🌽 🥘 🍗Prepper Cook-Off Challenge - Winner Announcement😅 🤢 🤮

in #preppercookoff6 years ago (edited)


With the first version of the Prepper Cook-Off Challenge coming to a close we are happy to report that it was spectacular success. With the internet at our fingertips, finding elaborate recipes is easy to do. We are inundated with beautiful food photography, accompanied by long ingredient lists and complicated processes. Finding simple recipes with modest ingredients is much more rare.

Part of homesteading is the ability to maximize your available resources and, even though this challenge was for fun, these entries are all excellent examples of how to make tasty food with limited ingredients. The creativity used to come up with these meals would even be well served in anyone's day-to-day cooking. Many of these recipes, with a few tweaks, would be perfectly acceptable meals even before the apocalypse.

Renegade Traveling Gypsies

One of the benefits of being part of the Steemit community is having the ability to drop in on all of your friends after the apocalypse to mooch food and Aimee and I weren't disappointed. With each camp we dropped in on we were greeted with open arms and even though food was scarce we were given small rations of the meals that had been scrounged up that day. We were delighted with their ingenuity and didn't find anything too gag-worthy, except for you @boodles17. You know what you did. 🙀

Luckily, with eight places to stop we managed to refuel enough to make our journey back to the compound.

We were extremely impressed with the quality of all the entries which made choosing the top three entries very difficult. After careful deliberation, using our highly-sophisticated algorithm, and carefully examining the judging criteria a few times, we finally came to a decision.

The Criteria

  • Overall quality of post.
  • Whether the meal is described or actually made.
  • Was the meal eaten (photos required 😀🤢).
  • Difficulty of items rolled.
  • Creativity of the food and how it is prepared.
  • Overall effort level.
  • Presentation of the meal.

Prize Pool

I hinted that I might sweeten the prize pool in the reminder post and due to the quality of entries I decided to do just that.

  • 1st Place: 10 SBI + 1 STEEM
  • 2nd Place: 7 SBI + 1 STEEM
  • 3rd Place: 4 SBI + 1 STEEM
  • Runners Up: 2 SBI
  • Also, one random contestant will be awarded 2 additional SBI, generously donated by @revisesociology. The winner will be determined by random dice roll! ☺️

First Place

@tacostate - Prepper Party Food - Caraway and Fennel Crackers & Bean Dip


If you came across beans and oatmeal in your daily scavenging what would you make? We sure as hell wouldn't have thought to make crackers and dip! We were really impressed with the sound of these crackers and are considering making them to go with some hummus.

Second Place

@sagescrub - Mushroom Risotto - A Hippy Prepper's Survival Meal


In his entry, @sagescrub takes you along his journey through the EMP. We were really impressed with how he maintained his character and he also earned top marks for using ingredients he collected and stored himself as well as cooking this delicious sounding meal over a fire. Not going to lie, it looks like gruel but sounds scrumptious.

Third Place

@roselyn028 - my very own Rice and peanuts is equal to rise crispies for #preppercookoff

Rice Crispies

As the saying goes Life is short, eat dessert first! We weren't expecting anyone to make a sweet treat, but we were really impressed with the creativity that went into making rice crispy treats from scratch! An excellent snack to pack with you anytime you feel like you might have to run from zombies.

Everyone's a Winner!

Even though these entries didn't make the top three we were so impressed with their recipe ingenuity that we're rewarding them anyway. Take some time to read these recipes and give them some upvote love if you agree. Listed in no particular order, because we're tired:

@llfarms - Prepper Cook Off Challenge | Peanut And Apricot Protein Bars

@mosic - Something Random Sunday

@boodles17 - Ambrosia Fruit Salad a Survival Meal Fit for the Gods

@revisesociology - Beating the Apocalypse Blues with Vegan Mushroom and Apricot Risotto

@girthbomb - Prepper Cook-Off Entry

Hopefully you enjoyed this challenge. If you didn't get a chance to participate, or if you did and are eager to have another crack at it, don't worry because another Prepper Cook-Off Challenge is in the works!


Thanks for reading everyone! Please upvote, follow, and resteem to support this work. As always, comments are welcome.


Congratulations everyone and thanks for participating! It will probably take a few days for your SBI to become activated.


