"Chintana": The socio-psychological force that guide the fate of nations, cultures and all sorts of groups - An explanation of the madness taking over the West

in #philosophy6 years ago

What can be worse than funding your own destruction? Personally I don't see anything worse other than the ignorance that caused such madness in the first place. Constructive relativism which is much like a braoder and better version of instrumentalism gives insight into this matter. I discussed this in the second half of this post and its comment section. I'll do a quick summery here taking from the works of Nalin de Silva who got his Phd from University of Sussex in 1.5 years. The university altered their own laws in order to award Proffessor Nalin his Phd in Theoretical Cosmology in such a short time.

Knowledge is created within a certain culture which can be termed as Chintana to which there is no effective translation but which is inclusive of certain attitudes, philosophy and epistology.

Instead of quoting much from my previous post I'll introduce you to some of the writings from Neal Stephenson.

“We are all susceptible to the pull of viral ideas. Like mass hysteria. Or a tune that gets into your head that you keep humming all day until you spread it to someone else. Jokes. Urban legends. Crackpot religions. Marxism. No matter how smart we get, there is always this deep irrational part that makes us potential hosts for self-replicating information.”

I don't think most writers or philosophers bring enough clarity to the matter and the limits of language could also be a part. Instead of definitions, I'll try to give you some examples/analogies to illustrate my point. Now I'm going to assume that you know a thing or two about cryptos. I'm going to mention few cryptos. Clear your mind and think of the instinctive things you comprehend. Dogecoin, Monero, Bitcoin, EOS, Dash, Ripple.

Each of those 6 are their own little thing. It's hard to express in words but there is a certain "Chintana" behind them. Dogecoin is pretty much the friendliest community and it's not very technical. Ripple is a corporate thingy and Dash is a true DAO that is pretty much a professional unmanned business venture while Monero is sort of a hardline Deep web/Dark market thingy hostile towards all other privacy tech. We are all familiar with Bitcoin drama and EOS is a transparency focused project with monster scaling solutions. You could say EOS is the Enterprise Operating System, Dash is Digital Cash and Dogecoin is a fun crypto project. These differences comes from the different "Chintana" behind each project.

Language, culture and ideology arise co-dependently. It's a cycle of catch 22 where a certain technology like DPoS and a certain project like STEEM, Bitshares, EOS are inseparably linked. When you look at the above videos, see perfection and flow. Yes, I mean it. The madness and disgusting cannibalistic behaviors make perfect sense and they are in a perfect state of flow. It's a state of flow much like the one between corperate cronies and big governments. They mesh together like a masochist and a sadist. If they didn't, things wouldn't have continued so far. Take a look at this:

Thendifference in "Chintana" actually worked as a deterrent and there were no refugee attacks or any violence towards refugees. Nothing kicked off. There was no "chemistry" if we go for a sex analogy. Also please take a look at the economist in the first video. This is what is respected in Japan. The arguments were solely focused on facts. There was confidence and a lack of hypothetical. The conversations were results driven and not impulsive. They were not like this:

a phyle is a group of people that’s self-defined by whatever values they share. A phyle is not limited by race or language or geography – or, most importantly, by borders on maps or other such fictions – although it could be, if its members chose to be so limited. The word phyle was coined by science fiction author Neal Stephenson in his masterwork, The Diamond Age. It comes from the Greek, φυλή which means “tribe” or “clan.”But it would be at least as apt if they were called philes, stemming from the Greek word philia, which means “love”– the same root in the word “philosophy”. The basic idea is that man is a social animal, and we tend to prefer to run with others who are like us – or who love what we love. Birds of a feather flock together, in either case.

The best word to describe the foundation of a phyle is "Chintana". You can't pin it down on a specific language, culture, nation and not even on an ideology. Don't believe me; Here is a very Gung-ho anarcho-capitalist who attack anyone who doesn't say Earth is flat and anyone who has a drop of Jewish blood in them:@lasseehlers

The mind comes before all actions and actions come before all consequences. A "Chintana" is like a genre of mind and memetics. "Chintana" pretty much creates sub-species of human race. These are not biological sub-species but psychological ones. Take a look at the following comment and tell me if you can identify with such thinking in any way. Tell me if it isn't world's apart from your reality. You may understand these actions. But can you ever ressonate with them?

