How To Fuel Flirtation And Ignite Irresistible Interactions

in #psychology6 years ago


Can you remember the last time you flirted with someone?

Did you enjoy that interaction?

...or was it kind of awkward?

For me, I tend to experience a bit of both, but for a lot of 2017... it was a lot of the latter:


But the thing is, I really do enjoy flirting.

There's something so wonderful about it.

Even when it's clear there is no sexual intention behind it, flirting is actually one of my favorite forms of interaction.

It's probably one of the most playful interactions you'll have with another person.

Quite literally, it's a game where the goal is to have the most fun while simultaneously deviating between praise and tease.

And it requires a positive and fully engaged presence for it to work.

That honestly sounds like a great way to live!


If you could access a flirtatious state of mind more often, would you choose to do so?

If you asked me, my answer would be a big fat YES.

And thus, I sought to understand more about this state of flirtation and what it is really made of by exploring what other people have to say about it.

After reading and watching a variety of Steemit and YouTube posts and taking in a myriad of perspectives, I noticed a few patterns beginning to emerge.

And I'm excited to share with you what I've discovered...

But before we jump into it...

I really love sharing more about who I am alongside useful, practical content. After receiving some great encouragement from @amethystrosee, @dreamdiary, @lilastar, @heathersilvey, and a whole bunch of others who've been so supportive of this blog lately I wanted to add in a personal touch to each of these posts. Thus if you wish to watch my quick intro to this post, you can do so below. Otherwise, it's starts just below the video :)

Okay so let's get to it!

Before I started researching, I asked myself...

How Do I Become An Awesome Flirter?

And here's what I discovered:

Invite An Interaction With Your Body

“As a society we are trained not to look at strangers, not to stare, and not to look other people straight in the eyes. It's time to break that training.” ~ @angelheld (Steemian)

How often do we order coffee at a Starbucks while spending the majority of our time staring at the menu or cash register? I see this all the time, and sometimes I catch myself doing it.

Here's the thing: flirtation begins with a connection and that connection begins with the eyes.

Aaron Marina from Alpha M says that a great way to start a flirtatious interaction is to "glance in their direction repeatedly until you catch their eye...don’t stare, subtle little gestures...then give them a big smile.”


Obviously we're not trying to be creepy here - we're just using our eyes to subtly demonstrate an interest in interacting.

Without saying one word, we can already demonstrate a sense of openness.

“Flirting is the act of employing certain non-verbal techniques in order to convey your interest in the person you are flirting with.” ~ @angelheld

Simple Strategy:

Micro-interactions shared by Charisma On Command:
"Start making eye contact with everyone. The waitstaff, the busers, men, women, whoever it is, make these little micro-interactions of eye contact. Second, throw in a smile. So you walk past someone and you give them a little smile. Third, if you want, you can throw in a high five, a wave, or whatever. What you’re aiming for here is 1) to feel first off internally comfortable with these tiny interactions so you’re not just staring at your feet the whole time. And second, it’s to see how many people you can get to respond in kindness. Everyone who responds with a smile, a high five, a wave - that is an invite to go start a conversation."


But eyes are only the beginning, you can change your entire physicality to reflect this sense of openness:

“You’re going to feel different when you change your body posture, when you change the way that you are sitting or presenting yourself… Be conscious of the way that you're sitting. Open yourself up! ...You can flirt without saying a word through your body language, through your eyes, through your smile.” ~ Rachael DeAlto

By simply making small tweaks in how you present yourself (eye contact, smiling, opening up your body posture), you'll open the door to starting a flirtatious interaction.

But how then do we actually flirtatiously interact?

Presently Engage With The Other Person

Flirtation has a lot to do with the information that is being presented in the moment, and very little to do with any planning or forethought.

When you're focused on what's relevant, attractive, and interesting right now, a lot can transpire.

