Silver Stackers on Discord Asked! Do Vampires fear Silver?

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

First, my Precious Metals Stacker's Point of View

I’ve heard the term “Vampire Squid” mentioned in a few YouTube Financial commentary Channels in the past and I’m sure some of the Community has too. For the newbies it would naturally conjures up fearful Imagery of a blood thirsty monster sucking the life out of its victims, and I am not writing about the sea invertebrate. World economics critics of our Keynesian economic system this colorful term used by some Austrian economists, sound money advocates, and contrarian investors the term synonymous with the cabal that is the Banking establishment. It hates gold and silver as money since it limits their ability to leverage their ability to profit and to therefore control entire economies to their will. However, the analogy had not escaped me as their apparent goal is to “Suck” all the wealth from the masses. So if you “Google” the term ‘Vampire Squid bank’ a lot of it centers around Goldman Sachs, arguably one of most evil companies in the world. Does this Federal Reserve exists for our benefit? Enter the Rabbit hole if you dare!

Thus the epic tome of Charles Savories’ work, "The Silver Stealers" a large volume of painstaking historical research tying together using documented evidence, the names of the richest families’ and politicians to the causes of many economic upheavals in history in order to absorb all the wealth of the world. By deliberately creating booms and bust cycles, steering government economic policy, and establishing our inherently flawed fiat currency system the elites are Sucking the life blood of everyone else in the world. You can download the free PDF at Silver Stealers Another eye-opening book is The Creature from Jekyll Island. For another different and just as scary a point of view then watch The Money Masters by Bill Still

Nosferatu by OpenClipart-vectors Pixabay

Do Vampires fear Silver? This Goth’s Point of View

So to answer a recent Discord discussion what are the earliest and best tangible evidence?
(1897) Bram Stoker's literary horror fiction novel “Dracula” was reputed to be modeled after Vlad III the Impaler though no letters or writings claiming this as he was known to have studied European folklore and Vampire stories following his meeting the Hungarian writer named Armin Vambery who wrote Dark stories of the Carpathian Mountains. In "Dracula" The Character Dr. Van Helsing employs beheading, stuffing the mouth with Garlic, driving a Stake through the heart or removing the heart, defensive tactics and measures like Sacrament Wafers, golden Crucifix, wild rose branch, the use of hypnotism and a mention of a scared bullet but not employed. The only object I recall mentioned is a Silver whistle but not as a tool for combating Vampires.
Real History does show that Vladislav II became an original member of the secret Order of the Dragon had issued Silver coin Vlad II’s Order of the Dragon Coin ,while Vlad III , publicly dubbed Dracula (Son of the Dragon), never issued silver coinage but relied on coinage from adjacent kingdoms like the Silver Denar of Hungary of Matthias Corvinus and the Silver Parvis of Bohemia/Hungary Sigismund of Luxembourg . No direct evidence but this added to the fear of Silver myth.

The Delphi Scriptures has been also known as source document of the (Vampire Bible) underlining the adverse relationship between Vampires and silver. Allegedly among the collection of documents it describes the origins of the first "Vampire" via Greek mythology. Delphi refers to the Delphi Oracle, a priestess of this temple of the Greek Sun God Apollo.
The story began with an Italian adventurist traveling to Greece in seeking his fortune read by the Oracle of Delphi, an I'll fated love story beset of a tragedy bought on by the jealous and capricious Greek gods in a literal No-Win situation. Ambrogio fell in love with Selene a Maiden of the Temple of the Delphi Oracle, the couple planned to leave the next morning but the Sun God Apollo Cursed Ambrogio such that his skin would burn in the sunlight. In the day he would seek shelter in a cave that led to god of Hades and the underworld. Selene in the morning would find a letter by Ambrogio of his love for her. Meanwhile Hades offered to shelter both Ambrogio and Selene so that they could be together forever but he had to steal the Silver Bow from Artemis. But to impress Artemis with his Hunting skill Hades gave Ambrogio his magical wooden bow and eleven arrows leaving his soul to Hades as collateral. Using the blood of his prey he left love message to Selene at night then offer his trophies as tribute to Artemis. Artemis was impressed enough to loan him her Silver bow for a last successful hunt and leave one more love letter to Selene. Artemis then realized she had been tricked and cursed Ambrogio’s skin to burn at the touch of silver. If you care to read the whole love story of The First Vampire

The Delphi temple does exist as ruins today and mentioned in the writings of Homer, Socrates, and various other known and unknown Greek authors. While there are some other surviving Delphi writings detailing business, political and social subjects, sadly there is no original manuscript evidence of these particular Delphi scriptures themselves. No photo. No physical manuscripts to carbon date the paper or ink to chemically analyze. No original text to critique language, vocabulary, and writing style. Pre-Greek, first century Greek, or Latin. With the only single written English account no more than two generations old, so deriving facts from oral traditional will be a stretch and not likely accurate but perhaps the proverbial little nugget. Do These Scriptures Exists?

