STEEMIT BLOWS MY MIND AGAIN! - Plagiarism, Repentance, and Forgiveness

in #plagiarism8 years ago

What an amazing community we are privileged to be a part of of. If any of you have been paying attention, then you already know what has happened with @jpiper20.

Both @klye and @pfunk posted articles about the plagiarizing activity of @jpiper20.



Recently though, @jpiper20 posted a confession.


Just look at the replies to that article from members of our community like:

Obviously, what @jpiper20 did was wrong.

Obviously he got caught.

Obviously, when he was called out, he confessed and asked for forgiveness.

What I find remarkable though is the willingness of so many within our community to forgive him, encourage him, and support his honesty in this matter.

Though @jpiper20 deceived many of us and has broken our trust, yet, the community seems to be willing to give him another chance.

Though I have never followed him yet, or ever upvoted one of his posts that I aware of, I have just now clicked "follow" on @jpiper20.

If he is willing to be honest, repent, and stop his deceptive activities, then I am willing to forgive him and allow him to have another chance.

How about you?


I too am pleased to see people forgive him. We've all lied before, so none of us are qualified to throw stones.

There is a difference however between forgiveness and restoration of trust. His 67 reputation is a major problem that needs to be addressed. It gives the impression that he is trustworthy, which he is not. He now has the chance to win back our trust, but that should begin from a much lower reputation score.

I was considering that myself. Both the reputation and steem power have not been obtained honestly.

Your second sentence is gold!

I too am pleased to see people forgive him. We've all lied before, so none of us are qualified to throw stones.

Exactly - I agree.

There is a difference however between forgiveness and restoration of trust. His 67 reputation is a major problem that needs to be addressed.

Good point. I think for people who are on the site a lot they know the situation but for others they might not. I doubt he will do anything similar though and think he is truly repentant. If he does the community will see it and take further action.

I've developed my thoughts a little more on this in a recent post. What do you think is the solution to his overinflated rep score?

I don't think there is a solution as of yet. I don't think it would be right to just downvote all his posts from now on to lower it. The community is aware of what he has done and will be more acutely aware if he does it again. I doubt he will though because he knows he will be caught. I think that should be the end of the matter.

What about new people or old people who don't know the story but who do rely on the reputation? Or do most people just wonder what that funny number means?

Not to beat a dead horse, but I do believe that there should be a real downvote firecracker in addition to the nuclear bomb flag. And maybe the flag should automatically (after verification of the infraction) reset the rep score to less than the normal starting point.

@jpiper was one of my favorite steemers, so I'm really sad now (((

Wow. Based on your response, he may have the opportunity to become one again, but trust is difficult to rebuild.

In essence, he has spent quite a bit of time here tricking people into giving him upvotes...

That's rough, and forgiveness is often not easy.

Time will tell what the outcome will be, but it says a lot about your character when you respond the way that you are.

Excellent job!

You have my full support.

FYI to other uses - I have offered a translation opportunity to other users. Please check my recent posts for more info.

Hi @papa-pepper, I stopped back to let you know that this post was one of my favourite reads today and was included in my Steemit Ramble. You can read my comments on it here.


I'll check it out.

We need all the ambassadors we can get - even rehabilitated ones!

Support the supporter. Upvoted and confessed.

Time will tell, but I can forgive.

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I was watching that unfold too. He made a mistake, but the big difference between him and so many others is his willingness to take responsibility and fess up then apologize. I've seen too many others who vilify the community for calling them out, but they're the ones who burn bridges and then drag the Steemit name through the mud.

Despite everything bad about the situation, there were some positive highlights!

Great post. Also I love the pepper symbol:)

Thank you.
I love the community.

Forgiveness is one value we should all share here in Steemit. Thanks for reminding us again, @papa-pepper

Forgiveness heals our soul.

Where would we be without forgiveness?

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