Is the blockchain the "Engine Room" of "Starship Earth"? - Part II
This is the second part of the post "Is the blockchain the "Engine Room" of "Starship Earth"? - Part I4 - Reorganize the Operating Manual of the Global City of "Starship Earth"
The tempered climate zones would be reduced to cereal production, a reduced number of inhabitants and few industrial production.The hot zones would have a lot of people with fewer habitat occupation for housing and would be dedicated to vegetable and fruits production for everybody and using totally solar power industry less damaging for the whole "Starship Earth".
Some flow of products, vegetables and fruits from the hot zones would be exchanged by grains coming from the tempered zones, remapping the actual logistic costs of materials and products movement and reducing the collateral damages of this system of transportation that are almost based in fossil fuel consumption.
Open-Source Everything is a cultural and philosophical concept that is essential to create a prosperous world at peace, a world that works for one hundred percent of humanity.
We must change from leaders decision to personal decision and self awareness because today people are the targets of propaganda weapons of mass Deception and Humanity Mind Destruction to control and eliminate Human Consciousness.
"Where there are real conflicts, where there are wrongs, we will identify them and address them by our means. We are forming our own Social Contract. This governance will arise according to the conditions of our world, not yours. Our world is different." - (4) A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace - John Perry Barlow
5 - The reversed image of Global City mapping by free migration
We had a vision of the Global-City with the city as free migration and nomadism and the country as sedentary habitats of "Spaceship Earth".The actual spatial organization of a network of isolated cities surrounded by fields would became a tropical megalopolis circumvented by the agricultural zones covering all the tropical zones.
This new tropical habitat would have 70% of the people of planet Earth doing intensive agriculture and industry supported with cheap and abundant solar energy.
The tropical zones could absorb a big flux of migration.
Yona Friedman refers the model of the ancient City-Khans (Caravanserais) of the Orient.
For the Occident we could use the word "City-Super-Hotel", a city with nice habitats that could be rent even for one day.
The vision of the City-Kahn would have smaller groups (less than the critical-group-number) creating communities and non-geographic groups in a tropical megalopolis with free migration.
On the other side we would have the tempered zones as agrarian and sedentary, with fewer industries and human inhabitants around the tropical zones
This model was only used to envisage an "illustration" to open ideas for the possibility of a Global City working with the paradigm of free migration.
So we would have the sedentary agrarian groups in contrast with
the megalopolis of free migration for nomads in a big industrialized zone.
"Economic theory has long portrayed a clean environment as a luxury good, affordable only for the well-off—a view that says that pollution has to increase before it can decline, and (guess what), growth will eventually clean it up. But as with inequality, there is no such economic law: environmental degradation is the result of degenerative industrial design. This century calls for economic thinking that unleashes the potential of regenerative design in order to create a circular, not linear, economy—and to restore ourselves as full participants in Earth’s cyclical processes of life. source: Seven ways to think like a 21st century economist
6 - The "Global-City" is a sum of "Urban Villages"
The "Global-City" is a network of weak communication of the "equalitarian" urban villages.This is a possible realizable and needed Utopia to face the degradation of centralized power stressed by the growing numbers of Human Beings on "Spaceship Earth".
I will finish with the schematic vision of small urban villages consenting the flux of a free migration (emigration and immigration) but still a weak communication network.
The birth of Cyberspace augmented in large scale the capacities of communication,organization of economic transactions, and decentralized production systems
In this global city migration from one village to another is happening today and a growing by the number of ex-pats is generated by political dissidence with the arbitrage law systems based in centralized power or simply by scarcity of food or security needs is creating a flood of massive migration.
“Only mind can discover how to do so much with so little as forever to be able to sustain and physically satisfy all humanity.”The actual wars the powerful countries like to play in the poor countries to sell more guns are generating a flux of migration of people running away from devastation and starvation directed to the countries that caused the problem in the first place and refuse to accept this "fugitives".
The youth of humanity all around our planet are intuitively revolting from all sovereignties and political ideologies. The youth of Earth are moving intuitively toward an utterly classless, raceless, omnicooperative, omniworld humanity. - R. Buckminster Fuller -1975
To change the economic paradigm in this new "Global-City", economic transactions would be conducted without central arbitrage interfering on the exchanges and steal value.
In this transactions the permutation of objects or goods would be just controlled by both participants without other influences of other exchanges being made by other peers.
In any permutation of industrial products, fruits, and vegetables from the tropical zones in exchange for cereals of the tempered zones would be mediated only by the urban villages involved in the transaction and use an economy of reserves (of barns).
