Fiesta Tuesday: 1933 Silver One Peso - Sister Teresa D'Mordecai

in #fiestatuesday5 years ago (edited)

1 P

”Blackbirds tend to like shiny objects” ~ The Bloody Raven

Buenos dias my amigos,

I needed to diversify into Mexican Silver as mentioned to some of my fellow Stackers and though these pieces are not very unfamiliar with most, they are certainly worth sharing with a little fictional story telling from the point of view of an Assassin-for-hire.

But first the silver coin!

1933 Mexico One Peso
Reverse: Radiant Cap of Liberty and Wreath
0.720 Silver, 16.6g
34mm Diameter, 2.4mm thick

St. Angeleasta Convent, Guanajuato Mexico 1811

"That is all, thank you Padre Francisco." Teresa held the door open for the Padre, he walked with a certain gait suggesting that he had endured some vicious beating not too long ago.
"In God's service my Sister Teresa." The young Acolyte set her luggage on the floor by the door and waited by the door.

The meeting room was sparse, furnished with a single table, illuminated by two oil lamps. Five chairs around the table with the sixth chair standing at the corner of the room. A smaller table with a foot bench by the window served as a solitary place to pray. Only one nun sat at the opposite side of the table.

"Welcome my Sister I hope your journey was not too arduous, I am Mother Amelia Evangelista please sit down. Brother Francisco please sit as well." The acolyte nodded to her order and stepped over to the corner chair. “Brother Francis is one of few survivors of the Mission in Delores, we extended our hand to shelter them until their Church can be rebuilt. Apparently the Spanish Royalists avenged the sedition led by Father Hildalgo by destroying his church, plundering the Delores itself and the outlying area in retribution. But you will learn the terrible story soon enough. There is great need here as you will see. ”

The new nun settled into the old chair, "I apologize for arriving at such a late hour, Mother Evangelista. I hope this was not an inconvenient time."

1933 Mexico One Peso
Obverse: Mexican Coat of Arms
KM# 455
Minted by the Mexican Mint, Mintage of 43,920,000

"Nonsense, it is too dangerous to be out in the dark even for your stage coach so the Brothers will shelter the driver until the morning.”
"On the road from Queretaro we were often stopped by the Royalist soldiers."
Evangelista’s face became alarmed, "And did they violate you?"
"No, the last group suddenly got ill and let us go."

"Then God protected you my child. What has this world become when you cannot expect our army to protect us yet continue to abuse their power?" Evangelista’s face seemed to be haggard, eyes tired as if she had helplessly witnessing years of a regional government’s tendency to commit one atrocity after another to keep in power.

"I have read what news about Mexico while at the Diocese, unfortunate that Father Hildago decided to forsake his calling to take arms against the crown."

“Father Hildalgo claimed the vision and took a morally courageous stand and in the end the Church unjustly turned their backs and defrocked him allowing the Spanish authorities to execute him like an animal. What am I saying? I am tired. You are tired. I do not wish to discourage your welcome here. Now, where are we? Ah, I didn't expect the diocese to have granted me a replacement so soon."

“I just happen to be finishing my studies at the South American Diocese when Bishop Rodrigo Alvarez suggested this post for the short term until a more proper and suitable candidate may be found.”

"I do not understand why you wish to serve here at the St. Angeleasta Convent Sister Teresa D'Mordecai. Your documents appeared in order from Cardinal Englise Santiago Rodriguez of the Central American diocese." Her credentials seem too good for a backwater missions. She was the replacement for the late Sister Maria De La Rosa, who had the most unfortunate inspiration of joining Father Hildago’s vision of a Mexican republic.”


Her replacement’s credentials continue to impress, having served in Europe, Africa, India and China speaking a variety of languages including Latin and Greek. Her family's faith apparently spanned more than several matriarchal generations going far back as to the Teutonic origins. A few favorable mentions and credentials come from a past Popes praising the work of her ancestors. These were such qualifications that would easily put her in charge of any choice Convents or Diocese in the world. Mother Evangelista took careful note of her newest member of her order. Her habit was typical black but in a style unfamiliar to her if not foreign by some stretch.

The Mother Superior was the last person on earth to be superficially judgemental. But her experienced critical eye never misses anything out of orthodoxy or of common sense.
Her habit liner should be starched white rather than a dark crimson shade. The hemline, too short exposeing her ankles above her boots. A broad black belt bound her waist accentuating her figure. Not merely unorthodox but shocking, simply shocking. "I think we may need to have you conform to our order in the manner of dress, to convey an atmosphere of unity as Sisters under God."

