PROJECT #HOPE - day onesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #projecthope5 years ago (edited)



Hi guys. This is quite private post, directed to small group of users and only few people will be invited to read it and share their thoughts.

cc: @juanmolina, @lanzjoseg, @fucho80, @jadams2k18


We all know each other for quite some time already. I had a chance to collaborate with all of you (one way or the other) and I've learned to rely on you and I managed to build my trust.

All of you have some serious knowledge about blockchain technology, you all are very active online, supportive towards others on Steemit and mostly: you all seem to share similar values and see life the way I do. Each one of you also means a lot to me, as we've managed to build very healthy "connection". Based on mutual respect.

Today I would like to share with you some amazing news. ARE YOU READY? :)



I'm slowly managing to get few valuable big players "on board" of our community. @Majes.tytyty has been helping us a lot already and lately @mariusfebruary delegated something around 12-13k SP to several people from within our group. This you all already know. But the best is yet to come ...

For past several weeks I've been sharing my story on Steemit with good friend of mine. I mentioned number of times situation in Venezuela. We came up with an idea which could potentially help you in a long run. We both want to help, but supporting anyone financially is never a long term solution. But then we came up with something I would like to share and discuss with you.



Instead of supporting you with $$$ I would like to try to help you secure some online job possition (I have some contacts I could try to use) as a social media marketer or an author within crypto industry. I would slowly pass some of my knowledge on you and help you grow your follower base. You in return would continue supporting my own efforts of building community.

We would support you financially with 25 STEEM (around 10$) weekly. Mostly to ensure that you can invest more time to progress with your own work on Steemit and you wouldn't have to work much as a cab driver / any other dangerous job.




I would like to call this initiative "PROJECT #HOPE" and our major goal would be to help you get some extra job either as a writer or community manager within crypto industry (we're going through "crypto winter" right now, but I can only imagine that demand for online marketing services will grow sooner or later).

This could potentially give you all more hope that your future will be brighter.

Together with this friend of mine (the one I mentioned earlier on) we decided to invest our own resources and purchased 900 STEEM. Which we will treat as our initial budget that would support this "campaign".



What does it actually mean? And how do I see things?

We would start this project on 1st of April (fools day haha).

Every weekend (starting 6 april) I will transfer 25 STEEM (something around 10$) to each one of you @lanzjoseg, @fucho80, @jadams2k18. `

And I will continue doing so initially for period of 8 weeks(until end of may) so within those 2 months we will support all three of you with 200 STEEM each (entire April and May 2019).

I will not require reporting and I will not act like I'm your boss. We need to make it clear - I want to support your growth but each one of you must be your own "driving force". After those two months I will talk to my partner and we will see what's next. At the moment let's treat it as an "experiment".

I will also provide all of you with 10 STEEM extra so you could send memos to your most active followers (to promote any post related to blockchain, AI, crypto, psychology or economy).



I'm sure all of you already know @juanmolina or at least you engaged with him few times in the past. I had a pleasure to collaborate with Juan for quite some time already and I've learned to trust him a lot. Since we're very closely in touch online - he is my main "connection" with our little group and I would like each one of you to get to know him closer.

Juan is hopefully going to help me with PROJECT #HOPE.



I'm promoting several people every week and usually I'm sending only one memo / per one user weekly. If you would become part of PROJECT #HOPE then you can expect from me more of those memos. Surely more than 10 every week. Always guys treat those memos as a suggestion and if you will not have anything "clever" to write then just skip and only upvote (if you can).



I would strongly encourage each one of you to post some publication related to blockchain at least 1-2 times w month. And to avoid situation where in order to see your latest post related to topic someone need to scroll more than 5-6 posts. Your account may have a great value within this industry if you will not "flood" it with many unrelated posts.

I'm obviously not going to "force" anyone to follow any rules and instructions in that regard. But I still would like you to be aware what potential value our accounts can have in the future. If those accounts will be managed wisely.

Share with me all your thoughts.



Wooo my dear friend piotr, once again overcome my capacity for amazement (without exaggeration), you continue to show that you have a huge heart, I do not know if that impacts me because of the current state of my economy or because the gesture is really generous.

Once again you present a purely altruistic initiative that will undoubtedly help us to grow on this platform, this joins the delegations that I have received and you have been the direct promoter, thanks to this support for the first time since more than One year in steemit I have the pleasure of seeing how my voting power has weight and that gives me great pleasure.
With all those projects that you have started in favor of people in the community who have been struggling to keep publishing with little success, you should know that you consolidate my commitment to what you are doing, you must know that I am truly committed or nothing you undertake. that your projects are not loaded with personal ambition but that your projects are based on people, that will take you very far.