"There are three basic types of human transactions:
(1) the threat system – “Give it to me or I’ll kill you” or today’s more sophisticated version: “How much will you pay me to stop harming or annoying you?”…
(2) the exchange system, the narrow waveband of market transactions with which economics concerns itself, and
(3) the integrative system, i.e., the transactions based on the love, sharing, and altruism of which human beings are capable in spite of the denial of these phenomena in economic theory. - (3) Earth as a Spaceship - Kenneth E. Boulding May 10, 1965 .
7 - Is the Blockchain the future "Engine Room" of Starship Earth
The dream of all fascistic power freaks, religions and technocrats is a world State but this is a bad and impossible to realize Utopia, but it is being attempted by the global State of corporativism trying to make uniform rules of domination, making globalization a free trade agreement to stop free will.One leader, one people, signifies one master and millions of slaves. Albert CamusActual States are getting bigger and impersonal to deal with the satisfaction of the citizen's needs and is blocked by the pyramid communication that can't flow from bottom to top.
A decentralized blockchain infrastructure engaged for arbitration proceedings between communities would aglutinate the controls of "Spaceship Earth."
- Human Resilience will augment with decentralization, self-organization and diversity in communities.
- Honor, respect, protect and be aware of any bio-psycho-social intelligent agents and be against any discrimination repression or intimidation.
- Learn to share sustainable actions and be aware of the possible outcomes and balance the interests of all the affected stakeholders.
- Make your goals for life following transparency and awareness is a way to bring up the truth.
"You may very appropriately want to ask me how we are going to resolve the ever - acceleratingly dangerous impasse of world - opposed politicians and ideological dogmas. I answer, it will be resolved by the computer. Man has ever - increasing confidence in the computer; witness his unconcerned landings as airtransport passengers coming in for a landing in the combined invisibility of fog and night. While no politician or political system can ever afford to yield understandably and enthusiastically to their adversaries and opposers, all politicians can and will yield enthusiastically to the computers safe flight - controlling capabilities in bringing all of humanity in for a happy landing". - (1)"Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth" By Richard Buckminster Fuller • 1969
Utopists that could have change the world and should be revived now more then ever
- Kenneth Ewart Boulding
Image Source: Kenneth Ewart Boulding (1910-1993) American economist and inventor, educator, poet,interdisciplinary and common mechanisms philosopher
"Earth as a Spaceship," Lecture, Washington State University (10 May 1965) "Disappointment, failure, and frustration are the main agents of change. Success is a poor teacher, for it usually only confirms us in what we thought we already knew."
Nothing fails like success because we don't learn from it. We learn only from failure.
- Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller(July 12, 1895 – July 1, 1983)
Richard Buckminster Bucky" Fuller (July 12, 1895 – July 1, 1983) was an American architect, systems theorist, author, designer, and inventor.The economy of the future might be called the "spaceman economy," in which the earth has become a single spaceship, without unlimited reservoirs of anything." - (3) Earth as a Spaceship- Kenneth E. Boulding May 10, 1965
Fuller published more than 30 books, coining or popularizing terms such as "Spaceship Earth", ephemeralization, and synergetic. He also developed numerous inventions, mainly architectural designs, and popularized the widely known geodesic dome. Carbon molecules known as fullerenes were later named by scientists for their structural and mathematical resemblance to geodesic spheres
"Our brains deal exclusively with special - case experiences. Only our minds are able to discover the generalized principles operating without exception in each and every special - experience case which if detected and mastered will give knowledgeable advantage in all instances". - (1)"Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth" By Richard Buckminster Fuller • 1969
- Yona Friedman
- John Perry Barlow
John Perry Barlow is a retired Wyoming cattle rancher, a former lyricist for the Grateful Dead, and cofounder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Since May 1998, he has been a fellow at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society.(February 8, 1996,)....Barlow continues to serve on the EFF's board of directors, where he is currently listed as a co-founder after previously serving as vice chairman. The EFF was designed to mediate the "inevitable conflicts that have begun to occur on the border between Cyberspace and the physical world." They were trying to build a legal wall that would separate and protect the Internet from territorial government, and especially from the US government. - Source wikipedia
End of part II of "Is the blockchain the "Engine Room" of "Starship Earth?."
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Footnote: (*) I choose the term Equalitarian for a vision that accepts or promotes the view of equalitarianism , instead of Egalitarian a vision who accepts or promotes social equality and equal rights for all people because that is not yet possible in the material hierarchic structure of our world of objects and assets.My other posts on Steemit about the blockchain and Realizable Utopias
"Is the blockchain the "Engine Room" of "Starship Earth"? - Part IIs the blockchain the new Global City? - Part II
Is the blockchain the new Global City? - Part I
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Autonomy, Responsibility and Freedom - Interview Part 1Autonomy, Responsibility and Freedom - Interview Part 2
B/W Pictures Source:
All black and white hand writing pictures included in the slides, are originally copied from the book - "Utopias Realizáveis" - (Realizable Utopias) by Yona Friedman , Sociocultur, Lisbon, 1977 (in Portuguese)References:
(1).Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth By Richard Buckminster Fuller • 1969(2) Kenneth E. Boulding, “The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth,” 1966
(3) Earth as a Spaceship- Kenneth E. Boulding May 10, 1965 .
