gems, I will choose  them   only from the Top tier of  psychology tag meaning the first tag  must  be  psychology. I will post  their feature image and quote first    Paragraph. Keep an eye open for this so we can continue to read good  quality content.  

 If you missed some of my Psychology series     

 Psych 101: Show Your Appreciation to Those Close to You – While You Still Can  Psych 101: The Pitfalls of Dating with a Big Age Difference  Psych 101: Moving Through – and Recovering from – Social Anxiety  Psych 101: Honoring Your Sexual Needs and Boundaries Within a Relationship  Psych 101: The Power of Trusting Yourself  Psych 101: How Psychology Shapes Our World  Psych 101:The Wisdom of Your Dreams  Psych 101: The Trap of Projection  in Cyberspace  Psych 101: Recovering from the Myth of a Meaningless Universe  Psych 101: The Temptation to Project in Cyberspace  Psych 101: Crayon Theory- The Psychology of Color  Psych 101: The Memory Palace  Psych 101: How to Induce a Lucid Dream  Psych 101: Intermediate Classical Conditioning  Psych 101: Beginner Classical Conditioning  

 Here Are My Top 5 Psychology Gems (9/16/16)  

1. Have you ever broken the law? □ Yes □ No 

by: @natichi 

 The first-ever time I took other's money when I was 6. We were  visiting my mom's friend, so we were guests. There were a few coins on  the shelf in the hallway, just to buy one ice cream and gum. I looked  around - no one was looking at me, so I put them in my pocket.
Yeah, of course my parents repeatedly said that I shouldn't take  someone else's property because it's bad. But what was wrong with it - I  really didn't understand. 
“All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows  his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.” ―  Sophocles, Antigone

2. The Trickster’s Guide on How to Stop Worrying and Start (Risky?) Living; Part 1

by: @radioactivities 

 As stupid and beautifully flawed humans we dread chaos and make attempts  to master the environment around us at all costs; especially costs to  mental health. We've dismissively labelled it ‘stress’; this heavy  mental anguish which arises out of the Strife for survival. Before we  know it we become full of needless worries without question. Life, online or off, becomes “serious business” In some twisted self-fulfilling prophecy, worrying causes much pain,  undue sacrifice and misplaced emotion which leads us astray from the  road less travelled. Instead we pursue a path to the Alters of Self-Pity  where we Lament the fact that we worry too much, worshipping the very  thing that cruelly taunts us! 

3. Something I Almost Never Talk About: Being A Parent

by: @dragonanarchist 

 I don't really write about parenting, or about my son much, but that's  in part because I think it's important to keep my identity as a person  separate from my parenting. While I don't glorify parenthood, it is a  very personal and profound experience, and it surprised me because I was  very arrogant about what it meant to be a parent,  before I was one.  As a non-parent, I had zero fucking clue, but I was so sure I did
I was so certain I didn't want any children.  I'm so, so glad I got to have my son.
I actually believe--much the horror of some stay at home mom's I have  met--that my child is not who I am, nor is the act of parenting him an  identity for me to take on.  He will be with me temporarily, and after  he is fully adult and autonomous in his function just as much  as in his heart, he will have a life outside of my own. My own life will  go on with or without him as a regular part of it, whether he choices  to keep his own mother as a close friend or not. My son owes me nothing, since he did not ask to be born to begin  with, I brought him here through my choices.  I am here to guide another  human being into full autonomy. 

4. . Journey to childhood's country to return to yourself Part #2

by: @asdes 

 This is not the first and, to a huge regret, and not the last story - if  I go out married young and green and I certainly couldn't not avoid  such errors. Now, you need time to recover. To return yourself. Restore  yourself. Feel like you're alive again and you deserve to live. You need  to take a dandelion wine from the pantry.  

 I do Hope you go and read these Great posts, in the sea of spam I   really like this section psychology is part of us and the human mind, a   lot of insight in these posts by great writers. Follow me for more content that will make your brain wheels turn.     

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Nice man. All of them are great writers. I also do blogging on psychology. Keep sharing and keep helping others @carlidos

I don't understand why you included "Consciousness Is Made of Atoms, Too". all they did was copy paste an article from another site. As far as I can tell, they are not the author. This is not Steemit worthy content to just copy paste content...

Here is the original:

Thank you already fixed.

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