“The good flirt is doing crucially important social work. They understand that being recognized as erotically appealing is hugely beneficial and a key to rendering us more patient, more generous, more energetic, and more content.” ~ The School of Life


And whether that appeal is erotic, or not, it doesn't matter - you want to look for the details that stand out to you in that other person - and relay that information via a complement:

“When you give a compliment, you are automatically going to be received better.” ~ Aaron Marina

Many agreed that the best way to give a compliment, is to focus on the things that might not often be complimented:

@idxdev (Steemian) says:

“Instead of going for the more obvious compliments, actually do a little bit of work and try to compliment her on something a bit more subtle. It could be a small quirk, like the way her nose crinkles when she laughs, or the fact that, even if she doesn't show it off, she's really smart.”

Looking for the little things shows that you're really paying attention.

It also subtly conveys interest!

BUT... and a big BUT...

Here's where the rubber meets the road.

If you focus too much on complementing, the energy of the interaction can quickly lose it's steem... or oops I actually meant lose its STEAM :P

Why is that?

Charisma On Command says that "if you just go with straight up regular compliments and then just let it sit without redirecting the conversation and taking it somewhere else, it can feel kind of heavy like there’s too much tension in the air."

Flirtation is a balancing act. It's a deviation between appreciation and light-hearted fun.


Thus, following up a compliment with a joke, banter, or a slight tease that evokes play and laughter is a great way to balance the interaction and keep it in motion.

Simple Strategy:

The Push Pull Method shared by Charisma On Command:

"Compliment then tell a joke. Create a tension, then release it. The entire idea of cracking a joke afterward or using the push pull method is that it makes things stay light while still demonstrating your interest.” ~ Charisma On Command

A few examples of what that looks like are shared here.

"Find the balance between showing you accept and appreciate them and also making them work for it." ~ hellokaty


Like any wave, the tide moves up and down, and that's the motion of the ocean.

Flirtation has a similar movement, and thus when you engage with both of these approaches in mind (appreciation and fun/jokes/banter), you'll find yourself experiencing a great interaction.

Now when it's all said and done, what really makes the difference for a great flirter?

Focus Where You Want To Feel

Ultimately, we always have the choice as to how we want to feel.

One interaction compared to an interaction moments later can convey a completely different vibe.

You can be perceived as the most serious person one moment, and then the next moment be seen as a total jokester.

“It’s all about believing that you can be whatever you want to be for that period of time. We’re not looking to change personalities, but even when you’re shy you can flirt and you can smile. How hard is it to smile?” ~ Rachael DeAlto

It certainly isn't about putting up a facade to make it seem like you're a happy person.

That's NOT what I'm suggesting at all.

What I am suggesting is to make a choice to focus on the qualities you value in another.

Since flirtation dwells within the focus of fun and play, make a choice to look for those things in your next interaction.


I really enjoyed the story shared by @joshbillings a few days ago where he made an unexpected connection with a girl at a bar:

"Then a random girl was leaving the bar and said something fun to her friend. I instantly belted out a fun response. She stopped in her tracks, smiled wide, and said something along the lines of, "What's your story? I want to know if you're someone I want to put in my phone before I leave."

He was looking for the fun, focusing on it, and thus he was able to reciprocate it when it appeared in front of him.

That moment - as you will read - led to a wonderful connection with another totally random individual.

@joshbillings also shared in a recent article where he suggested that we take responsibility for our interactions:

“It’s my responsibility to attract the behavior I desire from you.”

It's your responsibility to attract flirtatious behavior if that's what you desire.

And you can simply do that by focusing where you want to feel!

Simple Strategy:

Ask yourself, "what's fun or playful here right now?" Look around the room, listen to what you here, feel what you feel. Once you find something, really pay attention to it. If you can interact with that fun or playful energy, do so! Take note of those moments and bring those memories with you as you interact with others throughout your day.

Can you remember the last time you experienced a positively flirtatious interaction?

What was that like?

Did you leave with a smile on your face?

Did you feel better about yourself?

Was it something you'd choose to experience again?

