American Girl In Europe | Belgrade - A Photography Adventure

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

After leaving Steemfest I jumped on a short flight to Belgrade, Serbia and have been exploring the beautiful city with some fellow Curie curators. It’s been amazing to continue meeting fellow steemians while traveling and just taking this online community.. offline. I find it funny that not once have I felt like I was meeting a stranger, but an old friend.. amazing what this platform is capable of.

I have this deep soulful love for European cities, something about the historic architecture, culture and romantic feel of it all. From the cobble stone streets to the corner coffee shops.. it all just feels right. Maybe this American girl should get out more. 😜

I knew that the Kalemegdan Fortress in old town would be my favorite place and it did not disappoint. I’ve been there daily since arriving and plan to head out there again shortly.. it’s stunningly beautiful and a great place for me to attempt some street photography for the first time. Yes, I said attempt... it’s way harder than it looks.

While I do still have some Steemfest photos to process and share.. I wanted to take a minute to share some of my favorites from Belgrade so far. I hope you enjoy...











I love that this trip has allowed me to meet so many steemians as well as travel to places I’ve never been. If it wasn’t for Steem and this insane platform, all of this would have never been possible. I find it to be an extraordinary part of this platform.. the connections and relationships built.

I don’t care what anyone says.. our community is what makes us unique here.. what makes us capable of so much. It will be the thing that makes us unstoppable... because we are doing more than building a blockchain, we are building a close knit community of some of the most amazing individuals and together we will do revolutionary things.

Stay tuned for more Steem funded adventures!

Much Love and Steem On,


All photos are my own and taken with my Fuji X-T2


You definitely have the eye for street photography; you are catching individual people and interesting details to tell a bit of a story from a place that is what I assume, quite touristy.

Did I tell you that you were the first Steemian I actually met at Steemfest this year? When you ran outside from the hotel lobby to greed me and Esc, I was instantly feeling more calm and ready to meet everyone else too 🤗

Wow thank you!! I still haven’t been able to attempt a candid photo of anything but the back of people 🙈 that’s scary. But I am enjoying it so far.. and will keep trying.

Oh I love that!! I had just arrived as well and I have to say that seeing the two of you made me relax as well. It’s amazing how quickly I got comfortable in a situation that would normally have me running and hiding haha. It was amazing meeting you and going on so many fun adventures together. Can’t wait for next time ❤️

Haha I do that a lot too! But in street photography, we have this amazing advantage of being women, we can easily get closer without people being too bothered by it. I’ve talked to some male photographer friends who can’t do candit photos as easily because people are more sceptical when a guy tries to take photos secretly, espesially women. If I get caught I just smile shyly and hop along, and people don’t mind.

You are such a cool girl and I’m so happy you took the time and money to come all the way to Europe! My collection of Americans is growing, I’m excited, I want one from every state 😝

Couldn't resist 😇

gotta catch em all 😂

Your last paragraph couldn't have been said any better. That's a perfect message. Also, every time I go to Europe, I feel like I belong there - likely my ancestors telling me to get the heck back there.

IOU on a better vote next time. I'm trying to somehow recharge my SP after meeting so many new talented authors. Have a safe trip back to the Shire.

Thank you, I truly believe that is what will make this place successful and am thrilled to be apart of it. Hahaha yes! Us Americans seems to long for our European culture it seems.

Oh please! Your comment is plenty and worth it’s weight in gold.. thanks for being you and I hope your trip home was an easy one. I shall return to the shire soon.. but dangit I’m gonna miss this place.

There are some gorgeous photos in that collection. Is that you on the park bench? :D

Thank you! Hahaha you are the second person to ask me that 🤔 No, it’s not me! I’m taking the photo silly!

I did in fact not find a bald European man to cuddle with on a bench to make that shot.. crazy I know 😜

Hope your little one is doing well and you are settling back in nicely.

I did in fact not find a bald European man to cuddle with on a bench to make that shot.. crazy I know 😜

Your first mistake...

😂 I clearly have failed.. I shall try to recover.. funny enough the older man in the shot above just walked past me 👀

Lol. Creeper. Seriously though. Stunning shots. I love em all. Please don’t go back home. Stay there so I can live through you. I reality, who’s going to miss Bakersfield?!?

Hahahahah.. I am quite the creeper.. but yes I probably wouldn’t be missed much 😜

Well if it makes you feel any better I miss you terribly already. 😉

Good morning!

I was lucky to get a sneak preview of a couple of these photos, they are rather lovely :)

It was a pleasure to meet you Justine! You care for the platform, the people, and I think probably introduced me to the most new faces at Steemfest, and then disappeared off to do the same for others.

Commenting on posts has been termed as the 'oil for the blockchain' often, but that was you, tarazkp, crimsonclad, meno at the Festival.

I We appreciate you!

Have a nice day walking around Europe, where the history comes from :P


It's not complexion related and I mean it with the best possible intentions :D

Yes, love that last paragraph.

Posted using Partiko Android

🤗 I believe that deep in my soul.. community is everything here.

Beautiful photographs, Justine ❤️ And that courage to take street photography..just wow. You went soooo far from your comfort zone which is very nice! Good luck on your days with the Serbs 😜

Thank you!! Yeah.. I feel like I am coping out a bit.. can’t take a photo of anyone where they can see me 😂.. I’ll work on that though.. sheesh not sure how people do that.

Well, apparently I have to find a European man to recreate that photo up there.. lol.. should entertain me until dinner. 😜

Bonds are more valuable than riches :) I agree with you, lele <3 <3 <3

Beautiful photos, also * ___ * Love the romantic looks that you captured here so much <3

I love how in this photo the man slightly leaning forward about to stride.. mirrors the lampposts. Excellent photo!!

I've never been to Belgrade, but I'd love to visit it one day. I have friends there.

Geez, you've got skills, lady. I love these, you're very good with that camera. You're definitely one of the nicest, sweetest Steemian I've ever met! <3

Have a good trip and safe travels, Justine!

Hey thank you so much 🤗 Right back at you, you are such a sweetheart and I had an amazing time getting to know you a bit more! See you soon!

As are you! I loved it when @daveonarrival introduced us and you were immediately so kind and welcoming <3 It was right at the beginning of the first night and I was super nervous, to be honest, so your lovely attitude helped loads! :*

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