The Case Against DynCorp - Part VII: Cerberus Capital Management, the gatekeeperssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

Cerberus Capital Management

This is part of an on-going series to catalogue and report major criminal and unethical activities of DynCorp. A complete collection of known findings can be found on the Pizzagate Wiki's DynCorp page.

The hope is to provide the reader with historically factual, and well documented cases so that they may better understand why DynCorp has been a major subject of Pizzagate research and should be further investigated by federal law enforcement.

Cerberus Capital Management is the most recent owner of DynCorp International after its repeated scandals and sales. They purchased DynCorp in 2010 from Veritas Capital following the Kunduz Dancing Boy Incident, and have increased its size and scale ever since.

Cerberus themselves have been involved in some shady deals and strange connections, and they have made headlines recently as Steve Feinberg assists President Trump in auditing U.S. intelligence agencies.


Cerberus Capital Management is a multi-billion dollar, limited-partnership, private investment firm with a specialization in "distressed" investing.(1) It was founded in 1992 by Steve Feinberg and William L. Richter and its current also led by global investments chair, Dan Quayle, and chairman John W. Snow.

Cerberus not only owns DynCorp, but has countless other investments including:

  • GeoEye technology used by the Google Maps satellite
  • GE Money Bank who cashed in on the 2008 financial crisis
  • PaxVax vaccine development
  • Trican Well Service fracking
  • Burger King
  • Albertsons/Safeway

Source: Crunchbase

CEO and founder, Steve Feinberg

Steve Feinberg

Steve Feinberg is an infamously mysterious man and tries to keep himself and Cerberus away from the public spotlight. He is famously quoted as saying:

We try to hide religiously.

If anyone at Cerberus has his picture in the paper and a picture of his apartment, we will do more than fire that person. We will kill him. The jail sentence will be worth it.”

Source: Steve Feinberg

Feinberg, as a representative of Cerberus, was also a member of the Business Council in 2015 when they met with Hillary Clinton according to a WikiLeaks email to John Podesta.(1)

As you might know, one of my clients is the Business Council — 120+ of the biggest CEO’s in the US.

We usually get a good group of approximately 100 CEO’s at each meeting.

The meetings are for CEO’s and their spouses only and off the record.

Co-Founder, William L. Richter

Little is known about William L. Richter and he has no Wikipedia page. He does however, have a page on Bloomberg which describes his background from Harvard Business School and a few of his rather peculiar investments:

  • Aryzta Us Holdings I Corp. (parent company for Aryzta food stuff)
  • !SOLUTIONS! Group
  • Atlantic Tele-Satellite, Inc.
  • D Construction, Inc.
  • Graham & Associates,Inc
  • Chairman of Nexus Industries Inc from 1970-1982 (Infant/toddler/childens clothing manufacturer)

According to WikiLeaks diplomatic cables a William Richter also worked for the U.S. State Department in 1978, but it is unknown if they are exactly the same person.(2)

Scandalous behavior

Cashing in on the 2008 financial crisis

In 2008 the United States faced one of its worst economic downturns ever, and as a result many major banks and car manufacturers were almost put out of business, or so they told the U.S. government. In fear of economic collapse, the U.S. Congress authorized billions of dollars to be paid to these failing companies to help them recover.

Most of this money ended up in the hands of executives who would then give themselves bonuses, but few people also realized that many of these companies receiving bailout money were also involved with Cerberus. Chrysler, General Motors Acceptance Corp, and many others would receive bailout money despite being owned by the booming Cerberus.(3)

Talecris blood plasma scandal

In the latter part of 2009 alone, Cerberus-owned Talecris opened four new plasma-milking factories, plastering the Mexican side of the border with advertisements promising easy cash, and parking special plasma-farm buses on the American side of the border to haul their human cargo to those milking dens not within walking distance of the Rio Grande.

Source: Mark Ames of Alternet

In the four years they owned Talecris, Cerberus Capital Management turned their initial $80 million USD investment into a $1.8 billion USD return using this methodology for procuring plasma donations.(4)

"Namagate" and Project Eagle

Namagate is a political corruption scandal involving the First Minister of Northern Ireland. The alleged corruption surrounds the sale of a portfolio of loans by the National Asset Management Agency (Nama) in April 2014. It is alleged that the First Minister of Northern Ireland, Peter Robinson, stood to benefit from a £7.5m "fixers' fee" upon the completion of the sale, which ultimately went to Cerberus.

Allegedly competitors were also threatened to ensure Cerberus would win the contract.(5)

This brief account only scratches the surface, what lies beneath is much more frightening.

Source: Jamie Bryson

Individuals involved with Cerberus

Hillary Clinton

It was mentioned earlier that Cerberus CEO Steve Feinberg met with Hillary Clinton in 2015, and according to Open Secrets, Cerberus Capital Management directly donated $43,264 to Hillary Clinton during her 2016 Presidential campaign.(6)

It should also be mentioned that Feinberg is a close association with Michael Bloomberg, and Bloomberg announced in 2016 that he would support Hillary Clinton.(7)

President Donald J. Trump

In February of 2017 President Donald J. Trump appointed Cerberus CEO Steve Feinberg to investigate and evaluate the performance of U.S. intelligence agencies. Trump alluded to a profound respect for Feinberg and was quoted as calling him a:

A very talented man, very successful man

He’s offered his services and you know, it’s something we may take advantage of.

Source: Bloomberg

Ron Burkle

Ron Burkle

Ron Burkle is a billionaire investor and statutory rapist who's been mentioned in an earlier Steemit post by the Pizzagate Wiki. As it would turn out Burkle is intimately connected to Cerberus through his firm, Yucaipa Company, as well as personally:

Burkle we’re told is also has a large investor in Cerberus.

Source: Natural Business News


Not only should DynCorp be investigated for their involvement in the Kunduz Dancing Boy Incident and more, but their owners such as Veritas and Cerberus, should also be investigated and held accountable. Sister companies and others owned by Veritas and Cerberus should be investigated too, such as Athena Innovative Solutions.

Cereberus Capital Management has a very dark and illustrious history of secrecy and corruption. Combined with DynCorp they make for literal gatekeepers to Hell, and I believe it is important to continue investigating Cerberus and their connections until a case is finally made against them.

For more info see the Pizzagate Wiki's page on Ceberus Capital Management.


"Combined with DynCorp they make for literal gatekeepers to Hell"

Gotta love the in-plain-site names they pick sometimes. (Cerberus = a multi-headed dog guarding the underworld, for anyone not versed in mythology).

Excellent content as always, thank you for your time and research.

Apparently they regret the name now, but take that as a lesson in manifestation.

upvoted + following brother you have my full support. thank you for the hard work.

Thanks for the support! I've been a fan of your work!

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