Ok im another ex-muslim from middle east, first of all, they will hate you no matter how civilized you try to do this. As you said, womens issue and all the barbaric applications of islam is in quran, hadith,tefsir its in holy books. And another part of the book strictly prophibits any update on it. another part of it says follow it word by word. These are facts to keep in mind.
Isis recently published a magazine in which they are MOCKING this attitude of the west. Because they know western societies are being hilariously naive. Muslims in "general" have been doctrinated with these values(I know i live in once secular country!). Even the moderate ones dude. I know im in their circle. They have always seen western women as a whore, they will not change because they are forbidden to change. In their minds, if a woman is not living by islams standarts, she is basically a prostitute and can be taken. Another part of this problem is, they are allowed to take women of their enemies however they want. And you are enemy for them. FOREVER. So even if there is moderate muslims who wont rape or terror, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A BIG SECTION OF IT DOING THESE ATTACKS AND CHERISHED FOR IT. We all need to stand as hard as they do or they will break us. We need to go eye for an eye for once. If this naivity goes on west will fall Sargon. This one time, people need to stop worrying about being correct. We(exmuslims) need you to be strong against them. When they conquer your lands, you will be humiliated everyday, pay cizya but somewhat be able to live. But WE will be murdered no matter what. Small section is BIGGEST BULLSHIT you are believing in on these events. These polls as horrifying as they are, are not even close to the truth my friend. They have started jihad. Its being spoken in streets but only between muslims. I know cuz sometimes i dont comment on my beliefs and be able to sit in those communities. You wont be able to adress it until its too late unless you hear us, ex muslims who are able to do so(and they know it, i recently started hearing this alot!). I beg you youtubers to push some solid policies. Our lives and your dignities are on the line here.

I actually found a single article that illustrate the ideological differences really well. It's pretty long and you can find it here: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2006/06/fjordman-what-does-muslim-immigration-cost-europe Somehow it was written in June 2006 making it bit of an Atlas Shrugged. These ideological elements were all there. It's just symptoms are much clearer in 2018.

In the spring of 2006, police were deployed at a Berlin school after teachers complained that they could not cope with their students’ aggression and disrespect. A teacher who recently left the school told the Tagesspiegel newspaper that ethnic Arab pupils were bullying ethnic Turks, Germans and other nationalities. “School for them,” said Petra Eggebrecht, former director of the Rütli school, “is simply a place to fight for peer recognition, where young criminals become idols.” Young people are also easy targets for Islamist organisations. Outside the Rütli school, the children greeted visitors in Arabic.
When reporters went to school they were pelted with paving stones by masked youths from the schoolyard as the district’s mayor stood helplessly at the entrance of the building. An increasing problem in German schools is that Arab male students often refuse to respect the authority of women teachers. Students at the Ruetli Hauptschule were not shy about expressing their views to reporters. “The German (students) brown nose us, pay for things for us and stuff like that, so that we don’t smash in their faces.” But there are also conflicts between Arab and Turkish students, mirrored in battles between the city’s foreign-dominated youth gangs. Integration of foreign youths in Berlin is often poor. Even second and third generation children frequently do not speak fluent German and many fail to complete school

Things get worse better when it comes to prisons which are more like quarantined taxpayer funded hangout spots.

The relaxed regime at a prison housing some of Holland’s most dangerous criminals has caused controversy. Pictures of tattooed prisoners enjoying a “social evening” and beer embarrassed the authorities which are sensitive to claims abroad that they are soft on crime. One inmate at Esserheem serving 14 years for murder said: “We have a party every weekend in our own prison bar. We can enjoy wonderful snacks, ice cream, beers, play cards or billiards and listen to music. If the weather is warm we can play tennis.” Another prisoner spoke of “perfect” fresh food and said: “We can buy everything in the prison shop including sushi and sake.”

Now let's take a look at benefits received by terrorists.

