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RE: Don’t falsely accuse me of being a misogynist

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Follow-up I wrote at Quora:

AFAIK, I’m not discounting research, but I suppose we’d need to expend much time sorting through all the research with my specific analysis of each. I am discounting Dr. Miller’s spin on the actual data. Or contrived surveys for example. He is very clever in that he massages everything to fit his preferred narrative to turn Western men into freakin’ marsh mellows.

It’s impossible to analyse social and natural sciences with a non-holistic lens. We need a much larger swath of information in order to even get close to understanding nature which operates on long time frames and in complex interactions. Also I know Dr. Miller is full of shit because I am 53 years old and I have a lot of experience. And I have lived outside the USA in the Philippines since 2004, so I have also the benefit of another cultural perspective to compare my USA experiences to. Experience often trumps academics. Note how Westerners hate President Duterte’s violent anti-drug policy (which actually works and thus he is very popular!) and notice Senator/Boxer Manny Pacquaio refuting the Pope’s stance against capital punishment for the most heinous crimes. Asia is rising because they value traditional family more than being egalitarian. The West is adopting communism whilst the East takes the reigns of capitalism. It’s sad to see my white folks committing ideological suicide. I was aware enough to jump off the Titanic (although from a health and salary standpoint, I probably jumped too soon).

Also I observed the USA change from females being raised more traditionally in my youth in the 1960s/1970s in the Deep South, to this current crop of indoctrinated Millennials. Females given too much choice are very unhappy, disruptive, manipulative bitches, because their biological hindbrain desperately needs for them to be controlled and conquered by a dominant male. This is why we see Western females promoting (even political) drama, destroying family, destroying engineering, promoting socialism (female “empowerment”, hedonism, and social decay can’t exist without it), and essentially contributing the fall of the West into the economic and political abyss coming roughly by 2027.

Don’t falsely accuse me of being a misogynist

Marissa Mayer is the Poster Child for “Bitches In Tech”

Bitches in Tech " Jim's Blog

The USA is going into Civil War and after the short-dollar vortex peaks (c.f. my “devastation” link below), will also fall into an economic decadence and lose the tech sector lead. I see it all the time even in my work for example in designing a new programming language. I get banned for example from the Go issues thread discussion because it’s run by some “code of conduct” which disallows frank discussion and thus who can’t do engineering (who lack male qualities):

Why typeclasses? · Issue #30 · keean/zenscript

Inclusivity codes of conduct

Subtyping · Issue #8 · keean/zenscript

“The intellectual Dark Web” - and Jordan Peterson

Banned from Lambda-the-Ultimate

Also for example I was recently emailing with the Argentine Millennial Omar Bessa who is a 170 IQ genius who sometimes posts on Quora. He concurred with this hard-wiring in females and also concurred anecdotally that it seems to be somewhat correlated to how spoiled and non-traditional was the upbringing of the (presumably very high IQ) females he is dating.

And for example wherein the AGW junk science employs only a ~100 years of data (warming trend which ceased at the turn of the century and precipitous cooling since 2015) instead of looking a the totality of the historical record, which clearly shows that climate is cyclical and dependent on natural events (mostly the sunspot activity and mega volcanoes):

Countries Vulnerable to Economic Devastation Soon

Every time I look into the details I find we are being manipulated in the West by our desire to want a more fair society. For example, have you looked at the actual corruption that is driving this whole Russian thing that is the news? The true origin starts way back with the arranged IMF bribe of Boris Yeltsin and the NY bankers have been manipulating public opinion in order to cover-up a huge fraud where they attempted to take control of Russia (this is why Putin came into power):

Russian corruption true story

Please understand that it was religion, cooperation, and the defeat of tribalism that enabled the network effects that drove the West to the lead in the agricultural and industrial revolutions:

Geographical Cultural Ethos → science is dead (Part 2)

If you want to cite critical thinking, then where is yours? Critical thinking requires going to original sources for data and analyzing how that data was obtained and whether there can be an biases due to any factor whatsoever, such as for example cherry picking time frames, cultures, demographics, and the questions asked in a survey. You seem to just take Dr. Miller’s spin on females at face value.

My stance is based on assimilating as many data points and experience as I can after 53 years of life. I’m waiting for someone to present data that refutes my understanding. Then I will look carefully at that data. Note Jim does cite data sometimes, so his views are not entirely without scientific support. He is a bit extreme in some of his views, but he is more correct than extreme in my view.

