Podcast Wednesday: When Nora Met Anita On A Boat

in #podcasts6 years ago

I wasn't going to start highlighting individual podcast episodes quite yet, but this one came along on my feed and demanded to get its own post.


Last Thursday, for International Women's Day, I wrote about 10 Women Who Inspire Me. Two of those women were fantasy author N.K. Jemisin and media critic Anita Sarkeesian. I've been a fan of both for years, and consider them both icons and inspirations.

Inspirations on a boat

What I didn't know was that both of them were on the 2018 JoCo Cruise, where they sat down for a conversation and taped it for the Feminist Frequency Radio podcast. Awesomely, the recording is also on youtube, so you can just listen to it here:

While not a very long conversation, they do go in depth on the past and current state of fantasy literature, on worldbuilding, and on their shared love and critique of gaming.

I strongly believe Jemisin's Broken Earth trilogy is the defining fantasy work of this decade. When she talks about changing fantasy, about making it be more, it's not idle talk. It's what she's done, and what she doing.

I love fantasy, and I love games. And I deeply appreciate the work both of these women have put in to make them fantasy and games better. I found this conversation fascinating, and I think it's one every nerd should listen to.

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Lovely conversation. A lot of things to take home from the discussion. I love fantasy, so I really dig this. Thanks @didic

Good day,Write about women this is a good lesson and I see that you have talent. I also love to write about women,you can look at my first post I dedicate to your ex-girlfriend! Good for you,good luck!

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