Hyperconnection: what it is and what are its consequences

in #philosophy6 years ago

The phrase of Godfried Bogaard, who said that "in the past, you were what you had. Now you are what you share. " This phrase related to hyperconnection is not the work of a person with little knowledge, rather the opposite, is one of the largest specialists in social networks.

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Millions of users, mainly among the youngest, feel an unstoppable desire, an imperative need to be always connected. Social networks catch more users every day that passes.

What is hyperconnection

This term has not yet been officially defined, and is increasingly used by specialists. However, according to a study published in the prestigious journal Psychological Science, the need to be connected to the Internet and social networks is more irresistible than smoking a cigarette, drinking alcohol or having sex.

The study was carried out by researcher Wilhelm Hofmann together with Kathleen Vohs, of the University of Minnesota, and a team from the Business School of the University of Chicago. The results imply that the strongest longings suffered by the participants were related to social networks, even above food and sleep.

It is evident that hyperconnection can become a problem. Today we are exposed to countless online stimuli. Therefore, the fact of being permanently connected becomes a problem when we are not able to disconnect. It is even estimated that a person addicted to hyperconnection can work up to 240 hours a year.

Consequences and risks of hyperconnection

Currently, many people find it difficult to spend more than an hour at a time without looking at their mobile or tablet. According to the data, 75% of people who have a smartphone use it while they are in the bathroom. This means that every time we have fewer moments in which these devices are not an active part of our day to day.

Thus, new technologies, which can be facilitators of a good number of tasks, including communication and access to information, leading to excess, are identified with quite important risks.

Impact due to information overload

Being exposed to a torrent of information so high, can generate high levels of stress. Even, come to have functional consequences.

The lack of education in values

is also one of the most serious consequences. When exposed to so much information, not everything that is received is of quality. Therefore, the impact on young people and children, whose minds have not fully developed, can be dangerous.

It is important to offer a critical education to the little ones so that they know how to identify straw dust. Otherwise, they will be exposed to a huge amount of junk content.

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Impact on social relations

Obviously, social relationships are also affected. Although the internet can be fantastic for a greater deal with friends and family, it also has its negative side, such as the creation and maintenance of liquid ties, so called because they are more superficial. These links really create a feeling of emptiness and discomfort.

"The Internet allows the creation in a network, beyond a sum of individualities"

Also in relationships have led to an increase in infidelity and misunderstanding. In fact, there are already studies that show that the number of separations and conjugal conflicts has increased.

Impact on self-esteem

Finally, this phenomenon has also caused a strong impact on self-esteem. It mainly affects adolescents, who live a natural process of creation and affirmation of their identity.

However, the personal relationships of an adolescent have a huge involvement in their identity development. Therefore, online surface relationships cause insecurity, poor self-image and the creation of a little consistent personality.

"You are what you post on Twitter."

If when observing social networks you think that the life of others is more interesting than yours and affects you, stop and think: are you spending many hours and internet and with your mobile or tablet in your hand? If so, you may need less hyperconnection. Disconnect, get out there and enjoy.

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             All the images were taken from the public domain

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I also experience information overload sometimes, the more advanced we get with technologie the more I feel stressed out!!
Have a nice day!!

Sometimes one reloads information to try to do things well and ending up having mental stress and fatigue that produces headaches.

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