"As you wish Mother Evangelista,” her nod accompanied her words.

"The Sisterhood of St. Angeleasta prefer a more humble style of chain because of the abject poverty of our church we avoid any expressions of wealth to the flock." Her Rosary was also rather unorthodox but not totally unfamiliar, with a long silver chain dotted with a few black onyx gems ending with a large silver cross. Upon closer inspection it was more a dagger shaped cross embellished with a figure of a skull. It is similar to old Hospitaller knights that served on Malta centuries earlier. Often the naval knight owned a personal cross that featured a Skull, crossbones, or a variant thereof.


Teresa replied, "I understand Mother. The chain I could spare but the cross has been in my... family's possession for centuries."
"I am not familiar with the orders you previously served with. The Florentine and Bvlgarivs were very old Orders while San Sebastian is a newer but both have very conservative traditions.” God may move in mysterious ways but her newest member is somewhat of an enigma. “Either way I am happy with the spare help.”
"My calling is more on an itinerant basis. I perform a service of problem solving before moving on to the next, it is my gifting."

Mother Evangelista stood up, “It is late and we should all retire, I will introduce you to the Sisterhood at breakfast and first prayer service at six o’clock. Brother Francis will provide you with some refreshments tonight and you will be living in Sister De La Rosa’s quarters. And I hope that you won’t mind wearing Sister De La Rosa’s spare habit until a new set could be provided to you, she was similar in size to you, perhaps a little smaller.”

Teresa smiled and also stood up at Evangelista’s cue, “I have long learned to make do.”
The Mother mirrored her smile in some small sense of optimism, “I am glad to have you here Sister Teresa, follow us to your new quarters.”


I hope you enjoyed this coin feature, thank you for stopping by my Blog for a quick read.


The #fiestatuesday tag is the brainchild of @silverd510 and you don’t have to be a member of #steemsilvergold or #ssg-community to participate, so please feel free in joining us in sharing our Stacking treasures and adventures.


1. My own pictures shot with a Samsung SM-A530W
P. Image under Pixabay
R. Clip art from 123RF
W. Wiki Commons

Wiki: Father Miguel Hidalgo 1810
Wiki: Father Jose Morelos 1814
Numista: One Silver Peso 1933
Numista: One Peso 1957–1967


“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”


Very nice feature, I know you are one of the premier writers on Steem and FOR SURE the most under-appreciated! This should be TRENDING!

🤭 I bet you say that to all the girls! At least two of them. 💋

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How long will we wait to read the continuation of this mysterious story?

Gracias @ronaldoavelino, I do enjoy fresh steamed Chinese Dim sum dishes as a luxury. My son is learning Mandarin so I'll have have him translate the message. And how long? Earliest may be next #fiestatuesday, likely longer depending how soon I can dig up my Mexican coinage.

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I love the sun Pesos, sis... something about that old world looking designs.🥰
I can’t believed the’d take Teresa’s chain away. It is the perfect one for that beautiful 🌺skull dagger cross!😧
Have a beautiful day, my sweetest stacking sis, and take care. Lots of hugs and kisses 🤗❤️😘🌺🤙

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Thanks Sis, there is so much ideas cluttering my head lately. This story is getting a life of it's own. Got some research to do. I hope your studies are going well. 😘🤗💝

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That 1933 PESO is a Shiny Piece and another very nice Tale of Intrigue @kerrislravenhill

Gracias Sénor @stokjocky , I got way too many story lines yet to finish and tie up. So because of #fiestatuesday I had to jump the gun with The Bloody Nun.

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Thats in great shape. And as usual you leave us in suspense

Gracias Sènor @silverd510 as I can see this running several installments so I hope I have enough Mexican money, off to the coin store!

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You have a keeper, excellent condition, onward into the stack you go!!!!👍🤗

Thanks @Silverton, Hoping to get one of each type and try to get the Onza next should the opportunity presents itself.

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Most definitely, they carry a higher spot+ premium where I am...
Just trying to pick them up at a good price!!😀

Beautiful coin, and good story. We are all waiting for more of the story, and of course, more silver eye candy! Thank you for sharing both.😎

Oh there's more to this story. @elizabethbit I got too many stories to sort out. I'm running out of Mexican coins before I run out of chapters 🏜🌮

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I will watch for more chapters. You might have to get some more coins to go along with it, lol! Have a wonderful evening.🤗😎

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Thank yea, Guvnor.

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@mia-cc 斤斤 在晴空万里 骑着飞毯 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


Oh, Dim sum lunch!

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Oh my God!我竟然不知道你想说什么!

This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


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and their founder @jaynie


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