I'll bung @boodles a couple more on the random dice roll... it never ocured to me you could opt in several people in one transfer.

So I made a typo. @boodles is actually @boodles17. I guess that is what happens when you write articles tired. Steem Basic Income may contact you by memo to clarify this they did for me.

They haven't yet, I just thought to myself 'lucky boodles' and sent 2 more steem to @boodles17!

I only knew it could be done because I saw someone else do it.

Can't wait for the next one. Enjoying watching peoples creations!!!

Hello @canadianrenegade!
Congratulations to all the winners, great ideas.
Too bad I had my back stuck all week,
lying down, my friend cooked for me, ahah

We all have things that get in our way. There will be another challenge in the future. You can take a crack at it then!

ok, I'll wait!
Thanks for your contests interessing.

It's just a reminder that I need to purchase more MRE food. Oh well, I'll hang my head in shame lol...


Shame! LMFAO!

@boodles we are so glad you entered! We knew there would be at least one meal gone wrong. You could have easily tried again and posted a success story but we love that you just rolled with the punches and found humour in the experience instead. We definitely got a chuckle out if your entry. -Aimee


Gives congratulations to the winner.

Wow! Thanks @canadianrenegade! Psyched for my First Place win! Your challenge was super fun and no kidding, the crackers were good!

It was a very creative entry. Aimee and I were not kidding that we might give the crackers a try. Do you think the flavour profile would go well with hummus?

I would do it just because it's so easy. I had to use the condensed milk which did make them more sweet than I would like so maybe you can replace that with somethinge else...water? buttermilk? But the caraway, fennel and pepper definitely seems like it would go well with hummus. You allowed me to open a Genie bottle with this challenge because I am literally thinking about what other kinds of cracker to make and to try a few more things.

Thank you @canadianrenegade for this inDeEd fun and challenging contest and for making me one of the winner. I've learned from this_ really! Im planning to cook more rice crispies for snacks and maybe I'll consider selling them (hope in the near future I can achieve this). Thanks a lot and congratulations to all the winners and all entrants. More power to you and God bless.

You're welcome, you earned it!

I received 1 steem in my wallet THanks much.. God bless

Great entries! I promised I'd bung a couple of extra SBIs to one of the runners up via a random dice roll... so excluding myself...its winwin after all... 1st die - 1-6 in the order you posted... (or second if the first rolls a high number...

@rolltwodice or was it @roll2dice anyway... hopefully it won't stalk me this time... because I'm tired... I know that feeling!

Cheers, good fun all round I think!

You know, I forgot to add that into the post. Sorry. Thanks so much for sweetening the pot! I will add that in now.

No need, I've already executed it!

I figured you deserved some credit. Maybe someone will visit your blog because of it.

Cheers! Although I seem to be getting noticed a bit more anyway these days. Nice little 8% upvote from @acidyo the other day, which was nice, not too many people around with >75% reputation.

I was meaning to say, you are aware that all your @DTube material is going to disappear eventually, maybe faster than you think (as in a matter of weeks/ few months from publication) rather than years.

I found that out on @pennsif's alternative lifestyle show this Friday. You should check that out btw.

Will definitely have to check that out. Weird....

Yes - there was something of a discussion on the show about how this was not made clear. @Dlive stores stuff forever.

I guess the golden rule is maintain your own backups!

You blow on two 6-sided dice, and throw:

First die lands...
You rolled a 3.

Second die lands...
You rolled a 4.

oh my god,, I so want to taste the delicacy of your food, if I have the city, I will look for some of the ingredients you mentioned, I will process it in my kitchen, my children must be very happy

congrats for all winner. I am waiting another chance to participate too @canadianrenegade :D. it is interesting for me to do jungle cook again. best regards

I will probably wait a week or two before hosting the next Prepper Cook-off Challenge. There will likely be a feedback and brainstorming post between now and then because I would like to come up with a food list that is more accommodating to some of the international Steemians.

Aha...good idea my friend @canadianrenegade, and my be the way of jungle survival cooking??

What is jungle survival cooking? Is that like foraging for food and then cooking it?

Yes something like that, if that is not so difficult for most of the people in your home town. Find something from the jungle and make it as eatable food. But, that is only idea, you should do what the best of your thought @canadianrenegade. Salom

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