Actually I’m not pushing for patriarchy to return to the West. That would be too ordered. The West must descend into chaos and go F.U.B.A.R. clusterfucked. It’s just time and disorder is the universal trend. Hopefully you read my link in my prior post about A.I. wherein I explained that in much more detail. Note my very insightful Quora answer on the Singularity and A.I. has not a single upvote from a Westerner, which thus exemplifies how much they idolize that Singularity nonsense from Kurzweil. And how little real world experience and actual knowledge about the way nature really functions. Westerners want to subjugate nature, but that will never happen. When they get to the bottom of their coming collapse, they’re realize they need to subjugate women again. Everything runs in cycles and the West must crash and burn. And I doubt very much you can wake up and pry yourself loose from the indoctrination you’re ostensibly deeply immersed in. I want to help Millennials, but it’s akin to talking to rocks.

Also we have to consider how technology of reproduction and genetic engineering may play into the future. The West is going into disorder and chaos, but nature will reap some fitness benefit from that outcome. So there’s always a positive side, but in terms of your individual life that positive may offer no consolation. For the moment, engineering salaries are still very high in the USA and the dollar is growing stronger. So for the moment, being an employed engineer in the USA is lucrative.

EDIT: the Warrior diet will raise male testosterone. Which is important for male health, including mental health and will influence how one views this information I have presented. The confirmed reduction in testosterone of Western males is contributing to their ability to believe in emasculating propaganda. It’s a self-reinforcing spiral into the abyss of societal failure.

Another confirmation of the West descending into totalitarianism and propaganda is the recent EU legislation which is now leading to censorship:

InfoWars Banned for Hate Speech?


One more follow-up on Quora:

I am saying that you disingenuously present Dr. Miller without doing any due diligence on his data and his interpretation of his data. Thus you’re a party to spreading propaganda. Millennials love a soundbite and they don’t invest the effort to understand anything from their own research.

And I am saying that I have studied data holistically and I can’t recapitulate with soundbites. I already outlined for you the flaws in Dr. Miller’s spin, and stated that for us to debate the data in detail would require forum format. Quora comments are not suitable for that level of detailed discussion. You will actually have to dig into my links and start doing your own due diligence if you want to wake up from the indoctrination that is most definitely destroying the West. Mark my word and remember I warned you, but you probably were too lazy to do the multiple years of research I have been doing. And you will pay dearly for that no later 2032, and more likely by 2027.

Did you even study the Russian corruption link I provided? It explains in detail how Western idealism was manipulated to do the corruption. Y’all are being manipulated in every way. Dr. Miller is another example of a gatekeeper. Because y’all like soundbites and you do not do research. Thus y’all are easily manipulated snowflakes.

For example, have you even studied the Las Vegas gunman false flag?


I responded to a stripper on Quora and I think my points are relevant here. White women are in for a shock because they thought they didn’t need a man past menopause because the money spigot would always continue flowing from the socialism and the pussy whipped Western males, but this is coming to an end:

I hope you used excess fat from somewhere (apparently not your abdomen) and did a natural fat injection boob job instead of toxic silicon implants. You will end up losing money in the long run with silicon because of your health costs and auto immune diseases in later years.

Somehow people think that stripper means prostitute or escort.

As you presumably know, that is part of the turn on for some (most?) guys that they imagine they will be able to fuck you. With camgirl, you need to be an actress and fake it well. And you give special attention to the big spender VIPs. Some may even up being nice to you if you service them as if they’re a King and play some complex psychological role of the good bad girl. The tamed girl for VIPs, untameable feral chick who all the betamales drool over which makes the VIP feel special as compared to other guys.

It’s a social hierarchy, female hypergamy game.

Your youth is going to be gone in a blink of an eye, so you need to think about what you’re doing for financial security past menopause. Especially given the Western countries are going into economic collapse in the next decade:

Countries Vulnerable to Economic Devastation Soon

So what you’re seeing in Arizona is an example that is going to become more of the norm nationwide as the West implodes.

So I am going to suggest (not official advice!) based on my expertise:

Bitcoin rises because land is becoming worthless

Earn as much as you can as soon as you can, and invest it in Bitcoin below $10,000 and wait for $100,000 per Bitcoin over the next several years:

Bitcoin, U.S. dollar, Canadian dollar, and North American stock markets are the only major asset classes that will rise over the next few years

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