🎭Poetry Slam Challenge 6: Old Tree - 老树(by @ace108)

in #poetryslamchallenge8 years ago (edited)

Poetry Slam Challenge 6: Old Tree - 老树(by @ace108)

Introduction | 简介

I was at Singapore Polytechnic to attend a workshop recently. I came across a number of old trees.The campus at Dover Road started operations in the late 1970s. So, many of the trees could very well be more than 30 years old. One particular caught my attention because of the way it stood tall and yet accommodating other botanic lives.That inspired me to come out with this poem which I am submitting for poetry slam challenge this week (no rules this week). I made Chinese version which is similar in meaning but cannot be a direct translation but the Chinese version starts a little more interestingly because of the pun in the Chinese characters”树” and ”叔” which sounds similar but one mean “tree” and another mean “uncle”.

我最近在新加坡理工学院参加一个研讨会。 在那看见了一些老树。多佛路的校园在20世纪70年代末开始运作。 所以很多树都该早在30多年前已栽种。 一棵特别引起了我的注意,因为它长得高,但围绕着它有他植物。这激起了灵感作了这首诗,将用来提交本周的诗挑战(反正,这星期没规则)。

Look at the tree | 看看大树

Next, let's take a look at the tree that inspired this poem. Look at how it is at least 6th floors high.

接下来,让我们看看这棵带给我灵感作首诗的树。 看它是长得是至少6楼高。







Poem - Old Tree | 诗 - 老树


Note: All photos were taken by me using a mobile phone. Minor post processing to resize images to smaller size.


Here are my recent post:


Please see my other posts: @ace108

请看我其他帖: @ace108

If you enjoy this post, please vote and share any feedback you may have.
Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.



Don't worry @ace108 all good
Check your chat.
We are same level again. 👍😋😜🙈🙈🙈

I saw the and asked what's up?


The preview looked OK before I post and it's truncated.

Won't dare to edit. Losing Raw Html is posting is a pain.
Losing Raw Html and Markdown in Edit is even worst.
Hope something will done soon.
Fortunately, more of the content of the post are there.


The way to do it is the [Edit]

Select all of the post context and delete

Paste in the fixed html code

[Update Post]


Cool poem @ace108, who votes who the winner is or is it just for fun?

Thanks. For me, it's just for fun anyway but there's a few judges.
See the announcement if you are interested. At least this round, no rules.
So, I could submit anything.

@ace108, what a beautiful tree. I enjoyed reading your poem

Thank you for reading.

coooooooooooooool :)
keep it up :D

Thanks for your comments.

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