You all have a serious knowledge about blockchain technology, they are all very active online, they support others in Steemit and, in general, they seem to share similar values ​​and see life as I do. Each one of you also means a lot to me, since we have managed to create a very healthy "connection". Based on mutual respect.

You are quite right in what you write, there is really a special connection in this community and you have a gift for involving people, I do not know many community projects within the platform but what you are doing is unprecedented here.

I am overwhelmed to read this, I got up worried about the fact that again we were more than 12 hours without electricity but when the service was restored I turned on the computer to check my account I found this pleasant surprise that still does not fully absorb. You know that you have all our support, including all the members of this great community.

God bless you friend!

Dear friend @ fucho80, God bless you.
How are you?

Life again offers us a nice way to travel. We must thank and go for it.

Our valuable friend Piotr is giving us this opportunity. He is trusting us again.

Once again you present a purely altruistic initiative that will undoubtedly help us to grow on this platform...

Totally agree with you.

I have noticed how you have exponentially improved your publications. The subject of cryptography is very easy domain.
I congratulate you. And I invite you to continue exploiting this talent that you have.

As soon as you have a chance, send me your phone number in a memo please. We must organize ourselves in telegram.


I have noticed how your publications have improved exponentially. The subject of cryptography is a very easy domain. I congratulate you. And I invite you to continue exploiting this talent that you have.

When I arrived at that platform a little over a year ago, I had no idea about this topic, what I have started is due to having met people like you, @crypto.piotr and this community to which we belong now, without people like you here maybe I was not writing. Thanks for everything!

As soon as I have the opportunity, please send me your phone number in a note. We must organize ourselves in the telegram.

I agree, here's my number 04128335167, you can call me whenever you want.

Greetings friend!

Dear @fucho80

Thank you for you for your kind words.

I can only hope that I will manage to secure some extra funds to boost our budget so we could continue with this project longer than 2 months. Right now let's not think about it and let's focus on preparing for this Project #HOPE.

Do you already know @juanmolina? Please exchange numbers with them. Juan is in touch with me on daily basis and I would love you guys to get to know each other closer as well. So all 4 of you could be in a way looking after each other.

Let's say that @juanmolina, @lanzjoseg, or @jadams2k18 would need some support. Then I would like others to be able to help. Let's say that one of you would get very sick and I could help to pay for medicine. Someone else would have to find it, buy it and deliver.

I really believe that if you guys will take care of each other (and I think you all from similar province) then your chance of surviving your economy crisis will increase.


Let's say that @juanmolina, @lanzjoseg, or @jadams2k18 would need some support. Then I would like others to be able to help. Let's say that one of you would get very sick and I could help to pay for medicine. Someone else would have to find it, buy it and deliver.

I really believe that if you guys will take care of each other (and I think you all from similar province) then your change of surviving your economy crisis will increase.

Friend @coach.piotr,your vision impresses me, you know it's a great idea, sometimes we just focus on our problems, and forget that we can be the solution to others' problems.

Friends again I reaffirm count with me.

We can communicate by telegram @lanzjoseg

I like your new profile picture @lanzjoseg :)

It is good friend so will be put in contact with them to know us better and to support us in a more direct way.

I am building a course :"how to build a collaborative enterprise" in French. I need an article (or several) about "Marketing". Would you be interested to write it ?
Do your Venezuelan students want to translate the articles from French to Spanish ? using the Google translate function. They can earn from the post. I intend to run a session of the course in English when it will be finish in French. You can write the article about "Marketing" in English and I will translate it in French.
Last article :

Dear @chrisaiki

This is definetly great initiative, but i'm afraid that I wont be able to get involved as I already have to "much on my plate".

ps. are you from France? Just curious :)


yes, I am from Annecy, France.

Im very sorry to see what your country is going through @chrisaiki

I've been following news about yellow vest protests since very beginning and it's obvious that things will get only worse for France :(


it's obvious that things will get only worse for France

I am no good at predicting the future. Why do you think things will get worse in France?

Dear @chrisaiki

Because of growing unrest. Yellow vest movement is causing enormous cost and france has been already doing very badly (regarding high taxes and high spending).

And obviously Macron will not give up his power without a fight. Did you hear about Ukraine and Maidan? What happen there shall be a lesson of how easily things can go wrong.


Taxes are useful for one of the best health, retirement and unemployment systems in the world and we also have an education system that everybody can afford. Yes, things are very bad in Venezuela, Ukraine, Iran, Yemen,Honduras,USA... and things can get worst very fast if USA attacks Iran, but we have HOPE. ;)

Hi, I am looking for volunteer marketers for the project
Any ideas to promote the project ?

Thx for sharing this link with me @solarcoach

I will check it out right away.


you also may be interested to have a look at and participate to the discussion.

