Do you feel addicted to Steemit?

in #philosophy6 years ago

A few days ago I read a joke that said; "There is no horror movie, which exceeds the feeling of touching the pocket and feeling that there is no mobile phone" ... There is something true in these words. Currently, communicating and accessing information instantaneously is already an aspect of our life that we assume naturally. But what happens when using the Internet becomes a pressing need that leads to spending up to 10 hours a day? Is there addiction to steemit? What are their characteristics? Why is it so controversial?

                                    Source: after ten hours in steemit 

The addiction to steemit or cyberdiction

The addiction to steemit or ciberadicción, refers to an excessive, problematic and pathological use in some cases, of the network. For this, they usually use different devices besides the computer, which allow to connect to the Internet, such as mobile phones, tablets, among others. Those who support the existence of this addiction, point out to the subjects with difficulties to relate outside the cyberspace, as the biggest risk group, differentiating two profiles:

1) People who spend hours participating in discord, exchanging ideas, trying to integrate into a social atmosphere that stimulates them and to which they feel they belong.

2) There are many users who are very interested in the different possibilities offered by steemit, and those that allow the connection between others. Hence, invest hours, writing a quality publication, spend hours or days looking for information, etc.. but contacting other users. Social interaction, especially with several people at once, is interesting, surrounded in a relatively predictable and controllable environment.

Those who adhere to this platform also report on occasion that they feel these symptoms:

  •  Feeling out of control when connecting to steemit.
  •  Feel more uninhibited, protected and confident.
  •  Subjectively experience that time stops.
  •  Perceive a sense of closeness, of intimacy, when they connect.
  •  its pending who I vote your publication etc.


                              Source: God who published?

The speed and intensity of the exchanges or information accessed, and the accessibility to the network itself, are characteristics of steemit that would enhance their addiction.

In addition to reducing the time devoted to important areas, such as family, work and social, those who suffer from steemit addiction, may also have difficulty sleeping (with its repercussions on performance), problems in the diet (with consequences in the weight), decrease or abandonment of personal hygiene, obsessive thoughts about what I am going to publish and what is being done lately in it (leading to considerable anxiety)

Addiction or excessive use?

However, this last one could respond to other pathologies. Those who oppose this theory, affirm that it should not be attributed to a supposed "addiction to steemit", all the psychological problems that a user presents who uses it excessively. They argue, that an addiction proper, implies a chemical component. Hence, officially speaking of "excessive use", originated in other causes such as difficulties in social links in real life, for example, but not in steemit itself.

The addiction to steemit, is not found in the DSM manuals of the American Psychiatric Association, referring to the diagnosis of fever or steemit additions.

                            Source: help I need a vote of a whale

The truth is that cases where there is an excessive practice that significantly affects different areas of routine, a true answer to this question, leads to a path of work and personal discovery.

          Invite you to visit these article

               * COPING RESOURCES: What are They? *

              * The dark side of strength (psychological) *

                      * KEY to avoid digital DEMENTIA *

       * Know the meaning of your worst "nightmares" *

        * Affective lack, when we lack emotional nutrients *

          * Hide your emotions: that silent quota of suffering *

* Hyperconnection: what it is and what are its consequences *

                            * Matrix: questioning reality *

             All the images were taken from the public domain

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I think most people here are "addicted" in some way, not like a drug, but the appeal to make money and interact is strong hehe, leading to a lot of excessive use. But if you make money from it, then it's like a job you invest time to get a return... and you interact... it's complicated. We want to receive and give attention, be it in real person, or online like Facebook.

if friend, steemit is very addictive in my case I spent more than 14 hours a day to steemit, because I was looking to improve my financial situation and steemit helped me a little bit in that but spending whole days stuck on the computer brought me a problem like I said before with my wife, who told me, you are married to me or with steemit at that time I laughed, and my wife got upset more because she thought that she preferred to be all day in steemit than with her, I had not realized that steemit was my addiction, and I realized that my addiction to Steemit is because I want to improve as a writer, and because of the interactivity and also because I am obsessed with having voting power to help my family who are in the same economic case as me.
They all have their reason because they are here in Steemit.

Yeah, real life matters more than Steem though hehe ;)

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Mantap sobat

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