What Real Pain Feels Like - An Overwhelming & Emotional Dream Visitation

in #personal5 years ago (edited)

For the first time in about a year, my Dad vividly visited me in a dream just before, and I'm overwhelmed. I need to write this down to cope.


For those who don't know, he raged on me two Augusts ago for half an hour to make sure I knew everything he's hated about me since childhood. He then repeatedly told me with a smirk that he didn't want me as a son anymore before I calmly walked away knowing my life was going to be very different. While he exposed his true previously hidden feelings about me as a projection of his own abusive Father, and caused quite a stir with my Mom, no logical explanation can fix what it feels like to know that a parent had been "acting" like they loved you since your childhood. While this was all just terrible, it finally explained why he treated me so unfairly, and with intermittent bouts of emotional/verbal abuse for decades. It explained why he didn't want to have catches or play chess, or hang up the painting I made for him that he said he'd hang in his office, etc., while I naively believed that he was too tired, and so on...

I'm downplaying it now, but his final verbal attack couldn't have been more brutal and painful, even if I knew these were his problems. It's something I struggle with and will always have a burning sense of "unresolved" about as I can barely think of him or see his pictures anymore. He burned the bridge as much as one could be burned. There's a lot of pain, none I deserved.

We barely said any words to each other until his death from brain cancer months later. The only phrases I can remember over the last 6.5 months are "Can you pass the ketchup," "Thank you," (for helping change his diapers and lift him), "Thanks for taking care of me," and his last words to me, "Take care." Yep, plenty for proper closure ...

He never apologized or said he loved me again, even after I helped with home hospice, and forgave him on his deathbed so he would have peace. No remorse at all. Facing him alone at the end was the hardest moment of my life. I wasn't going to, but everyone insisted that I try. I told him that I didn't deserve how he treated me and that I'd learn how to deal with it. I also told him to come watch a few of my baseball games or band shows. I should've let him have it to not have to handle anguish on the topic for the rest of my life, but I couldn't do it. While he tried to reach for me, I kissed him on his forehead, told him that I loved him, and walked away. Rough stuff.

Back To The Dream:

The first two times he visited me in dreams over a year ago, it was way too soon, and they were horribly violent experiences. I didn't want him there.

This time was very different and a big surprise. I was sitting in an auditorium setting and he suddenly appeared to my left. I wanted him to disappear or to ignore him. I guess that this was expected, because a second comforting female spirit I didn't recognize hugged me and kept me from shutting down. She was heavy-set and felt very old fashioned, almost Victorian. She encouraged me to face him.

I'm not sure that we said too much on a deep level to address his wrongdoings, but I'll assume that some things were implied. He told me about how he just came from seeing my brother, and that there may be something important he left in his early 1950's Jaguar convertible that's sitting in a garage with my Mom. We didn't exchange much on what should've been addressed at all, but we "spent time." There were no apologies or anything of the sort, which is what I really needed and don't think I'll ever get unless I let it go. We didn't touch. This experience felt like a simple "visit," but it was a billion times better than previous times. It was and still is overwhelming to feel his presence and hear his voice again. I can't explain it properly, but it's intense. It was also good to see him in a healthy manifestation before cancer.

We eventually walked to an alcove with a small marina (one of his hobbies) where he boarded a small boat that was tied to a larger one. I wish there was more time for him to apologize, but I could feel that his time to visit was over. I wasn't going to beg. I also saw my friend's Dad who passed away walking with his sons on the way there.

I got on a larger boat and it started towing the smaller wooden ones with my Dad and several other spirits on their own until they started submerging under water. My Dad and I kept our eyes on each other and he looked peaceful. The spirits seemed like they were on a joy ride, enjoying the experience in the sun and tropical water, but also as if they knew the routine.

I wanted to shout a question if he watches me and hears what I say, but I bit my tongue twice because it was a serene moment for everyone, I was embarrassed, and perhaps I was afraid to know. Maybe I should've, but the words wouldn't come out. We just watched each other. After some more time, the boats in tow seemed to slowly fade into a scene from the 1940s full of old fashioned cars moving slowly in traffic. This would be the era when my Dad was a kid. I woke up.

I looked at the time. It was 8:27 AM. The date my Dad verbally attacked me was 8/18, so it was an interesting coincidence that our short interaction symbolically started on or near the time 8:18 AM as a clue I figured he'd leave to validate the experience since I'd normally shrug it off. Once I saw the time, I got emotional.

I'm not sure how, but my eyes have been tearing nonstop since 8:27 as I try to process and piece my thoughts together before they fade. It's now 10:15 AM. I didn't know this was possible. I feel drained, so I'll try to go back to sleep a bit since I want to have energy for my day.

If you'd like to read an intense story about the first clue he left, this past post will open your eyes and make you think. This post talks about how I have a picture from the scene of my Mom's car accident where only divine intervention could explain her survival, and distinct faces of my Dad, Uncle, Grandfather and Grandmother can be seen. It's too hard to look at or think about, but it's mind-bending to consider being able to see their faces from the afterlife whenever I want.

Life advice: Never let a bridge stay burned with a parent or loved one when they pass on, even if you were the victim. Get YOUR peace first. Trust me.

Trying to go back to sleep,


Damn man! It's rough man! It just is!
I mean No one will ever feel the way you felt man, not even close!
I hope you don't mind me giving you a word.