In my experience, the answer to all of these questions is YES YES YES!


And thus, why I believe that flirtation has it's definite place in the world.

It's a state of mind that's worth exploring.

By simply opening up your body posture, choosing to engage in a appreciative and playful way, and focusing on the behaviors you'd like to attract into your life, you can discover a wealth of flirtatious interactions.

So yeah, what do you think of the state of flirtation?

Is there anything you've found to be effective that we mentioned here?

Do you have any concepts or strategies that we should know?


Share them in the comments below! ;-)

Thanks for stopping by! If you found this post valuable, let me know with an upvote!


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Hello @axios, I was looking at your b&w challenge and saw this post. An unusual topic yet interesting. I believe that everyone has different style of flirting. But giving a compliment definitely is a good start. Making a subtle eye contact with a calm face will break the ice. A foreceful eye contact will normally scare girls away. Flirtive is not necessarily for sexual reasons. The word flirt is giving a negative feels to it but it can also be used in a positive manner and for positive things like price bargaining when buying things. I think most of us flirt here to build relationships with our fellow steemians. Hahahha what a conclusion... okay there you go... Oh yeah your video is so naturally you and awesome. Happy Weekend! 😊

I'm glad you see it that way too. I agree, flirtation does not need to be a sexual thing. It's a playful part of life! It's part of who we are. And it should be celebrated!

This was a super fun touch and the video was a great read. As I sat here staring at cryptocurrency charts waiting for the ideal time to buy I decided to get flirty.

I know you're acting like you want to stay that high, but deep down I know you want to go down for me.

That felt a little heavy handed, so I decided to just keep glancing at it intermittently, and giving it a big smile when it hits the price I'm looking for.

Thanks for consistently pumping good vibes out into the universe!

I'm still working on my chart charm. For now, I'll stick to humans :P Thanks for the support broha!

hahah this comment was too funny!

Yo Axios!
Great post lover man!
I've been learning all about that playful self-confidence. It's certainly not something that was ever there, but ever since I started taking better care of myself and reconnecting with myself, it's been like a jug that's been filling up... So much flirting inside of me and soon I will be where I want to be... :)

I'm a foreigner living in China, so it's fun doing flirting in a foreign language I don't yet master! The disadvantage is sometimes I can't express something that would really work, but the fact that I'm a hot guy from the other side of the world usually makes up for it.

Actually all my recent successes have come from just using my body in a flirtatious way and engaging with the target of attention and affection using them sexy blue eyes of mine hahaha!

So I have to admit 100% of the information presented works if you're a 22 year old who's moved to the other side of the world and has just gotten his bearings in the local language! ^^

Followin xx

hahaha love it! I bet them Chinese ladies (or men depending on your pref) are so into that...heard you're like a friggin celeb in asia!

But I give you major props for attempting to flirt in another language. That sounds intense to try in chinese but if you can master it there, you can master it anywhere. And besides, most of it doesn't require words so where there's a will there's a way.

Wishing you the best on your journeys forward. Don't get too carried away with them sexy blues lol

...just kidding, go for it man you're young. Cheers bro!

Oh most def brother Axios!

Haha, like you say, it's actually easier than you think :3
It is all about the eyes and getting all cozy with that body language

The Chinese girls don't really get much opportunity to flirt... I mean if they're hot they do, but the Chinese flirts out here are literally banging like 50 girls at a time lol, they're so ruthless.
And the girls get tired of those pretty boy chinese guys so then they end up settling for the more stereotypical hard-working provider chinese guy

But then comes along a guy like me who just wants me to make them laugh, relax, feel comfortable! And it's super fun :3

Peace bro xx

I like the way you see some thing I considered random and not significant. You can give them a new light.
I also love the video part and I am proud of being a part of your inspiration to do it. :)

Thank you! It's always my intention. There's so many ways to look at things...sometimes you just gotta take the time to explore em'. This one was fun to make - thanks for the inspiration :)

Hi, I'm pretty new on this platform, but I'm trying to understand how things work. So I'm trying to exchange contacts with as many people as possible. Today I stopped at you @axios and I stopped here because you have a pretty intriguing article.

