More Appeal of Medieval coins - Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven –Sword of the Beast

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Gold gulden Johann II Wikipedia by Saharadesertfox Public Domain
Rhenish guilder or German Guilder minted in the 14th and 15th Centuries

A beautiful Medieval gold coin from my ‘No-hope-in-H*ll -shopping -list’ minted in Frankfurt-Höchst between 1397 – 1419 AD. It could be one of many gold coin that could have circulated in Firenze’s (Florence today) banking and business centers.


The Inn : continued.

She reveals her sword and rests her right hand upon the hilt. "I warn you as I am a skilled Swordsman."
The Watch Officer spat, "Another lie I see, a pitiful looking sword."
"Neigh it is a new design for agile combat over brute strength." A new kind of sword designed just for me, he called it a Rapier blade. Her father Giovanni commissioned his friend Leonardo da Vinci forged to her specifications to develop a growing new Martial arts and form.
“Looks like a flimsy woman’s knife to me right men?” The soldier laughed along with him. “You don’t have the gall to use it!”
“Oh? I’ve been also trained by Cappoferro and Dōmarrè.”
“The names mean nothing to me, now put it down and we’ll be don’t have to be rough!”

Sword of the Beast - Origins of the Bloody Raven

Firenze 1499

His workshop was filled all manner of devices that defy utility or description. Wheeled, winged, or both each collection of mechanical parts served some function to serve some function so to perhaps invent the function for the purpose of the device. "Perhaps it is art Papa."
"Dear Claudia, this fine man is a Genius, eccentric but a genius. I can neither tell myself." Giovanni stared at the same collection of gears and levers with a number of members appeared to have sustained damage as if struck many times over with a mace. "Art."

Leonardo Da Vinci license Wikimedia WikiCommons

"It's based on an old arming sword design." Leonardo pushed aside all his tools, devices and books to one side of his dusty work bench. He laid out his full scale original sketch of what he long had in mind for the young woman. "I have finished. Giovanni, your daughter is very special indeed and I am so glad that she sides to the light. You must be proud of her."
"I am deeply honored that God gave me this chance fulfill my Maria's deepest wishes and the long term needs of the Brotherhood."
"Pretty too," Leonardo quipped, "No one will expect your daughter to be an expert assassin. You think far ahead of these times my friend er.. one momento." He slipped into another cluttered room followed by the crashing sounds of a variety of metal objects. "Now where did I put them?" More clatter followed until Leonardo finally emerged from the room with two sets of weapons.

WikiCommons Rapier under CC

"I had our sword master Sword crafter Julio forged two with a match set of daggers. This practice set is still in his best quality steel and work Beautiful no?" The hilts were beautifully sculpted and adorned, the silver basket was minimal for reduced weight without too much sacrifice in hand protection, smaller diameter but slightly longer hilt suited to her smaller hands.
Giovanni lifted her sword and dagger and presented them hilt first to his daughter. "Try them out my dear. Start with Geppetto's style."

"Yes Papa." She nodded then drew both sword and dagger simultaneously and stepped into the open courtyard outside the workshop. The moon came up over the rooftops, the late evening air felt refreshing. She took in a deep breath then began with the salute before Geppetto's trademark upright stance then stepped into a memorized set of steps, parry and thrusts at her imaginary opponent, a mock leather post training figure with a beat up helmet and breastplate.

Pixabay Full moon by Mhy License COO

Light and elegant yet deadly dance her new sword and dagger handling performance yielded better than expected results in her graceful movement and continuous flow.
A Raven bird alights upon the top of the Venusian statue is the newest spectator.

"I think this will be the next evolution in the style of combat."said Leonardo.
Giovanni nodded, "Oh I agree, it's going to be combat of choice of most skilled officers and nobles alike with the expectations of honor duels becoming fashionable as well as to a degree a largess."
"Pride is oft the undoing of inflated egos, The Monarchies as well as Papal aristocracies more concerned with their wealth and power."
"And to cast it away in a prideful duel."
Then both men uttered simultaneously, "Never give away at the negotiating table what was won on the battlefield."
"Otherwise these."
Claudia turned to Giovanni, "Papa, this sword is much better balance and lightness than the ones we practice with!"

