Is the Blockchain an escape from Authoritarianism and Conformism?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago


This and my next smaller posts on Steemit are about the actual cycle of society showing increased degrees of Conformism and Authoritarianism based in Hierarchic centralized systems, with Social Rules made in the view of the Influence of the Powerful, generating Conformity and Obedience the vortex of actual growing injustice and inequality in society.

On the other side I will try to emphasize as well the behavior of the so-called anti-Conformists as a blessing for creative innovative communities and society, as the challengers of the stagnating dogmas of social injustice and inequality, bringing up the idea of autonomy and free will.

Conformity is a form of social influence revealed in process of interaction in functioning groups, a factor that results in a person's change of behavior or attitudes by the effect of group pressure.
"The accumulated experience of the oppressed is overwritten in histories that re-transmit the existing balance of power: business as usual."Walter Benjamin Overpowering Conformism" - Esther Leslie

At the same time I will try to highlight the implications of the anti-conformist views within the blockchained communities and social reality media network where every citizen is a journalist for freedom and a contributer for the resistance against the dilapidation of "Starship Earth" and the "uni-formatization" of public opinion and education with faked-false-information.
These series of posts are just echoes of brilliant writers, musicians and artists that changed my life's paths of values mostly during my youth, creators that got mixed in my personal experience and vision of the world
"Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather. We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one, so I address you with no greater authority than that with which liberty itself always speaks.
I declare the global social space we are building to be naturally independent of the tyrannies you seek to impose on us. You have no moral right to rule us, nor do you possess any methods of enforcement we have true reason to fear." - A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace - John Perry Barlow
The actual tornado of information has become a Mind intoxicating Media taking over "Humanity-Soul-and-Spirit" to distract people from Reality and accept conformism(comply to the rules) and immobilism(I can't do anything).
The relation of the "Revolving-Doors" in the "House of Cards" centralized systems with the "Revolving-Back-doors" of Justice, Intelligence and Media that are now a Brotherhood against autonomy and educated free will.

A fascistic "mob" is climbing in power and some "Mussolinisc" figures are fighting for power of money and private property and marrying the State for totalitarian control of the crowds by propaganda.
Free Press Reality News on the blockchain can be the pillars of Equality and Justice, with laws made by all participants in consensus as a balance against the ruling of the mighty Power.

The influence of "Media" Unreality News with the passive TV still being a prime in generating "Pseudo-Facts", that are after discussed in mainstream media social networks.

The Blockchain Sanctuary of a whole decentralized world

We are actually living in a technological realized Utopia of the blockchain, that can be the cradle of the big Human Utopia, a vision who accepts or promotes social equality and equal rights for all people that seem not yet possible in the material hierarchic structure of our world of objects and assets.
On the other hand we find the dissonant and "search for Truth " blockchained voices more individualist and close to the reality view of world events and more connected to "Real Reality" and above all free of outside censorship like on Steemit.

Most people is blindfolded and they don't want to stop to get informed and reflect, or to read a cathartic reality changing books like how to live , love and respect all Humanity and "Starship-Earth".
We need freedom, creativity, innovation and love instead of blood, terror, fear and destruction.

The old concepts of collectivist and individualist idealism were always interdependent
with centralized power ruled structures that always end being food for human greed and corruption. They are against the collectivity of the "Global-City" of small free communities living in direct democracy on "Starship-Earth".

In my next post I will explain the difference between false individualism and collectivism theories today and a new view of them interacting in total decentralized systems.
Everybody is in a hurry, looking for "imediatization" creating in them a big self-fragmentation and consequent anxiety.
We Live life in flashes, without time consuming to generate reality experience. Time is the Beauty nobody has to spend. - charlie777pt
We are living in a "Bostich -Rush, Push, Cash", Crush, Crash, Flash, Flesh, Society (*) see by Yello videos in the end.

The growing instability of the "nuclear bourgeois family" is reflected in a more exposed generation to childhood suffering and traumas, living in a "Skitzo" accelerated world demanding increasing knowledge to adapt, which unstoppability that leaves to paranoia, depression, and schizophrenia.
Cyberspace consists of transactions, relationships, and thought itself, arrayed like a standing wave in the web of our communications. Ours is the world that is both everywhere and nowhere, but it is not where bodies live. We believe that from ethics, enlightened self-interest, and the commonweal, our governance will emerge.
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace - John Perry Barlow

The blockchain could be from now on the territory where people inside multiple communities(human organization) will thrive and balance prosperity in the world.
So there is a place for a non-competitive society, everybody knows and feel the need for change because the world growth of population is limiting the number of environments with natural abundance and increasing the number territories with naturally scarce needs for survival.

People will learn that autonomy, transparency, and awareness is a way to bring up the Truth and to make Utopias realizable and turn into Reality.

