The Man That Saved America: Smedley D. Butler

in #politics8 years ago

Not many people know about Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler. He is one of the most highly decorated people in the history of the Marine Corp earning two Congressional Medals of Honor. However he has another accomplishment that outshines even that. After WWI the veterans who fought received $60 and a train ticket home. This hardly seemed fair and they went to congress and as a compromise they were given a bonus certificates... an IOU of sorts that matured in 20 years and was worth about $1000 depending on length of service. When the Depression hit, the veterans were worried about getting paid and marched on Washington.

They were called the Bonus Army and Gen. Douglas MacArthur and the Army were called in to quell the disturbance. Some were killed and many others injured. The veterans and their families were gassed and eventually dispersed. Butler, a favorite of the fighting men was a speaker at their demonstration.

FDR elected in 1932, was popular with with many average Americans who were affected by the Depression, but not with Corporate America who viewed him as a sell-out. In 1933-34 many viewed the Fascist experiment in Europe as preferable to FDR's brand of democracy. Several Wall St financiers and business leaders hatched a plot to force FDR from office. The man they chose to replace him was Gen. Smedley Butler. They had considered MacArthur, but due to his treatment of the Bonus Army, it was unlikely that the 500,000 veterans were unlikely to follow him into battle. The corporatists had made a huge blunder. Butler was a firm believer in democracy and blew the whistle on the plan. This video is worth watching until about 5 minutes from the end which is a 7th Day Adventist sales pitch. It has part of a speech by Gen Butler that became the basis for his book, War Is A Racket, as well as part of a speech by Ron Paul. Gen. Butler was prophetic when warning of the military-industrial complex.

This second video outlines the plot to overthrow FDR in some more detail. Fortunately, the History Channel has never been successful in masking their bias.


He's also known for his short, anti-war book, War is a Racket with its focus on war profiteering. The situation hasn't changed in the 80+ years since its publication; still a worthwhile read.

They talk about it in the video...Rand Paul gives a speech that sounds like it came right out of the book.

Right, Prescott Bush and Union Bank, not to mention the Harriman's. You should check this out,,,it's long but well worth it!

Trump has mentioned him as an American Hero as well..

Thanks for sharing.

Thank you!

It's very interesting post!!
Thank you for sharing :))'s one that I enjoyed doing.

I like stories about history. Interesting!

Thanks, so do I...I heard about the plot on a video and decided to look it up.

Good post. Give peace a chance! :)

Thank you!

There's a great episode of the Dangerous History Podcast about him. Highly recommended.

Thanks, I'll check it out. I just discovered him and like to thoroughly research.

I am against the idea of having a standing military in general, but if we're going to have one, I think it should be run by people like Smedley Butler.

I have wondered for a long time, if maybe Hollywood's choice of Jim Nabors, in the portrayal of Gomer Pyle USMC, may have been an attempt at making Mr. Butler, and marines in general, look stupid. If it was, they'd better be glad he's gone, because I've known some marines, and I wouldn't ever want to tangle with the most decorated one.

I hadn't even thought about Gomer Pyle...good one!

I was also thinking that Smedley Butler died of pancreatic cancer, in 1940, this is a favorite of the CIA, going back to the OSS by way of "Wild" Bill Donovan. The earliest reference I can find of military intelligence wanting to use radiation as a cancer weapon is 1943. That is not a big gap. There is also the Bush family, fascist coup and Project Paperclip, OSS/CIA connection. The CIA has, more recently used viruses as a weapon to induce cancer, again in a project directly under "Wild" Bill Donovan. This is discussed in a book called:
Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses Are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics.

Some think that even Bill Hicks may have been assassinated this way. I'd like more evidence, but if Bill Hicks were going to die of cancer, I would have thought it would be lung cancer.

There was also a "secret' lab at Ft Detrick MD that was allegedly closed down. They were experimenting with some pretty nasty stuff there under the guise of medical science. I think that may be where the AIDS virus was created.

Also, there is a lab at Plum Island, which was mentioned in "Silence of the Lambs", aka, "Anthrax Island", where Lyme disease started, just across the water from Old Lyme, Connecticut.

I heard about Plum Island in reference to something else as well and I can't put my finger on it. Could be the Eugenics movement, but I'm not sure.

It could be in relation to the "Montauk monster", which I think may be a part of a disinformation campaign. It could be real, I don't know.

The eugenics movement is a good bet, though.

I remember reading about the Montauk Monster being some strange creature that supposedly escaped from a bizarre experimental lab that was making monsters by mixing DNA of different species. Maybe it was Plum Island and the monster swam to Montauk, or something like that.

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