Courtyard by Markus Spiske from Pexels

"Good." Giovanni smiled, "Let's try with sparring shall we?" Claudia nodded in reply. From a weapons rack he donned a cuirass and selected a similar set of weapons then faced his daughter at the center of the courtyard.
"Capitano two."
Claudia nodded.
Both figures stood upright, brought their Rapiers upright before setting into the Capitano stance. Blades touch.

Leonardo stood well back to observe as the familiar sounds of combat steel resonated throughout serene courtyard.
Taking full advantage of upper body strength Giovanni initiates and immediately presses for the early advantage with committed blows to keep her on the defensive.

The origins of this technique were based on a storied lover's quarrel over her adulterous affairs. The Mistress goes into the defensive and as in love making let's the suitor think he has the advantage and to relay her feigned weakness before she strikes at the climax of his folly.

The blunt tip of her practice Rapier finally makes contact with a clean thrust at the heart Giovanni's protective cuirass.
"Perfect my dear." Turning to Leonardo, "and that was at half speed my friend" he pats his chest over his heart, "there's going to be another bruise here but well worth it."
Leonardo nodded, "And now for the weapon itself. I dare not handle this with my bare hands." He presents the Rapier and Dagger in a cautious matter to Giovanni. The weapons were identical save for the Ruby set into the small pommel to visually distinguish it from the practice set.

Giovanni again presents the weapons hilt first to Claudia.
She draws the blades but hesitated to stare at the Rapier blade for a moment as if it were speaking to her.
"Watch Leonardo as her eyes become large and then constrict, her breathing becomes deeper, then her energy becomes much greater." He nodded to Claudia, "Geppetto's three."
"I am ready Papa."
"Salute, Begin!"

Claudia again brings her blade upright in front of her face. This time she assumed her stance slowly and brought her blade down to a ready position facing the mock training figure.

Pexels Image by Pixbay License CCO

"God help the souls of those that this blade takes the lives of." Leonardo motions a figure of the cross across his face.
"I totally understand your concerns."
"I could not believe that you wanted me to work that cursed silver amulet of Ambrogio and forge it into the spine of that sword. It is a cursed blade. Julio fell ill for weeks after finishing this devil of a weapon, same with his apprentices falling ill and the sleepless nightmares they endured."
The two men watched. Her movements were noticeably faster yet more fluid.
"It is the perfect weapon for her."
"I understand she is gifted but how can she handle this sword unless she is ....a Night Walker?"
Giovanni looked straight into his long-time friend in the eye, "That is a secret I can trust with you my friend."

Leonardo's jaw dropped.
He knew of the accounts of Ambrogio, a cursed man that fed off the life blood of his victims. and powerful as he was utterly feared for his inhuman strength as his lust for blood not withstanding his own power of persuasion. He was rumored to be hundreds of years old; an accomplished swordsman, musician and a secret hoard of wealth. All made him a dangerous man that even the Pope and the Holy Emperor would fear. Many nobles and aristocrats had no choice but ally with him rather than to be his enemy. This young talented woman now possesses the finest sword in Venice, with the curse of Ambrogio instilled into the blade, she will be feared."What if Father Antonio finds out? I will be burned at the stake for heresy and cavorting with the devil!"

"He won't know, she can always rescue you besides she has the eye of his nephew Prince Espanian despite my discouragement of his proposition but could be a useful option in the future."
She stopped in mid step to stare again at the sword, "Papa?...." She removed her glove and held the blade up. As she gripped a fierce sudden wind shook the all the trees in the courtyard. A dark finger of smoke emerged from the ground beneath her feet and circled her as the cry of a thousand blackbirds resonated from the shadows. "I understand." The smoke ring turns into flames and dissipates soon after. The cool evening air returns into the courtyard.

Leonardo kissed his crucifix and fell upon his knees, "No, no, forgive me my Lord God!"
Giovanni's brows arched, "That was not what I expected."

Claudia's thrusts and slashes became faster and effortless as the blade whispers it's cursed name in the cool late evening air. The sword became the extension of her being, graceful as an accomplished dancer with not an ounce of motion and effort wasted.
More black birds quietly congregate on the rooftops overlooking the courtyard.
Claudia's exercise continues uninterrupted.
The demonstration ends in one ferocious attack at her mock wooden enemy, the blade plunging into the old helmet before slicing through the wooden post, the old breastplate and leather torso. It collapses in a heap of useless junk. The birds scatter. Claudia turns to her father with a wistful smile, "Art."