(4) Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace - John Perry Barlow
Yona Friedman web site with lots of material
Yona Friedman on Vimeo
Yona Friedman - wikipedia : Architect, urban planner, designer but also a sociology student, physics and science communications, Yona Friedman (Budapest, 1923) is back at the center of international architectural culture after having long been dismissed as Utopian. Member of the Hungarian anti-Nazi resistance, Friedman spent a few years in Haifa, Israel, where he sketched the first of his many theories, namely the Mobile Manifesto architecture in which special construction systems allow the inhabitant to determine for itself the shape, style etc. his apartment and to change it when they want it. website: Yona Friedman
Interview with Yona Friedman: "Imagine, Having Improvised Volumes "Floating" In Space, Like Balloons"
Yona Friedman 1000+ photos - Pinterest
One Video among hundreds : Yona Friedman: You are obliged to stay Mainstream
Attention economy - Wikipedia
Books and articles of Yona Friedman
Read the third article of this pdf written by Yona Friedman - Group NetworksYona Friedman - Utopies réalisables (1975). "Utopias Realizáveis" - (Realizable Utopias )by Yona Friedman , Sociocultur, Lisbon, 1977 (in Portuguese)
Yona Friedman - About critical-group size (1980)
Yona Friedman - Comment vivre entre les autres sans être esclave et sans être chef, J.J. Pauvert, Paris, 1974.
Other Books and Weblinks Dennis R. Fox (1985) American Psychologist - Psychology, Ideology, Utopia, and the Commons
The Politics of Utopia: A Study in Theory and Practice By Barbara Goodwin, Keith Taylor
"Psychology, Ideology, Utopia, and the Commons" - Dennis R. Fox (1985) American Psychologist
What and epic and great article, thank you for sharing!
I have been aware of the terminology you used in the title of your article for at least 15 years now and, as soon as I saw it, jumped in. I was far from disappointed. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
Thanks a lot for your stimulating and motivating voice.
And thanks to people like you for reading and commenting my main motivation and personal fulfillment on Steemit :).
I even lose money on my business but I feel richer for being able to share my writings with this astonishing community.
This article is about some of the guys I read in my youth-40 years ago:)- and changed my awareness about the path of my life and the visions of future and how we can shape it and make Utopias become reality.
These utopists and futurists had already seen what is good for Humanity and "Spaceship Earth" but maybe only today people is able to understand them because they were really ahead of their times.
Really good article! I read part 1 as well.
"The actual wars the powerful countries like to play in the poor countries to sell more guns are generating a flux of migration of people running away from devastation and starvation directed to the countries that caused the problem in the first place".
Yeah, the entire "golablisation" is rather a meddling in other countries' affairs to amplify the own power and influence. It is not about helping anyone. Just about flexing one's muscles. How boring!
With humans, there are no utopias. Unfettered migration would destroy the ability to maintain the infrastructure necessary to technological civilization, and it's ability to raise the standard of living of the individual. Consensus is actually a problem, not a solution, or a desired result. Most people are stupid. It is not their fault, necessarily, but it is true nonetheless. The stupid cannot be allowed to limit the increase of knowledge and understanding that can improve the lives of everyone.
R. Buckminster Fuller was a brilliant engineer, and not so brilliant political scientist.
Thanks a lot for reading and commenting.
I love to listen to all utopists because they show me some insights for the path of life and "Starship Earth".
Like I said in the post this for free migration to happen there would be arbitrage systems in any community that will define the rules for the integration of the migrated.
We now have a lot of expats and nomads that are living this Utopia.
We are actually living in a technological realized Utopia of the blockchain, that can be the cradle of the big Human Utopia, a vision who accepts or promotes social equality and equal rights for all people that seem not yet possible in the material hierarchic structure of our world of objects and assets.
The blockchain could be from now on the territory where people inside multiple communities(human organization) will thrive and balance prosperity in the world.
So there is a place for a non-competitive society, everybody knows and feel the need for change because the world growth of population is limiting the number of environments with natural abundance and increasing the number territories with naturally scarce needs for survival.
People will learn that autonomy, transparency, and awareness is a way to bring up the Truth and to make Utopias realizable and turn into Reality.
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