~~#fiestatuesday~~ #piratesunday: The 1945 Gold 2.5 Peso - Sister Teresa D'Mordecai Part 2

in #piratesunday5 years ago (edited)

1 P

”Blackbirds tend to like shiny objects” ~ The Bloody Raven

Ahoy me amigos!

Things may a wee bit out of place but bear with me. There is a method to me madness. Yea may ‘av missed so the quick link is here Part One t’ get up t’ full sail on this arc.

For now the wee gold coin!

1945 Mexico Restrike Two and a half Peso
Obverse: Mexico Coat of Arms
0.900 Gold, 2.08g
15.5mm Diameter

If there is any criticism of this coin is it's solid Matte finish that make it difficult to photograph.

Sister Teresa D'Mordecai - Part 2: A Pirate in Sheep’s clothing

Mexican Church by Pixabay licensed by CCO

“Feel free to address me as Eva in casual times.” Said Mother Eva, shedding her formal persona as she opened the bed chamber door. Brother Francisco places the baggage by the table, palms his hands before silently departing.

The bedroom was quite spartan as expected with the window being the only luxury. The featureless adobe walls were clean and well kept. There was a single bed, a simple dresser with three drawers, one with a missing pull. A small writing desk with an oil lamp, wash basin and water jug. Looking out the window there was the breathtaking late evening view of a vegetable garden and the Convent's compound southern wall. There are no locks on the door as privacy is always respected unless there happen to be a nosy nun or two.

“First things first,” Teresa unwrap her weighty package.

“And there is an outhouse…,” Remarked Mother Eva, "What a lovely cross."

Teresa hung the large dark ebony wood cross on the wall next to the bed. Its intricate carved details tell in images of a tumultuous story the history of a sailing vessel featured about a radiant angelic figure at the center of the cross. She allowed the Mother to touch and feel the carved features. "Thank You Mother, an heirloom wall cross that is my only personal possession, it was carved out of a ship's figurehead that I served on as long as it could before she was put to retirement."

With a smile the Mother admiringly felt some of the detailed carvings ending at the ship, "You lived on a ship? What was the name of it?"

Reverse: Portrait of Hidalgo facing left
KM# 463, Minted by the Mexican Mint
Mintage of Restrikes 5,025,087, Mintage of Original strikes 180,000

Teresa replied, "She was called The Storm Crow and it served my family well and long."

"I never heard of that name however we hope to learn more about you as you have the experience many of us could only dream of achieving in a lifetime."

"Many fine memories, so where this cross hangs is where my home shall be."

"With that may God keep you, I will leave you to your privacy my sister, until tomorrow."

Teresa waited a few more minutes as Mother Eva's footsteps faded at a distance before ending with another door opening and closing.
Her hand ran up the front of her wall cross and depressing the figure of the Raven. A small flap opens at the base of her cross and a hilt of a sword slid down. Grasping the hilt, she drew her cursed weapon from its hiding place. "Father." Her blade was reforged into her dueling sword of Ambrogio, the father of Vampires.

The feel of the weapon resonated with her spirit as it always had over the centuries, an extension of her soul as is with her body combine in a dance of a soul torturing death unwieldable by the hand of mere mortals. With her friends passing on over the years, her blade was her only long-lived companion. She depressed the Diva Angel figure; another flap opens at the right arm of the cross revealing the grip of her Italian variant Service pistol embellished with a fashionable silver Baroque pattern.


The fit of the late sister De la Rosa's habit suggested that she was a woman with a shorter stature but it suited Teresa's mobility. She decided to leave the hem unmended, floor length skirts never suited her since first learning the art of combat back in 16th century Firenze. The headpiece had De La Rosa's name sewn in and didn't bother to removed it as it won't make a difference to the fit.

At daybreak the twenty-two women and two brothers of the convent were assembled and excited about the presence of their newest member. All eyes fell upon her as Mother Eva directed Teresa to a conspicuously open place at the hall table. A prayer of gratitude and a familiar hymn preceded the modest breakfast in an orderly manner. Talk wasn’t allowed during the meal, at least not until fifteen minutes into the meal that Mother Eva stood up at the head of the table.

“My sisters of Saint Angéleasta, I ask you to join me to welcome our newest member of our order Sister Teresa D’Mordecai. Please take some time to introduce yourselves to her in good order.”
As expected, a barrage of greetings and welcome inundated Teresa. The chaos quickly abated to a more orderly exchange.

Opposite from Teresa are Sisters Felicia and Isabella are the next senior nuns in charge of work delegating and organizing. On her left Sister Carmen Maria is a local Creole woman from Delores, entrusted with managing and accounting of the stores and supplies. On her right is a French sister Argénta Savioré who oversees outreach and the township’s liaison. Sister Ana, Juanita and Clareta are the primary school teachers.

