Pay It Forward. I’ll pay 50$ to three people for your undervalued posts.

in #payitforward8 years ago (edited)

Why am I so generous? Everything’s simple, I have already got my assistance and I want to go on. I am inspired with the ‘Pay It forward’ movie and I offer our community to try it in practice. 

If you haven’t watched the movie (IMDb), I strongly recommend you to do it. In my personal list it’s at one of the first places. I’ll remind that in the center of the film there’s a 7th-grade student Trevor Mc Kenney. His idea comes down to a disinterested help to three random people, everyone of whom in their turn also help three random people (‘pass goodness on’)… Theoretically, a number of good deeds should rise exponentially. 

My story started several days ago. I typed a post 'Steemit for Dummies'. It collected 150+ upvotes, but at the same time it earned only 3.14$. I was terribly frustrated, as I really did much work and wasted several hours for preparation and writing of this post. 

Now Steemit is on an establishing stage, and I understand that much depends on owners of accounts with big Steem Power. That’s why our really good post can win many votes and will be undervalued without attracting the attention of the Whales. In course of time the Steem Power will be more evenly redistributed among participants and the situation will change. In the meantime, we can influence it ourselves. 

As it was done by @cryptoctopus, who just transferred me 37.544 SteemDollars (SBD) with words ‘For that great post of yours: 

I am thankful to him for that, it inspired me to go on with my work and I spent almost the whole day for writing of the second part which this time was evaluated 1300$.

I hope that 3 novices who’ll get 50 SBD each from me will go on writing and will rightly deserve their acknowledgment. And thereafter they’ll go on the good tradition. 

Rules for participation

  1. In comments send a link to your post that is to your mind good, but wasn’t noticed;
  2. The post should be published more than 24 hours ago and evaluated less that 20$;
  3. Vote in comments for links of other participants, I am sure to take your point while choosing winners and it’ll help them to earn some SBD;
  4. In 24 hours I’ll choose 3 winners and transfer them 50 SBD each. 

If you are one of the cool Steemians who has already won several thousand dollars, I invite you to joint my initiative. Publish your conditions for participation under the tag #payitforward

I ask all the other people not to publish any other posts under this tag, for novices to orient themselves comfortably. 

Have fun!

Crossposted #payitforward #steem #steemit #steemit-ideas


Pay it forward; I can get behind that!

My posts have done fairly well, so I'll link to a good one I just read, from a Dedicated Writer who just has to write, whether it generates income to support them or not. I don't know this person, I just like their writing!

Nice post

I really like this idea. :) It's a great encouragement for people to keep on writing quality work even though the payout may be not so high. Yesterday I had my first great success which is standing at $400+ after a week of modest successes or none at all. However, despite being discouraged to write more, I fortunately kept on writing.

This is my post, which I feel was quite undervalued: :) It would be great if you could take a look at it

Lao Tzu was a great guy)))

I really think this is a great idea, as the users are increasing so rapidly, we really do need the curators to see the good content and upvote accordingly whilst steem is still in its infancy, we don't want to lose great authors!

Love the idea of #payitforward and here is to hoping some of these fashion vloggers decide to pay a little forward to the minnows in the sea. :P

Hi, I admire this idea. I joined 5 days ago and I am struggling to get a lot of views. I will keep at it and have faith in this platform. This post got me just over $1, I would like to know if you think it is worthy, thanks!

Hello! interesting idea. Here in Steemit there are a group of the most valuable people, who can pick up new post. And for real profit we must work on their interests. Unfortunately.
Here is my post about news in Steemit. I want to be like a CNN channel with its Breaking News.
And this is the next episode.
Привет из Украины)

Here is my first real blog post! I would appreciate any kind of constructive feedback!


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