Ambrosia Fruit Salad- A Survival Meal Fit for the Gods?

in #preppercookoff6 years ago (edited)

(Courtesy of

It's Day 90 since the EMP. My family is lucky that we have been able to remain bugged-in at our suburban home by laying low. It's been quiet over the past few days after hearing weeks of sirens, then the mobs and lastly the army. We were very lucky to not have to leave.

This post is my entry to 🌽 🥘 🍗 Prepper Cook-Off Challenge 😅 🤢 🤮 Updated Rules hosted by @canadianrenegade. There is 0 days left to enter this contest!

Since all was quiet, we decided that it may be a good time to finally go outside in order to start scrounging for food as our personal stockpile was almost gone.

After a long day of foraging, I bring back home the items that we were able to find.

One was a can of fruit cocktail and the other was a can of evaporated milk; both of which were found in the back of a pantry cabinet of a vacant house nearby. It wasn't much, but it will have to do.

Holding both cans in my hands I was wondering, "What meal can I make with this?"


Then suddenly, it hit me. I can make a sweet and tasty dessert! I grabbed a container of honey off the counter to add to my canned items.

I opened up both cans with the can opener and put both items together in a large bowl after draining the fruit. The fruit juice, I drank immediately. "Oh, so good!" I then drizzled the honey on top of the mixture and beat the contents for a couple of minutes with a wisk. The consistency was a little runny so I tried to figure out how to make the meal thicker.


"Ah ha!", I said. I got an idea. Even though the EMP fried the wiring and inverter unit on my home's solar power system, the hubby and I planned ahead by putting in extra wiring supplies, power cords and an additional inverter unit in a Faraday box.


So we repaired the solar panels and ran a long extension cord into the house. We plugged in a small bar fridge that we had which fortunately started working. We would use the mini-fridge to further solidify the food.

The covered bowl was put into the fridge and the waiting began.

3 hours later......

I get the container out of the fridge and open the lid. I then look inside and difference.


It didn't thicken at all.

So I tell myself, "Ok. Maybe it just looks bad. Maybe it tastes better."

I then take a bite and make a face. It was horrible! I then separated the fruit from the milk and tried to eat that. Still terrible.

Truth be told, I am not the best cook in the world. It is unfortunate though that this even extends to an SHTF scenario when food is scarce.

My final judging of this dish is as follows:

TASTE: 3/10
SMELL: 8/10


If I had just eaten the fruit cocktail straight out of the can everything would have been fine. Also, if the milk had instead been cream, this meal would have turned out better. The honey also didn't improve the taste much.

In short, do not put together this dish. Hopefully, Zeus does not throw a lightning bolt at me.



Thanks for the entry, that was great! I was hoping I would get at least one entry where things didn't pan out quite as planned.

I enjoyed the story line and rating at the end.

Thanks! Lol...

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