Smilestones - Miniature world at the Rhine Falls

Do you remember my last walk that I shared with you? On the way back home, I noticed a large billboard that I didn't see before. It was inviting people to the Swiss miniature world called Smilestones. It's a new museum that was opened in November 2018. I've been walking down this road all the time, so I was surprised that I haven't seen it before. But better later than never 😊

Our small town has gone through a lot of development over the last couple of years and this is another investment that should attract more and more visitors from all over the world. I was excited about the exhibition and couldn't wait for the weekend, so that I could check it out.

Smilestones is the biggest in-door miniature world exhibition in Switzerland. It covers an area of seven tennis courts. So far, only a part of the exhibition is open, and the second part is under construction. The entrance fee is CHF 11.50 at the moment but as soon as the entire exhibition is available the fee will be CHF 19 per person.

The current exhibition stretches over an area of 130 sqm from Säntis to the Rhine Falls. After you purchase your tickets you walk in the direction of the exhibition. The signs will lead you to a long dark hall. There is a tiny railway attached to the wall and a small train going around the room. When I saw it, I knew that it was a good decision to come here 😊

Once you enter the main area you will be amazed with the amount of work that was invested in this place. Even the tiniest objects have great details, and everything is placed with absolute precision.

There are 80 trains going around, 400 cars, trucks and buses, 15000 figures, 400 houses and bridges and many more. It's like you would be walking in the places that you know, but this time they would be on the scale of 1:87. The figures are about 1 cm tall. It's a true mini world.

The exhibition doesn't only show the places, but it also tackles some important issues such as waste and water pollution in the area. I was surprised to see so many various objects in the 'water' as Rhine looks very clean here.

I hope you will enjoy the exhibition through my eyes

Let's start with our biggest pride - Rheinfall. The Rhine fall is the largest waterfall in Europe. It's one of the top attractions in Switzerland and every year thousands of people come to see this beauty.

I have a photo from last week so that you can compare it to the mini version:

ISO 100 1/200 sec. f/7.1 58 mm

This is capturing a sunny summer day as there are many tourists around 😊

ISO 2000 1/125 sec. f/5.6 45 mm

A scene from a small farm in the mountainous area...

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/5 65 mm

An important village gathering - everyone has to join!

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/5 52 mm

This is how we relax here in summer...

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/5.6 62 mm

Let's go for a hike...

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/5.6 70 mm

What about mountain biking?

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/5.6 70 mm

A romantic morning in a field..

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/5.6 70 mm

Stein am Rhein - castle Hohenklingen - if you press the right button the flag will move from one side to another 😊

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/6.3 70 mm

A bridge with one of the trains...

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/6.3 31 mm

A summer day in Stein am Rhein...

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/5 24 mm

Kayaking anyone?

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/6.3 40 mm

Detailed investigation of a UFO that landed next to Hohenklingen 😊

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/7.1 70 mm

A train station in Smilestones...

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/7.1 70 mm

Munot in Schaffhausen...

ISO 2500 1/125 sec. f/7.1 66 mm

Gueterhof - the best party place in Schaffhausen...

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/7.1 31 mm

A farmers' market in Schaffhausen (this one is for @plantstoplanks 😊)

ISO 2500 1/80 sec. f/5.6 29 mm

A boy with balloons...

ISO 2000 1/125 sec. f/5.6 70 mm

A concert of a rock band in Schaffhausen - it was like a real concert - with music, lights, singing...

ISO 1250 1/80 sec. f/5.6 65 mm


Smilestones is a great place for everyone and I know that this wasn't the last time that I've visited this museum. From now on, I will take all my visitors to see the exhibition 😊

Thank you for reading,

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This is phenomenal. The Swiss have some really interesting stuff.

What I love the most about Switzerland is that they don't forbid people to take photos at exhibitions and inside castles. Most countries forbid that... and I think it's a shame.

Cool stuff is supposed to be seen. When I see this, I have the urge to go there myself. Isn't that the whole point?

By forbidding photos, the advertising drops like a rocket. So, who will visit those places?

Thanks for sharing these lovely photos, as well your descriptions, Martina! 😄

I've only noticed that in Southern countries to be honest. Here you can mostly take photos. Sometimes you have to pay some fee but it's always immaterial. However usually you can't use the flash so they can come out a little darker than what you would wish for..

I agree with you! To let people make the photos is the best marketing for free. It's not like you don't want to see it because you've seen the photos already. You WANT to see it because you've seen the photos already :)

Thank you for your thoughtful comment! Have a great weekend :)

Very cool Martina :) ... I had toy trains when I was a kid with all kinds of things to go with it... while this is 1000 times better, it takes me back in time for sure! :D Very interesting yet again!

That is a boy thing, isn't it? :) My brother and cousins also had toy trains but I of course had other preferences :)

I just do all those posts to make you come to Switzerland :D

Thank you for stopping by!

Its working... so mission accomplished! :D

Howdy Martina! wow I like that place! And it's going to be much bigger and even more amazing right? The design and craftsmanship to make all those figures and buildings is astounding, I predict that place will be a grand success! The photography of it all is pretty good too. lol.

If you ever come to Europe I can take you there cowboy :)

yes that would be very cool indeed Martina! plus lots of castles and vegan restaurants!
How is your tooth feeling? you're close to the surgery date aren't you?

