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RE: Don’t falsely accuse me of being a misogynist

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

I responded to a stripper on Quora and I think my points are relevant here. White women are in for a shock because they thought they didn’t need a man past menopause because the money spigot would always continue flowing from the socialism and the pussy whipped Western males, but this is coming to an end:

I hope you used excess fat from somewhere (apparently not your abdomen) and did a natural fat injection boob job instead of toxic silicon implants. You will end up losing money in the long run with silicon because of your health costs and auto immune diseases in later years.

Somehow people think that stripper means prostitute or escort.

As you presumably know, that is part of the turn on for some (most?) guys that they imagine they will be able to fuck you. With camgirl, you need to be an actress and fake it well. And you give special attention to the big spender VIPs. Some may even up being nice to you if you service them as if they’re a King and play some complex psychological role of the good bad girl. The tamed girl for VIPs, untameable feral chick who all the betamales drool over which makes the VIP feel special as compared to other guys.

It’s a social hierarchy, female hypergamy game.

Your youth is going to be gone in a blink of an eye, so you need to think about what you’re doing for financial security past menopause. Especially given the Western countries are going into economic collapse in the next decade:

Countries Vulnerable to Economic Devastation Soon

So what you’re seeing in Arizona is an example that is going to become more of the norm nationwide as the West implodes.

So I am going to suggest (not official advice!) based on my expertise:

Bitcoin rises because land is becoming worthless

Earn as much as you can as soon as you can, and invest it in Bitcoin below $10,000 and wait for $100,000 per Bitcoin over the next several years:

Bitcoin, U.S. dollar, Canadian dollar, and North American stock markets are the only major asset classes that will rise over the next few years

Coin Marketplace

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TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64319.13
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