I’ve checked into the mythology of Selene the goddess of moonlight. Most elements don't line up with the Delphi Scriptures, or remains silent on the differences. Selene the Moon goddess

Now pulling the Big Gun, Vampire, The Masquerade 1998 White Wolf Publishing Inc. My 'Go-To' for comprehensive literary guide on almost everything about Vampires! Well sort of. It's actually a Storytelling RPG system but full of great data.
But sadly, there is NO mention of Silver being used against Vampires, only mentioned use of Silver as a weapon is against The Lupines, that is, the Werewolves whom are the predatory rivals of the Vampires. Page 277 of “Vampire, The Masquerade” A cool Movie of Vampires Versus Werewolves are the Underworld Movie Series

And one other source, for what it’s worth, the Manchester Vampire’s guild. Without naming any names since this Facebook group is rather closed to the public outside of members. . I don’t speak for the Vampire Guild but today’s Vampire feed more on the ‘Life force’ of normal humans more than the blood. But those that answered claim Silver does not do anything to them leaving the remainder silent about it.

So do Vampires hate silver? Sure they can, perhaps in the form of a crucifix, if you believe that there is some truth to the writings of the Delphi scriptures, or that Bram’s Stoker’s novel more about a Vampire horror thriller than that of a social commentary. Or today’s ‘Vampires’ that now feed on human‘s vitality other than just the taste of blood, It may not save you from a Vampire but you may fight off the Vampire Squids that run our current economic system. You can take it at face value, but despite the scripture's serious plot holes, I love this Gothic tragic love story of Love that never dies as I can almost compared it to maybe Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Nah! So are you a closet Horror fan? Or into Supernatural action thrillers like Blade

From the prologue: A Gathering of Beasts

“...The Crux of the matter, really, is that drinking blood not only allows me to perpetuate my existence, but also provides a sensation unlike anything else in this world has to offer. What is it like? My dear, words cannot describe it. Imagine drinking the finest champagne and the most sensual love making you've ever experienced. Overlay that with the rush the opium fiend feels as he takes that first breath on the pipe, and begin to have some sense, some tiny, infinitesimal sense of what it feels to drink the blood of a kine - excuse me, a living human being....”

My Vampire’s Unboxing – The Video

I would like to again Thank @mr-vulcan and @silvervessel for this awesomely delightful gift that came to me almost on my birthday. I’m still figuring how they guessed it.

"Of all of the 13 Clans you are most one of us my Dear Raven our kindred, your bloodline weaves through Machel and Fatima and your unique skills are precisely just what we need." ~ Head Mistress Agnes of the Assamite Coven

“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”


If you are right we could have silver stacking vampires in our community! These must be those that are active posting on steemit in the nightly hours.

I haven't found one yet, but I know their Modus Operandi and I'll let you know should I find one. I may need to be cryptic about it since they don't readily admit they are one. There may even be a Coven or even an entire Clan present. The term Masquerade is a Code and art of concealing their presence from the "Kine" Normal people. For not be sure to have a Silver Cross! Just in Case!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

And Thank you for being there for us.

Very interesting post Kerris, nice piece of silver as well my friend👍

I missed the original Discord discussion the other week so I put up this blog as my take on it. As in my reply to @goldrooster....

I haven't found one (Vampire) yet, but I know their Modus Operandi and I'll let you know should I find one. I may need to be cryptic about it since they don't readily admit they are one. There may even be a Coven or even an entire Clan present. The term Masquerade is a Code and art of concealing their presence from the "Kine" Normal people. For not be sure to have a Silver Cross! Just in Case!

I caught parts of that discord chat, but had to get back to work. It was a very interesting post.

@kerrislravenhill really good posting. Happy Mothers Day.

Thanks @stokjockey Just got my #piratesunday post up, now to go clean up the galley mess, kids made lunch. PirateSunday miss tagged

Happy Mother's Day, Kerris. Great post, as always, Take care.

Thanks Sis, I hope this wasn't too scary a subject to anyone, just laying some facts out in my first essay styled post that I've planned to publish with Episode 6 before someone even bought up the subject on Discord a little while ago. Enjoy your trip!

me pirate friend. Do you have NO limit to your knowledge of all things silver, pirate, and .... INTERESTING!

hahahaha yes - this is a GREAT little tid bit for me to read... and yes - you're right... the newest character is something of this!

thank you for sharing this with me.... so interesting! and I needed to give it my full 100% upvote hehehehe

Just between us, and everyone who reads this comment (that is why I like to read comments), the Vampires like the Ventrue or Giovanni Covens like to make everyone believe Silver will protect the protagonist but it really gives the target a false sense of security. If it's silver protection is needed, then make sure it's a silver cross.(Diabolical laughter) and I won't say what coven the Bloody Raven will align with.

hehehehehehe i also read the comments ;) and i love your diabolical laughter!!!!!!

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