The Case Against DynCorp - Part VIII: Dealers in death and dollarssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #pizzagate8 years ago

Smedley Butler

In the 1930s Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler, the most decorated Marine of all time, was asked by Fascist members of the banking industry to overthrow President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. (1)

In response Smedley Butler would testify before Congress exposing the Fascist plot. He would also write a famous leaflet titled, War Is A Racket, in which he describes the similarities between Fascism, war-profiteering, and how defense organizations exist entirely for their own self-interests.

Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.

Source: Smedley Butler's War Is A Racket

Smedley Butler died in 1940, and almost nothing would be done about the testimony he gave before Congress, but the plot to overthrow Roosevelt would officially be foiled by Butler's bravery.

This brings us to the modern day where unregulated, private military corporations such as DynCorp, in addition to their crimes listed out in my previous Case Against DynCorp articles, have also committed several financial crimes ranging in the millions to even trillions of dollars.

I will begin to list out some of these large-scale financial crimes in an effort to illustrate DynCorp's repeated pattern of criminal behavior in just about every industry they operate within.

This is part of an on-going series to catalogue and report major criminal and unethical activities of DynCorp. A complete collection of known findings can be found on the Pizzagate Wiki's DynCorp page.

The hope is to provide the reader with historically factual, and well documented cases so that they may better understand why DynCorp has been a major subject of Pizzagate research and should be further investigated by federal law enforcement.

1991-2001 - Loss of trillions from the Department of Defense

Department of Defense

It appears that Dyncorp broke the original investigation on this. Dyncorp was the accountant for roughly $2.7 trillion missing 1991-2001. Also missing in 1996 or 1997; $60 billion missing out of HUD.

Dyncorp appears to be the accounting division of the US government these days.

Source: State of the Nation (

The reader should be reminded that this is the exact time period in which DynCorp was caught buying, selling and sexually abusing children in Bosnia, Kosovo, Colombia and more.

2001 - Enron Scandal


One of DynCorp's lesser-known, but incriminating connections is to the infamous insider-trading and massive financial fraud scandal of Enron. As it would turn out, famous DynCorp CEO Herbert "Pug" Winokur was also on the Board of Directors for Enron:

On the En­ron cor­po­rate web­site, one of the Board of Di­rec­tors, Her­bert S. “Pug” Winokur, Jr., is de­scribed as Chair­man and CEO of Capri­corn Hold­ings, Inc., and For­mer Se­nior Ex­ec­u­tive Vice Pres­i­dent, Penn Cen­tral Cor­po­ra­tion.

Source: Ether Zone (

The Pizzagate Wiki uncovered some of Herbert "Pug" Winokur's past on our DynCorp page, but he was one of the foundational members of the organization and was essential to the creation of Palantir:

Winokur, through Capricorn Investments, had a decisive role in the 1980s management of the intelligence/government outsourcing mega-firm DynCorp, of Reston, VA. Winokur served as DynCorp CEO from 1989 to 1997.

Pug Winokur made DynCorp what it is today and he still sits on the board.

I was not surprised when Bill Hamilton confirmed to both Fitts and to me that Winokur's DynCorp had played a role in the evolution of Promis in the 1980s.

Source: From the Wilderness

More on the Enron Scandal can be found on Wikipedia, believe it or not.

2010 - Loss of billions from State Department in Iraq

The State Department cannot account for more than $1 billion it paid out to contractor DynCorp to train police during the first years of the Iraq war, in just one example of management shortcomings that have put at risk $2.5 billion worth of money spent on training policemen around the world, according to a damning new report.

The SIGIR’s report on INL contains many damning revelations, including the fact that the first $1 billion spent on the DynCorp contract was overseen by just one person, and that person simply approved the invoices without scrutiny.

Source: The Cable

2004-2014: DynCorp profits from Afghanistan despite Congressional and DoD opposition

For over a decade, the State Department gave 69% of its funding for Afghanistan to a single company—a company with a particularly checkered history.

The State Department paid nearly $4 billion for projects to aid in Afghan reconstruction from 2002 to 2013. $2.5 billion of that went to DynCorp...

