Gnomes, Dwarfs, Cymbals and An Alien On A Broken Spaceship

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


Gnomes, dwarfs, cymbals and an alien on a broken spaceship? You must be asking now, "what on earth is she talking about this time?" Those first two are two things that I am having a hard time accepting just because I have never seen nor experience any. The later ? - It's pretty easy to accept because am from Venus (just kidding ) okay .. seriously, though I've never seen nor experience any personally I do .. hmmm ... isn't that an alien on that broken spaceship up there?




Last week, they didn't look like cymbals nor spaceship to me actually. They just look like this . Pretty huge to be the normal "champignon" mushrooms here though. My husband and I were wondering what they were and a week later we never thought they'd look like these now. How on earth is it possible?


No, we never thought of picking them because if you just take a closer look .. there are cigarette butts and birds poop around them. I had to hold my breath while I was taking these pics because I was told back when I was young that mushrooms came out of stumps due to pee. Such brainwashing automatically stays in your head and it does come back once in a while. My husband asked why my cheeks were all red and he laughed when I told him that.


Of course, that's not true but if you are one of them mushroom foragers, you may somehow attest that some of these mushrooms are actually near places and stumps that smells a bit like pee. Whether they're human or dog's pee - I'd rather not know. These .. though they look like parked spaceships - smell like it so I really had to hold my breath and take a quick shot and I'm glad that it all turned out clear because I had to use flash this time.


The stump where these were growing, didn't have a stench - that's what I thought till I stooped down and crouched to take this that's why I only took a single shot. A friend of mine used to say that gnomes exists and they live here and so do dwarfs. If they really do - I wonder how on earth could they deal with such stench? Not only that - the sight of whatever or whoeber was peeing on what she used to call giant umbrellas. Well, we're kids back then but even back then am sorry but I really don't believe in such.


If mushrooms are soft giant umbrellas where gnomes and dwarfs live , is pee then - their version of rain? It's an honest question.


If gnomes and dwarfs live on mushrooms, do they also get high on the ones that has that effect? Would this be one hell of a gnome or a dwarfs' village? If an animal chewed on some of these, do they harm that animal?


I asked all those questions because back when I was living with my grandparents and I was having asthma attacks, my grandparents consult an "albularyo" - these days, they call them quack doctors. She goes to my place, asks for an oil, a plate, a candle and a match. She would then smear the plate with some oil with her thumb while saying something called an "oracion" or their prayer then light the candle up and move it in a circular motion for ten times. A figure would form on the plate and one day, she showed us one that does look like that of a dwarf similar to that of a smurf, with mutts and boots. She told my grandparents that I must have stepped on their dwellings and one of it got angry so my asthma is my punishment. She would then ask for a glass of water and the pour the half of that lukewarm water on the plate and black ashes would float and she'd make me drink that. It was always like that till we heard she died so my grandma looked for another faith healer.


That very same day she made me drink that dwarf image coal juice I wanted to ask her, how on earth is it possible that the dwarf in the Philippines had mutts and boots? There ain't no winter there? Now you see why it is so hard for me to believe and accept such? I wasn't as stupid as she thought! I couldn't dare ask because I knew that would be so rude and I'd be getting sermons from my nana if I do back then so I just did what I was told. However, for whatever reason there was I always feel better the next day after her visit. I'd rather go to the doctor and I do not believe in "albularyo" (no offense) - just to clarify so this post is not to suggest that you go on consulting one. Witchcraft ? Oh that I believe because I personally know many who practice such and believe me, you don't want to mess with such people.


This content's 100% mine , I took the pics with my Samsung Galaxy A3, 2016 .

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Hello there @englishtchrivy, hru goping , been awhile not seen you or is it bad luck ?? So this post is wonderful, the close up photos are marvelous !1 I love mushrooms they are such strange things eh ?? So upvoted no problem ! I would love to see you once more commenting on my posts, please go visit my blog !! steem On )

hi ya!
you're right I haven't posted as often as I used to back then
I've been busy I just couldn't no matter how much I really wanted to
but not these days but some days I may be busy again
everything okay?

Well its good to be in the first world @englishtchrivy ) Yes I am doing ok, fighting for Humanity, you know same old stuff )) Well good to see you back around here anyways ) steem On !!

Thank you for such a lovely post mon ami.....

Fantastic photography.........compositions and perspectives.

Enjoyed the story of your is a pheunomenon of sorts that for children......fairytales are fairytales...not fact....just fancy.

Wishing you all the best. A bientot. ^_^

thanks for dropping by Mon Ami

indeed - fairy tales are tales ;)

I hope you had a great weekend!

Awesome pics and the stuff on the 'albularyo'!!

You know that forest of them on the tree trunk, those are psychedelic ones aren't they? I am fairly sure of it.

yes, in fact, I chewed a few when I was writing this
guess that's why it turned out like so hahahaha
just kidding but it must be I have no idea :D

Oh they are, they have them here. I am quite convinced of it!

Don't chew them lady, that way madness lies!! :0D

hahahah .. i was wondering whether you replied this one was buried by the floods of reply
hahaha .. don't worry I didn't :D
baby ain't out yet? am off to bed
good luck chico!

No baby!?!

Madness, I will be having words with this child

But of course, ever since Larry the lamb :0D

Of course lolsss

"She would then ask for a glass of water and the pour the half of that lukewarm water on the plate and black ashes would float and she'd make me drink that."
Did you really drink that coal juice? How older were you then? These superstitions are still there in the age of science and technology. It is very disheartening fact.

spot on!
unfortunately, I was a kid so yes for as long as I was there and was having asthma attacks - but hey this post is not to promote alternative medical solution
I appreciate it that you really read my post man. Thanks a lot! not many do that !
Not many Pinoys come to my page I have no idea why am not on trending on the #philippines so that must be it
but if one would attest and they are living in the countryside then they could tell you that unfortunately something like this still exists in my country specially in remote country side areas. They call them albularyo, faith healer etc etc
they have plenty of names but more commonly they are called as "quacks"

India is not very much different in this regard. Here many superstitions are still alive.

then you can relate :)
cest' la vie
makes more stories to tell :)

Is that free food or inedible?

Then it wasn't food

Mushrooms are so cute.Motivation for creation comes out.
Someday I want to make a stained glass of mushrooms:)))

they are and I hope you do :)

Great post and beautiful pictures. I love the intrigue and the mystery potions!

thanks .. potions or poison? didn't kill me though :)

Excellent photos, I look and as if I stand side by side. Thank you @englishtchrivy

Nice photos ! Enjoyed your post !!

cool picture!

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