Thank you @chrisaiki

I already bookmarket this publication and will read it on weekend :)


What a wonderful idea. I have been looking for a predictable work dynamic in crypto for some time.

I know, we are very much about the independent, small business types. At the same time, for us working class, having a transition between the un-monetized Internet and the Web of Value can place us in a leadership role.

This is more important than most people realize. Essentially, WE/US need to shape the future of the relationship between blockchain and cryptos, not IBM, Amazon, Alibaba, Facebook and JPMorgan... etc.

TY Piotr and crew :)
Let me know how I can contribute and how more of my time can be free to make the transition.

Steemit always has good news and even more my friend Piotr. Precisely at this moment when things are very hard in the country where I live, there is always a ray of light that brings hope. Piotr again surprised me. I think your proposal is excellent and I agree with it 100%. Count me in.

I think we (@juanmolina, @lanzjoseg, @fucho80, and me) should get into a telegram channel to get to know each other better. And give us helpful tips to contribute to Project #Hope. Besides, promoting our own post and ideas between us and other publications inside of this channel.

Once again, grateful for your proposal Coach Piotr! God bless you.

Dear @ jadams2k18, towards a time that did not exchange ideas with you. I hope you are well, brother.

We are going to communicate by telegram. I will create a small group called #HOPE or something similar. There we can exchange messages. But we must also contact individually in Telegram because sometimes the group conversations get out of control and it is difficult to be organized in the conversation.

The group that had created in December no longer exists, so we will make a new one with us 5.

Please send me your number to my wallet when you can.

A hug my friend.

Perfect! I already have your telegram account, I'm gonna write you there

That is brilliant idea @jadams2k18. Perhaps you could create some channel and invite Juan, Jose and Fucho.

I think you should also exchange phone numbers just in case.


Friend Piotr @coach.piotr:

Again I am very surprised to read this publication, where you invite us to be part of a good growth project.

But the best thing of all is the knowledge that we are going to obtain, that is a great achievement for me.
Because of that interaction, we will grow up with a good footing and you can count on me to support you and all of us in this new stage.

Consider all my effort to start this project.

Friends @juanmolina, @fucho80, @jadams2k18
I want you to know, that you can count on my full support

Dear Piotr:

Again you have had a brilliant initiative that has caught my attention. The project sounds very interesting.

It can clearly be seen that you will not be perceiving direct gains. Then I can understand that you're doing it again to help.

As for the economic benefit you give us, I totally agree. It is not about receiving a salary, since, we are not your employees or anything like that. On the contrary, we would be benefiting with the growth of our personal accounts. Then these payments would be just extra support from you.

I will not require reporting and I will not act like I'm your boss. We need to make it clear - I want to support your growth but each one of you must be your own "driving force". After those two months I will talk to my partner and we will see what's next. At the moment let's treat it as an "experiment".

This gives us an invaluable freedom to make our decisions. But will it always be like this? or only during this stage of "experiment"?
Later, would you give us "editorial guidelines" ?.

Juan is hopefully going to help me with PROJECT #HOPE.

My brother ... you know I would never disappoint you.

Brothers @lanzjoseg, @fucho80, @jadams2k18: You can always count on me.

Friend @juanmolina.

Thank you for your great support, I believe that together we can go very far. When you walk with friends we all support each other and the road becomes much easier to walk.

What a pretty blue line @lanzjoseg :)

Friend @coach.piotr.

A large part of the world symbolizes with this color are freedom, loyalty, harmony, fidelity, seriousness and truth.

I thought that you "stole" idea of those blue lines from me @lanzjoseg :)

Dear @coach.piotr
In honor of the truth, the line is yours.
I used it because of the meaning that color has. I apologize for doing so without requesting due copyright permission.

Uhahahah @lanzjoseg :) You made me laugh so badly right now :)

C'mon Jose. Don't be so serious. Of course I dont have a problem with it and I don't have a copyright permission :)

Cheers buddy

You´re my Friend!

Dear @juanmolina

Thank you for your kind and AWESOME reply.

This gives us an invaluable freedom to make our decisions. But will it always be like this? or only during this stage of "experiment"?

Right now this friend of mine decided to support project with 300$. I added little bit from my own money. And I allocated our budget for this project for 2 months at the moment.


Apoyado unos excelentes proyectos y son constantes en sus post. Me encanta darle apoyo y agradecida por sus buenos post. @coach.piotr
@juanmolina, @lanzjoseg, @fucho80, @jadams2k18

Supported some excellent projects and are constant in their post. I love to give support and grateful for their good post. @coach.piotr


Dear Piotr, i just read this amazing project of yours, is amazing all that you do to help others, is so nice to know that people like you exist in this world!

Thank you @victoriabsb for your kind comment :) Your words put a smile on my face just now.


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