The first few days were spent becoming familiar with the day to day tasks that kept the Sisterhood busy between times of worship, personal devotions and their service to the local communities.
While Sister Argénta was cautious around their new arrival, Sister Ana was a young eager girl with a fiery exuberance to serve. On her spare time often went out of the way to seek out Teresa just to chat.

Teresa volunteered to accept what was the most mundane task, the night watch job. The main premise was to minister to souls that come upon the convent at night but, it was general sweeping and mopping. Often quiet, she'd make sure the compound is secure. The only other activity was the shed where the Brothers repair and forge tools for the local farmers and laborers. She would often observe the Brothers take breaks and only Sister Argénta or Carmen would bring a timely meal and drink for them. And there was an odd familiar smell every night by the shed, the smell of hot borax.

One morning Sister Ana was teaching children's reading class with the local village children. Teresa assisted using a wooden pointer to follow the words of a song when Sister Felicia ran into the compound shouting, "The soldiers are coming back!"

There was a heightened sense of raw tension among the Sisters. Mother Eva stepped out of the chapel assumed a calm composure as a squad of dark blue Royalist soldiers pushed their way into the compound and began an immediate search of the buildings. A grim-faced mounted officer in a Cuirassier's uniform trotted his horse before the Reverend Mother and Sister Isabella.

"Buenos Dias again Mother Evangelista, I am on my usual patrols so do you have any more rebels for us?"


I hope you enjoyed this coin feature, thank you for stopping by my Blog for this quick read.

Previous chapter of Sister Teresa D’Mordecai;

#fiestatuesday: 1933 Silver One Peso – Sister Teresa D’Mordecai, Part One


The #fiestatuesday tag is the brainchild of @silverd510 and you don’t have to be a member of #steemsilvergold or #ssg-community to participate, so please feel free in joining us in sharing our Stacking treasures and adventures.

The #piratesunday tag is the scurvy scheme of Captain @stokjockey for #steemsilvergold and #ssg-community pirates to proudly showcase their shiny booty and plunder for all to see. Landlubbers welcomed to participate and be a Pirate at heart so Open yer Chests an’ show us what yea got!


1. My own pictures shot with a Samsung SM-A530W
P. Image under Pixabay
R. Clip art from 123RF
W. Wiki Commons
O or OC Openclip images are now on Pixabay


“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”


I am looking forward to more of your story. Beautiful gold coin😊

Part 3 coming out #fieststuesday, working on it now while it's hot! Gosh, that's tomorrow already.

I will be watching for it😎

Cliff hanger of a story @kerrislravenhill!!!👍🤗

Part 3 coming out for #fieststuesday, working on it now!

So nice tell us more!!!😀

Sister Teresa D’Mordecai is finally accepted in the order. I am looking forward to how her relationship with the French sister Argénta Savioré will develop and evolve in future chapters. Great writing, sis @kerrislravenhill! I just came back from Church, Your article is a great one to come home to.
Enjoy this beautiful Sunday, my dearest sis, and take care 🥰🌺🤙

Have I got a role for Sister Argénta Savioré with a little back story too.
But I will play that out in later episodes.
Thanks for your Support Sis.
Hee hee....

One of the FIRST Gold coins I ever Owned was a Mexican DOS PESOS. Thank You @kerrislravenhill for another Beautiful Post of Intrigue for #PirateSunday

The same thing here @stokjockey, I keep looking for it ....
I have three kids, and over the years they got into my coins😳
This was a very economical start to Gold back then.....👍😊

Thank you @stokjockey for your faithful support, crossing hashtags here but the same Chronicles of the Bloody Raven. And it seems to have gotten some attention too. Part 3: Duel, will be up soon, strike while the Iron is hot.

First of all, gorgeous coin. Second, are you going to compile a complete book with all these stories? I like how you continue them. Storm Crow is a cool name for a ship too hey.

@alliedforces curate

You got some love from a member of @thealliance family!
Keep up the great work!
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Curses, my Partiko app is turned...
You know @enginewitty , I'd like to have these put into a Volume one day as 'Chronicles of the Bloody Raven" I jokingly make a regular reference in the past to make a Coffee Table version, then again add maybe the complete short Stories volume can be a possibility, Manga version?
Movie Contracts? Maybe...depends on who of course.
A televised arc in the Dr. Who Series OH YES!
BUT Mark my works, don't expect a Pop-up book Version of the "Chronicles".
As for the name Storm Crow, I renamed my Brigantine ship in my early stories to be the new owner of the ship that came back from the dead.
Working on Part 3: Duel

Magna would kick ass, and series on its own, not even in Dr. WHO (as much ass as that would totally kick) would also stand solid. If you feel up to it some time and want to compile enough for a pilot - DM me on discord. I may know a few people here and there. :)

I'll keep that in mind, too much on my plate already, and makes for a nice little dream.

The story is getting better and better...

You are going to like Part 3 for #fiestatuesday

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