What I have learned from the previous generations is that they brought kids to the world as some personal projects, we were born for them to survive and they had zero interest on what we wanted to be or become!
I'm not saying all people did it but that was the majority of their thoughts.

Time is the only key brother, we get off the track all the time because of our traumas mostly from the childhood, but I do know one thing and that's to just feel it and be ok with it. :)

You are not alone brother. :) <3


I appreciate the support. Your comment about previous generations seems accurate. Thanks for taking the time to give me a good reminder on that since he did always want me to fit in a mold he expected, and resented me for breaking away from it because I was not happy.

We move on brother :)
no matter what! <3

Dude... hopefully you feel a bit more closure after some decent rest. I still can't believe his rage 2 years ago.... I honestly can't comprehend it.

Do you have a brother (you mentioned one in the dream) - what was his relationship with your Dad like? My relationship with my own Dad is really good, but my relationship with my Mum isn't great. She wasn't abusive as such, but she was furious all the time and super manipulative, and I've barely spoken to her since I moved out. The last couple of years she's been really trying and came to visit us in the US for 4 days last September... I don't even think she's the person that she was when I was younger, but it's hard to let all that go... but I'd also be pretty weirded out if something happened to her. The bridge isn't burned but it's definitely highly singed. I'll drop her a message today to help close the gap.

Thanks for sharing man... it's amazing the effect all these relationships have on us.

Thanks for your quality contribution. My brother had a great relationship with him, just like my sister. My brother is the one who's made a lot of huge mistakes and encountered problems worthy of some criticism, but he's got a clean slate because my Dad didn't know about them.

While the scenario isn't ideal for you, it feels divine to me that you both have a chance to repair some things to at least be cordial for the long run. There's nothing worse than knowing you need closure when you thought you could handle it, and that closure from the source is completely impossible as that person isn't alive anymore. Save yourself the future torture and get to a point where you're confident that you won't have long-term baggage that will haunt you. Nothing will undo the past or be perfect, but you have the opportunity I never had to try to address this properly (because my Dad's brain was not fully-functioning to comprehend/address/discuss anything of substance on this topic peacefully - and/or he may have actually forgot it happened as much as my Mom grilled him about it regularly for months).

Thanks dude, that's really good advice. It's so easy to tell myself that I just don't care about anyone's opinion unless I choose to (ie, I care about my partner's opinion, but not so much my Mum's) but I think you're totally right and I'd rather not risk it. I'd hate to find out I actually had a ton of unresolved baggage after it was too late.

Just sent my Mum a message... I've clearly still got a lot of baggage there... petty little voices telling me to not be so nice to her, I've got to find a way to work through it... but thanks for the kick Matt!

Thought I posted this comment a few days ago... but just realized I didn’t hit post! Here it is...

Trying not to tear up as I sit at my desk at work reading this. After everything your dad has put you through... being able to have a pretty peaceful experience with him is a miracle by itself.

On another note - I hope you realize what a gifted writer and storyteller you are. Whenever I read your posts, I always feel like I’m actually experiencing it right along with you. Maybe one day it would be therapeutic for you to write a book on all of this. You’ve had some of the craziest curveballs from life and still somehow find purpose, meaning and joy in your life. It’s really inspiring.

Hugs my friend! ♥️

You sure know how to say the right things at the right time. Likewise, you may be rather far geographically, but it never feels that way, especially when you drop comments like these that make me feel like I'm not on an island, and have more faith in humanity.

I'm not sure anyone has ever complimented my writing that I can remember, outside of being able to pack a lot of punch in a short sentence or two/in jokes. Knowing you, you'd probably use your crypto millions to buy every book copy to make sure I didn't get discouraged when it flopped.

A thank you hug will be incoming in about 1.5 weeks.

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I am so sorry that things ended as they did between you and your dad. Communication continues as you know, although differently than before. I speak my fears and regrets, love, hope and thanks into existence daily. The pain and anger the same way. Somehow I can sense that they know.

Once in a great while they respond, as in your dream. Leave the channels open and invite them often. Perhaps it is simply our desire that fabricates a response, though I don't believe that to be the case.

Wish I could say more....wish I could help more <3

Brutal in places, but thank you so much for sharing.

It's saddening to hear that your dad couldn't muster up an apology on his death bed, and hope these visitations are seen as a late 'sorry' of sorts.

Never let a bridge stay burned with a parent or loved one when they pass on, even if you were the victim. Get YOUR peace first.

Absolutely. Not doing this helped send me to some pretty low depths which took years to manifest in full, and a few more years to recover from.

I liked your reply to aussieninja and totally support the requirement to get that olive branch out asap. If it's not accepted, you tried when it was possible, instead of being left thinking (for far too many hours in the day), what could have been.

Wow this is really personal and it's very brave of you to write it all out. I can't imagine how hard it was to realise that your father never got along with you and then he died without any closure either. I am so sorry to hear that. However you turn up as a fine individual somehow, despite receiving these kind of emotional abuse. Well done, Matt.

I hope you will have another good dream about your father so you can move on peacefully towards the future :).

I don't quite know what to say. That was an emotional read. Glad you got your thoughts out. 🙏

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Thanks for reading. I'm totally flattened right now. Not sure what to say either. Just blah.

I'm learning you have may dimensions and I like them all.

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