The plague of American authoritarianism Image Source : The plague of American authoritarianism

In the field of inter-experience between human beings, we must learn to put us in the place of the others to understand them and ourselves, because both peers permanent values are being virtualized to improve our resilience for adaptation and the elasticity of our permanent values- charlie777pt
Real anti-conformism is normally "classified" by power as a disruptive rebel, revolted , revolutionary, raged or renegade, but we have a new kind of Man on the blockchained communities what I will call the "Resistants"
Social change have many origins but let's see some the individual traits and social groups level phenomena generation of disruptive or constructive purposes like chaos or equilibrium:
- Rebel (against the system to create alternatives but without a cause just originating rebellion) - Rebellions
- Revolted (destroy the system with no alternatives - Revolts have unpredictable lasting chaos until old dominant power re-structure itself) - Revolts
- Revolutionary (change the system, with alternatives - But normally leader's belly buttons turns in a new centralized oppressing structure of controlled groups)
. - Revolutions
- Raged (violent intimidators to hide their own fears of a punishing father) - Extremist violent people and groups glued by external hate or dehumanization of other groups) - "Rascals"
- Renegade (use brute-force to get back to and already dead ancient systems or revenge for expulsion or prejudice) - Mainly Nomad running fugitives or individual, sometimes locally supported generating localized rapid disruptive chaos on centralized authorities. Rebellious
- The "Resistant" (a Resilient Agent of Change) a facilitator advocating freedom fight and defiant innovative and creative ways to find new paths for values of life that are never attainable- you can practice but never get perfection :) - "Resistance".

The Authoritarian Personality Type

Theodor Adorno (1903—1969) theorized about the "traits" or elements of the type of Authoritarian personality.
Generally speaking is correlated with blindfold internalized "old" beliefs about what is right or wrong, respect and submission to external authority , aggression against the right to be "different", seeing it as bad or negative and disruptor in a process of "objectifying" people
Authoritarians feel always a resistance to creativity and innovation are considering it "dangers" for the stability of the "Holy" Society, and they to use it as a scapegoat to glue the group. They always like to be leaded by strong authoritarian leaders (or Rulers).
Adorno sees autonomy and social conformity as two opposite forces and relates it to the liberal theories originated by the "Education System"
Adorno conceives of the development of liberal theory in terms of a dialectical struggle between the principles of individual autonomy and social conformity, a process which has led to contemporary educational failures and difficulties.
However, Adorno sees in liberalism not only the root of current problems but also the elements of a solution to these problems.
Do the test yourself and find out if you have a Authoritarian Profile Type Online with an interactive F-Scale of Adorno (3 mins)

Some of this "Skitzoid" ideas are pop-up thoughts when I'm driving and listening music, that I try to write when I stop. "Steemitites" writing dependency.
Let's finish with some music to relax from this reading :)

(*) Yello - The "Bostich -Rush-Push-Cash"-Crush-Crash-Flash-Flesh Society

Standing at the machine every day for all my life
I'm used to do it and I need it
It's the only thing I want
It's just a rush, push, cash
Rush, push, rush, push, rush, push, rush, push
Standing at the machine every day for all my life
I'm used to do it and I need it
It's the only thing I want

Yello - Live at the Roxy NY Dec '83 - How I saw it in video in 1983 - the psychedelic version fascinating video

Yello Bostich - Rush Push Cash -(live) "Bostich" @Berlin Oct 26, 2016 for the actual mainstream media

My next post is about the distinction of False and Real Collectivism and Individualism and the relations to conformism and centralized structures. False-individualism and Real-individualism are dependent of the dichotomy of centralized vs decentralized structures distinguishable by the Eco-system-environment where they happen.
On the other side, False-Collectivism exercised in centralized structures is opposite to the "Real Collectivism" generated in free communities.


Do the test your self and find out if you have a Authoritarian Profile Type Online with an interactive F-Scale of Adorno (3 mins)
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace - John Perry Barlow
Image Source : The plague of American authoritarianism
Walter Benjamin Overpowering Conformism- Esther Leslie
Other post on Steemit

My other posts on Steemit about the blockchain and Realizable Utopias

The Utopian Saga:
Is the blockchain the "Engine Room" of "Starship Earth"? - Part II
"Is the blockchain the "Engine Room" of "Starship Earth"? - Part I
Is the blockchain the new Global City? - Part II
Is the blockchain the new Global City? - Part I
The Rise of a Non-Competitive Society and the Importance of "Importance"

Can Steemit attention-economy be a "non-competitive" society?
Can Steemit be a Gandhi Phenomena?

Do Blockchain communities have a "Critical-Group" ?
Is the blockchain a "Hierarchical" or an "Equalitarian" Community?
Is the blockchain a Realizable Social Utopia?
An Ode to the blockchain - the Dialectic of Liberation
Steemit Value : Intangible Asset vs Tangible Asset Analysis
Steemit: Altruism and Financial Scarcity and the rise of Advertising
Steemit : The Shrinking of the Money Pie and the Rise of Human Pie


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It sure is. Thanks for sharing!

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Outstanding Post! I especially like the concept of a decentralized community based direction for humanity to create, innovate, connect, contribute and thrive in self reliance and cooperation. I eagerly await your next post on the difference between false and real collectivism and individuality.

Thanks a lot for your rich comment.:)
Collectivism and individualism theories are always exercised in centralized structures and that's with individualism is associated with liberalism and that took us to the present chaotic situation of today as well as collectivism led to "communism" the forced cohesion imposed by beliefs.
So centralized structures are the enemy that do not permit these theories to affirmed in Reality.
Some collectivist and individualist concepts can be used in a decentralized society.
The blockchain is already the first experience of collectivism ( property of all) and individualism( the right to participate as well as the differences of people's possessions).
Decentralize-all is the great message.

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