Source: The Daily Beast

Lawmakers and the Department of Defense was beginning to have enough of DynCorp after their repeated scandals in Iraq, and were actively seeking alternatives for their contracts in Afghanistan when the Iraq reports report came out.

In 2011, the company was hit even harder in a joint report from Department of State and Department of Defense inspector generals citing failures that “placed the overall mission at risk by not providing the mentoring essential for developing the Afghan Government and Police Force.”

And that’s not even mentioning the allegations that DynCorp employees procured child prostitutes to entertain Afghan officials. It’s a claim that the company and State Department have both denied, but was serious enough to prompt worried emails from an Afghan politician asking that the story be kept secret.

Source: The Daily Beast and the latter incident I discussed in Part IV: Afghanistan and the Kunduz "Dancing Boy" Incident

It would turn out, however, that Hillary Clinton would have close assistant, Jack Lew, investigate these cases on behalf of the State Department. Despite the significance of the embezzlement, corruption, trafficking and security risk findings, the State Department would authorize further DynCorp contracts in Afghanistan and Pakistan which you can still apply for to this day (as of March 1, 2017).(2)

2014 - "Mozambique Incident"

APC like those used by DynCorp

Sometime around May of 2014 DynCorp and its partner OTT Technologies Mozambique rolled out the first 16 of 115 Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) for use by African Union peacekeepers in Mali on behalf of the United Nations and in close association with the infamous RAND Corporation.(3)

The vehicles are reportedly destined for the armies of seven unidentified West African countries contributing troops to Minusma [Mali].

Dyncorp International won a $173 million contract from the US Department of State, which funds the AFRICAP programme to support multinational peacekeeping efforts in Africa by providing new equipment and running pre-deployment training programmes for African soldiers seconded to peacekeeping missions.

However, the entire shipment of 16 vehicles has been seized and impounded by the Mozambican government pending the outcome of investigations into allegations of tax evasion and deception by OTT Technologies Mozambique, according to Mozambican media reports.

Apparently the Mozambican Tax Authority is now waiting for the verdicts of the national Public Prosecutor's office and the customs tribunal to rule on the company's alleged violations of the country's import laws.

The investigation involves the departments of interior, defence, foreign affairs and the intelligence services.

The official Mozambique report would also imply that DynCorp was caught trying to bring the vehicles to an unauthorized destination when they were supposed to be inspected at a predefined location. This makes the cargo highly suspect.

Source: defenceWeb

2016 - United States vs. DynCorp International for false claims in Iraq

The United States filed a False Claims Act complaint against DynCorp International Inc. alleging that it knowingly submitted inflated claims in connection with a State Department contract to train Iraqi police forces...

In its complaint, the United States alleges that DynCorp knowingly allowed one of its main CIVPOL subcontractors to charge excessive and unsubstantiated rates for hotel lodging, translator, security guard and driving services and overhead expenses, and included these charges in the claims it submitted under the CIVPOL contract to the State Department.

The complaint also alleges that DynCorp added its own markup to its subcontractor’s excessive charges, thereby further inflating the claims it submitted to the government.

Source: Department of Justice case against DynCorp International (

During this time DynCorp would receive an additional $30 million USD from Cerberus Capital Management to fight the case against the Department of Justice.(4)


Smedley Butler

Never before has a single organization profited so much from engaging in and expanding warfare while committing atrocities such as human trafficking and mass murder.

Smedley Butler, Dwight Eisenhowever and other brave men and women tried to warn us that such events would happen, and for too long we have refused to pay attention.

This pattern exists in every single theater and industry DynCorp involves themselves in, shows no sign of letting up and by all legal definitions establishes a criminal pattern of conduct which should not longer be allowed to continue.

For all that it is good in this world you should not allow these people to represent you or your country.


Wasn't Butler a Communist? War was a racket only insofar as it was private corporations which reaped the benefit of the military-industrial-complex; Butler's view was the State should be the beneficiary of its war mongering.

2,181 votes up and a whopping $19.80 cents? Hmm.

Isn't that just the darndest thing? :P Still, it's stuck on the blockchain now and the complete book is available for free so victories can't always be measured in dollars.

I still completely stand behind the belief that DynCorp sucks and they'll just have to deal.

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