  • In Britain, the police have been investigating allegations that the four suspected London bombers from July 2005 collected more than £500,000 in benefits payments.
  • Islamic State itself suggested welfare benefits as a financing source, in a 2015 manual called “How to Survive in the West: A Mujahid Guide.”
  • In the EU capital of Belgium, as well as neighboring Netherlands, Muslims are roughly 5% of the population yet consume 40% to 60% of the welfare budget.
  • Having a satellite dish 'is a human right,' according to European court

The madness doesn't end too easily and it never ends until its too late. The academic thinking is messed up and it believes in things more ridiculous than the craziest fairy tale. On August 6, 2010 Oxfam (which is better off with just the first 2 letters) published an article named Venezuela: Latin America's inequality success story and you know how that equality turned out to be. All greatness is different. All misery and death is similar. I'll end with 2 videos you can watch side by side. Think about the kind of ideologies ("Chintana") leads these thought streams and pick wisely.


I've been thinking the same thing related to the supposed "demographic nightmare" of shrinking population in Japan that MSM keeps talking about. I hadn't really thought about immigration as a means to keep the debt based economy going. I'll have to ponder that a bit.

I spent two weeks in Japan and one of the reasons it is at the top of my list of the best places I've visited is precisely because the culture has not been diluted.

I've read many of Neal Stepheson's works but haven't read Diamond Age. He builds deep and believable worlds.

I'd say that the area, in my own life, where I've noticed Chintana the most has to do with what I call spiritual study. I've found it extremely difficult to understand the spiritual material of cultures whose imagery is very different from my own. This was sort of a small epiphany for me and has helped me to learn from what resonates and set the other stuff aside.

Not only that the culture is intact it's also perfectly integrated with the modern world. Japan knows to adapt without sacrificing anything. Anime has become little diluted these days. We have the heavy hitters from Gen Urobuchi and other adult authors. But Older direct to video anime and even some of the high budget stuff had some crazy stuff in them. But overall things are looking bright. They are still making their eccentric messed up movies. Korea is also doing well with all the serial killer movies.

Chintana the most has to do with what I call spiritual study.

Chintana is almost a genre of though patterns. So it's obvious to have prominence when it comes to the spiritual aspects. Language has it meanings in correlation to the other words of that language. The Chintana behind the language matters a lot. Some languages use paradoxical words like "coming-going" and the Chintana behind it is that if you are going from LA to see your grandma in London, you are coming to see her from LA.

This also matters when it comes to horror or misery. It to me months (maybe almost a year) to figure out how Requiem for a Dream is miserable. I was almost like I finished listening to an orchestra. When it comes to horror, only jump-scares can get me. Nothing gets under my skin.

There is also the difference with Asian Vs Western Horror.

I gave up gaming 15 years ago so haven't been exposed to anything going on in that area. The Horror video is right on. Clowns and Chuckie are my nemesis'.

I see existence fundamentally as Oneness in the sense of the Tao (unmanifested potential) and manifested reality. It is likely that Chintana exists in various forms within any manifested dimension/universe but also that the cultural type of Chintana that you discuss in your article would be a small detail if an outside observer looks at our planetary Chintana. So, the closer we move towards the reality of Oneness, the less Chintana there is.

From my perspective, humans have much more in common at a fundamental spiritual (not religious) level than we have differences.

All things have their causes. At different levels of perception people see different levels of truths. But as you go broader truths disappear and the understanding arise. When you learn how mathematics work, you don't have to memorize and depend on teachings. This is especially evident at geometrical theorems. You start with the axioms and the 180 degree straight line and progressively develop everything on your own. No need to memorize or refer to the books.

The point I differ from you is that instead of "One" I consider it a "Zero"
Teachings of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagarjuna pretty much aligns with mine. Optionally you can refer to Quantum Information Theory (zero worlds interpretation) or correlations without correleta.

The mirage exists. But it's not real.
Hopefully I'm not being too complicated.

Something like that is happening in Europe. Immigration is harming Europe because government are failing in policies to really integrate muslims to their culture. And it's very difficult to do so when muslims believe that the entire world must adopt their faith and customs.

I have several posts talking about it: https://steemit.com/politics/@metalmag25/so-for-2-years-the-media-has-been-bashing-trump-s-wall-and-travel-ban-well-just-watch-europe

I read your posts, upvoted and resteemed. You are doing great work. Best of luck my friend :-)
You might find this to be some great ammo for your arguments: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Camp_of_the_Saints
It's simply prophetic.

Don't worry, alcohol is harem so they will remove it from the prisons soon enough.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

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It is an interesting, and new concept for me, that I must take into consideration. In a certain way they always influence us and we do it in others.

Good, steady, good luck on your success, long life and healthy always, do not forget also my post will remain in steemit

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