I definitely need to see this miniature world as these mini trains are another hobby of mine second to bike touring of course. I've been passing through Stein am Rhein when I did EuroVelo 6 back in 2015 and really loved the Rheinfalls. I think after visiting the Rhine falls and the Smilestones everybody will look for a good place to eat, I was thinking something vegan :)

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Really? Do you also have some at home? I know it's a boy thing. We have a few mini trains in my family too :)

You need to do a new EuroVelo here then :) I'll let you know as soon as the restaurant is opened so that you can plan ;)

Oh, I wish that this was the case ;)

I LOVE these sorts of miniature viewing museums. I once spent 8 hours in one. Got a free pass to come back as an appreciation. They are absolutely fascinating, and so realistic and fun to just stare at. And take pictures as if you are there. The UFO and bed in the field really cracked me up. This is definitely where I would take my friends if they came to visit, as you said. A true gem of a classic of a WOW thing. Thanks for putting it out for us to see. Great photography of the miniatures.

8 hours in one? We stayed there 3 hours and then were so hungry (well, I was hungry) that we had to leave. But I can imagine spending there more time as well. A free pass? So nice from them! But I guess they wanted to close the museum for the day and you were still there so the only way to get rid off you were to give you a free pass so that you come another time again ;)

It truly is a WOW thing and I think I said WOW at least hundred times that day :)

Thank you for stopping by! It's always so nice to read your comments :)

Ha haa, like a bad cold, I can be hard to get rid of. I sometimes pass into 'full immersion mode' when in a fascinating place, that will not come around again. Like Bodyworlds. Or a trip to the only showing of The Group of Seven artists' works, and even a spiffy little Miniatureworld. I've always felt it's the best way to truly see it when you get a chance. Drives some friends a bit bonkers, but others have enjoyed the full-on experience to the Nth. Life is short, I always says, so enjoy. And as for the miniature worlds, the artistry that goes into it is amazing. Always nice to chat with you too.

I agree with you. When you have a chance you should truly see it and enjoy your time there. Oh, I don't go to such places with friends :) I only go with my husband because I know that he spends even more time than me. It's difficult to go with larger groups as everyone is different. When I have visitors I take them to such places but then I adjust to their speed or simply take them where I've been before and don't mind seeing it for the second time :)

YES! Enjoy as much as you can :)

Have a lovely Sunday!

Oh my goodness that is amazing! The detail in every aspect is just remarkable. I could spend hours there just taking it all in! Of course I would bring my reusable bags for the farmers market. 😉 I just love miniatures. It's that combination of it being so cute, yet you know so much work went into each one that just dazzles the mind. I can't wait to see the rest of the installation!

The detail is incredible! Some things I couldn't even see properly, lol :D we spent there around 3 hours and could have spent more but we were hungry :D

I do it too! They usually give me strange looks as it's not that common in Switzerland but I don't care much..

I love them too. I didn't know what to expect exactly and I was surprised by how amazing it was. And it was super cute :) Me neither!! They should open in April so there will be another post coming ;)

Thank you for stopping by Katie!

Tak to je brutaaaaal...paradne fotos, uplne magicke..musela byt riadna robota to postavit..haah a podoba s tou realnou fotkou tam docela je :D tie skaly vo vodopade :)

Nevedela som co ocakavat a bola som fakt prekvapena. Je tu neuveritelne super.. cely cas mas otvorene usta a wow toto, wow tamto, a pozri, aha a tak :D hahaha

Moja fotka je pri vode, pricom ta instalacia je zhora, takze to tak velmi nevyzera, ale podoba sa to uplne :D

A keby si videl tie auta, uplna parada! A autobusy normalne zastavovali na zastavke, lol :D a nakladaky tam chodili hore dole :D Ak budes mat cestu, tak to urcite musis vidiet. Bude sa ti to pacit :)

No tie fotos vyzeraju fakt paradne, takze verim :)

Wow! What details and it really showcases Switzerland nicely!
I image you could spend hours in there especially when they get it all completed.
Wouldn't it be fun to be able to have that to play with! I bet kids would love to do that and so would I!

We spent there 3 hours even though it's just half of the exposition :) And I can imagine spending there all day.. the details is fascinating.. it's all so tiny and perfectly made..

Oh, I would love to play with it too! But at least there are those buttons that you can press to get something moving - e.g. a helicopter would take off or a cable car would start going up and down. Really cool!

Thank you for stopping by and for your nice comment!

OMG, I love this! I used to build miniature ships when I was a teenager and always enjoyed to look at such models. Not that I ever saw such a big and detailed one.

My favorite is the bed in the field 🌻

It's so amazing! I know that you've been here twice but now you should come again ;) In April they will open the other part so it's the best time to come. It's not that far away for you :)

Do you still have those models that you built? I'd love to see them :)

That one was my favorite too! Can you imagine what a great sleep you would have there? Considering there would be no mice, snakes, rats, bugs, etc :D :D :D

Thank you for stopping by!

Neuvěřitelná práce lidí, jejich trpělivost mít a musí to fakt bavit. :)) Já jsem něco podobného navštívila v Lyonu a také paráda :).

Tiez som myslela na tych ludi, co to pripravovali. Ja by som asi tolko trpezlivosti nemala ;) Lyon nie je tak daleko, tak sa tam skusim ist pozriet :)

Dakujem za koment a prajem pekny vecer :)

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