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RE: Don’t falsely accuse me of being a misogynist

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

We were discussing these:

Our discussion:

Dr. Miller also discusses the notion of women being attracted to “opposing qualities”. He calls this a “tender defender”…

This is progressive propaganda “junk science” mayonnaise layered on top of the underlying science:

Where To Start If You’re Lost With Women, Part 3: What Are Women Attracted To?

He writes some truths but he then wraps it in progressive mayonnaise so that the male reader ends up missing the salient points. For example where he states: I saw a female comedian post on Twitter, “Why can’t I find a total alpha asshole…who is sweet and caring to just me?”

Females are instinctively driven to make irrational decisions because they want mutually opposing qualities. The blogger I cited for you (Jim aka James A. Donald) covers this in great depth if you dig into my very first comment where I provide a link to the Dark Enlightment thread. That is why empowering women destroys the society. Which is what is happening now to the decadent West.

Women’s hindbrain (i.e. their emotions) doesn’t care about your hard work. They’re driven by whether you’re alpha enough to subjugate them. If you become too focused on work, being responsible, and being tamed by your woman, you’re less attractive to her. If she doesn’t respect you because you aren’t able to subjugate her and make her continue to feel like she is being conquered, she’ll divorce you at the pinnacle of your wealth, take as much as she can and go ride the dick carousel.

If the society and culture strongly induces women to be dedicated mothers and wives, then marriage can work as an institution. Also if the woman is disciplined and wise enough to reason through her options and realize she would destroy herself by following her hindbrain (which seems to have a lot to do with her childhood and whether she had a father that spoiled her), that might also be a mitigating factor. I do not know what percentage of women or relationships have this.

Another example of where Dr. Miller is misleading is he emphasis on the cues that signal the female hindbrain such as our stylishness, extroversion, etc.. The problem is you can’t sustain this illusion. All of that gets old for her. Unless you can subjugate her so that she respects you as her alpha leader impregnating her with superior genes, then you’re at risk of losing her respect. Faking alpha works for one night stands, but not for a relationship. And no she doesn’t want a middle-class betamale. She may think she wants that, but that is not what her hindbrain wants.

For example where he writes:

The key unifying principle of male attractiveness is EFFECTIVENESS.

He is obfuscating that means women really want to see how dominant you are in the society. If they perceive themselves to be of higher value than the value you exemplify in terms of being dominant, then they lose respect for you. Dominance is not money as some abstract number, but for example displays of wealth, such as having huge bodyguards beckon to your commands.

This is progressivist propaganda:

Where To Start If You’re Lost With Women, Part 3: What Are Women Attracted To?

A woman’s deepest unconscious biological fear is that men will rape or kill them. A man’s deepest unconscious biological fear is that a woman will sexually humiliate him.

The female’s deepest unconscious fantasy is to be raped.

He is correct that women will make assessments of your intelligence in socially meaningful expression metric such as eloquent and witty conversation. But they’re still going to be significantly driven by irrational measures such as whether you demonstrate sufficient alpha asshole subjugation of their shit tests.

I do not think you and I will make much headway. By declaring my source unscientific and feeding me a progressive indoctrination source from the propaganda establishment, you already decided that you would prefer to live in a snowflake fantasy. Hilter offered such analogous fantasies of nirvana also. Enjoy the decadence and if you’re young (as I suspect you are) then 10 or 15 years from now you might remember I warned you.

I told you already that his spin on every fact such as “tender defender” is obfuscating bullshit appropriate for emasculated men who are indoctrinated by the establishment of corrupt “junk science” academia. Women don’t want a defender, they want a conqueror. They’re wet for the tribe who invades their own and rescues them from the dearth of drama and violent genetic competition. This Dr. Miller is telling the story by sugar coating it with obfuscating lies as if he is Mr. Rogers on a TV program for 5 year olds. Academia’s anthropogenic climate change is another ‘junk science”. As well their fear mongering about A.I. Their Universal Basic Income non-economics. Etc.

But you wish to believe that nonsense, so go right ahead. Experience is the best teacher. So by age 53, I can see right though that tendentious nonsense. They’re indoctrinating the Millennials with ideological suicide. There’s a reason that Jim (aka James A. Donald) mentions Harvard and the Ivy League educational establishment numerous times in his blogs. You must read all his blog and have the power of discernment to be able to distinguish logic from someone manipulating you with “junk science”.

I also agree that being “alpha enough to subjugate” can be an attractive quality, but to suggest that all female attraction and fidelity is driven by this and this alone is another massive leap.

A woman will certainly use a betamale to provide financial stability for her children, while secretly fantasizing about being invaded by Jeremy Meeks’ cock in the middle of the night. Given the right situation, she might just tolerate that betamale and pretend she loves him for quite some years. Given the right circumstances (some of which I mentioned in my prior comment) she might stay married with the betamale, and her offspring prosper for it. If she can make it through her fertile years without going feral, then past menopause she can begin to use her prefrontal cortex more and her hindbrain will be less in control, although she will usually turn secretly resentful towards your younger, sexy daughters.

As Jim wrote, God is the ultimate alphamale (because his power to create natural disasters, babies, send invaders, etc), so that is why we had religion so that betamales respected in their church could keep women in marriages in order to produce offspring and have a productive society of males in the workplace. Atheists don’t seem to understand what religion is for. Instead they’ve adopted the Ivy League ideological delusions religion which is destroying Western civilization.

Yet none of this means women will ever be rational when given the power to steer society through voting for example. Women are consistently irrational. They consistently outspend men in the discretionary category. They have very low discipline. They vote for socialism without any thought to the economics implications. Remember they want the society to be conquered.

However, what you can do is become a “better person” such that you will naturally signal some of these cues

Not really. There’s a reason that females are going feral, disruptive, and vindictive in the workplace. It’s because there’s too many goodie-goodie betamale engineers there. Jim writes about this. It’s the reason that Google can’t produce quality software much anymore. And why the USA can’t maintain its nuclear stockpile nor complete the Obamacare website (until they outsourced it to East Asian males). Somewhere I had mentioned or linked for you the point that females make great secretaries under the subjugation of an alphamale executive leader. Sans an alphamale, she will be feral and disruptive.

When the information you’re given matches your idealistic fantasy of how you wish the world would be, that might be a hint that you’re being played by propaganda. Nature made women this way in order to maximize the fitness of our species. Betamales of course would prefer a more idealistic fantasy that is more forgiving of their inability to compete every damn day for females. If men aren’t able to organize the society to incentivize women to stay in marriages to betamales, then society collapses in a R strategy feral disorder.

Yes, rape is a common female sexual fantasy, but it can just as much be their deepest fear in reality. These things are not mutually exclusive.

True. But you get no credit for protecting her from rape. Only her secret loathing manifested as a less wet pussy, less blowjobs, and more headaches around bedtime.

EDIT: thinking this over some more and discussing it with others who are in successful relationships (thus far at least), it seems the upbringing of the female is critical to her ability to function well in traditional marriage. Seems that fathers who spoil their daughters ruin them. Females who fear, respect, and love their fathers (i.e. fathers who disciplined them, but loved them) are more likely to fear, respect, and love their husbands. Teaching young females about freedom-of-choice seems to reduce the chance they will remain in K strategy relationships “until death do us part.”


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