Leonardo rewraps the scarf around his neck. "I am glad she reveres you."

Florentine Florin 1251 – 1533 AD Wikipedia by CNG under CCO 3.0

"My accolades to you for a fine weapon design, thank you my friend." Giovanni counted out a few more gold coins than needed. "And try not to spend too much of it on your drinking."
"Wait, wait you are too generous with your money Giovanni."
"Then please I insist you give Julio the extra Florins for his trouble and to take some extra time off."
"Done my friend."


She could hear an approaching group of horses and men just outside the door talking, "Great, that's what I don't need, more soldiers. Looks as I'm going to fight my way out."

"This Inn is still open, Thank God my Lord." The voice emanated from outside.
An authoritative voice replied, “Make haste and secure the horses, I shall secure ourselves our lodging right of way.”
The door swings open as six men file in eager to dry off. Of the six, as she could discern three were Teuton knights, Christian men. A remnant of an old order knights of Lithuania like many knights became more as landowners than to take up arms. Armies we're more as hired mercenaries. It was nostalgic to see them as a reminder of Chivalry as these noble men were no longer set to war but on a humble pilgrimage back from the Holy Land.

One armored man removed his helmet and looked around the tavern, “Ah a warm blazing…” He notice woman surrounded by the local solders, “Brother Lukkas, did we just interrupt something?”
Another knight stepped in and removed his ornate helmet. “I think we may be timely Brother Issam.” The three armored men reached for their swords. The other three began to lift their arms in ready. The knight looked at Claudia with concern, “Are you in distress my Lady?”

It was her escape out. “Think fast...” “Luke! Oh Luke I know you, it’s me ...Maria, we used to play together as little Children back home many years ago.” It was a guess, a common name among children in the region. Claudia slips passed the Watch officer jumped into the Knight’s arms before he could reply.
“Many apologies my lady, I don’t quite remember you as I endured a head injury in a Combat of honor six years ago,” Replied Lord Lukkas.

It was a perfect cover, Claudia slouched her shoulders and began to act frightened. “Those soldiers are scaring me Luke I remembered when I you were five and six years old and you promised to protect me.”

The Watch officer shook his head and shuttered and began to back away with his men. “We ...we were just having fun Sir, no real harm we were just about to resume our duties.”

The knights were visibly alarmed by her claim and their hunch was validated by the fear in the eyes of the solders. Lord Lukkas placed Claudia down on her feet and guided her behind him. A grim expression chiseled hard into his face and glared, he removed his damp cloak to reveal the distinctive Black cross on his broad chest and boomed his voice at the huddled men. “How dare ye men of unscrupulous dishonor tread yea selves baseless fear upon a helpless fair maiden!”

Previous Episodes of Claudia
The Heart of Ezio
Claudia Auditore da Firenze
Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven -The Inn
Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven –Sword of the Beast

Assassin’s Creed rights belong to UBIsoft Assassin’s Creed Universe Website

R. Clip art embellishments from 123RF
W. Wiki Commons

Claudia from DeviantArt by WisesnailArt

By Connormah – Wikimedia Public Domain

“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”


Even then, men of little minds always thought that women were less, yet the exact opposite is true. And, women are never helpless. But true... they are the fairer of God's creation.

I was gonna have her faint into Lukka's arms but that's really over playing the Damsal-in-Distress part as she could have wiped the floor with those thugs.
Read your Discord comment Sis, I could yet go long those lines.

Thank You @kerrislravenhill for wonderful Chapters that you bring to us Every #PirateSunday..........Good Stuff

Thank you for your support @stokjockey

Pff , good to read she is still alive. I knew you would find a way out for her without bloodshed…….

Sometimes one just needs a sharp wit than a sharp blade.
Many martial arts teachers espouse that there is no honor in fighting a person with no Martial arts skills.

That was a close one... and now I want to know how it continues :D

Aside from that : gold Guldens are really beautiful coins, right there with Dukaten and thaler :)

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The knight in shining armor! Escape without having to draw the sword, Lying Well is a tool of a quick thinking Assassin. She played her cards right. I didn't plan my original story to go this way but there we go.

There are a lot of lovely coins from that era so I can oblige.

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