The most important things I noticed through my experience:

  • nonverbal language has a very important role in flirting art;
  • visual contact must be prolonged than other situations;
  • smile, it means you feel good and enjoy the other's attention.

If you wanna know who we are and how we want to help this project, please feel free to visit us:

Well said @globetrotters! Really appreciate you stopping by. Just read your article and followed you. Welcome to this wonderful new online world!

Man, it's a really nice post.
I've never read something like this. But it's true, flirting is one of the greatest things you can enjoy. Sharing with someone, and try to know how her thinks, and what she likes. That rise your ego and makes you feel better, with more confidence about yourself.

Yes exactly. So many great benefits to flirtation. Really appreciate your kind words man. Cheers!

I feel like the eyes are the most powerful tool in flirting. Almost everyone is super guarded when it comes to looking others in the eyes for an extended period of time. So when someone looks into your eyes for longer than normal and you look back the same amount of time, it's kind of breaking this sort of barrier you have up with others. It's like an instant connection. So if you are ever interested in someone you can always tell if they are open to it by the length of time they look into your eyes over the average.

Yeah I totally agree. Eyes are like that mysterious component to human nature. They're just so damn mystical. You got a leg, an arm, a head, and then the eye is just on an entirely different dimension. And the feeling you get when you make eye contact is also very profound and different from anything else. Here in Austin we have this meetup group I've gone to a few times called Authentic Relating Games. Its like a two hour workshop where you do a variety of different exercises that give you an opportunity to connect with people (most of whom you've never met) in a deeper way. Part of that is through eye contact. It's a little awkward for the first minute or so, but once you get the hang of it, it feels super natural. And it's pretty obvious whose not okay with it cuz they'll frantically look in every direction. It was cool that most people seemed to ease into it and also that it felt totally normal by the end of the workshop.

But yeah, out in the real world - there's definitely something there when you can make that type of connection with the eyes.

I feel like people are guarded with their eyes because it is a peek into their soul and their emotions. I used to be really big on making eye contact with people, until I started being able to feel their true emotions and basically read their thoughts that it started getting uncomfortable. It can be intimidating also when someone does it to you, I guess because eye contact does mean so much and we are guarded with allowing others to peer into us. When we don't initiate further eye contact it's a sign that we are not into getting on a deeper level with someone. That's pretty interesting, people just look into each others eyes for extended periods of time. I wonder if anyone fell in love lol

Yes...not sure who said it but there's that quote "they eyes are the window to the soul..."

Once I spontaneously eye gazed with my close friend Emily and it was probably one of the most unique experiences I've ever had. I felt this ocean (literally felt very fluid) of experience in my body. It felt so energizing and pure. Nothing I can quite accurately describe with words but that definitely opened my eyes to the power of eye contact.

And yeah I've heard that study of people falling in love. IMO I think it if the connection is there, it just accelerates the process.

Greeings @axios!!! What a pleasure to have been led to your blog. It appears we have much in common and just now as it is late, I'll have to return for a trip around your expressive, creative and inspired writings.

I heard you say your walking in gratitude in the mornings in Texas? It seems we may be inhabiting close to the same place on this planet. Just one more thing we have in common.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. It's given me the opportunity to know you and many other like minded people thought this connection. I'm sure I'll be see you around often.

Ah @everlove I'm so happy to hear that! Yes I am in Austin right now :) Very cool! So glad we connected and looking forward to seeing more of you as well!

I find this post interesting it definately covers all areas of the human connection and the proper moves to entertain a good flirt-interaction. Much of it is recommended to all steemians.

I appreciate you @akintech9! Thanks so much for stopping by, reading, and sharing man. Means a lot :)

Hey! Wanted to share an article with you now...

I know you will love it Axios.

Awesome! Just read and commented :)

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