Steem, automation, and the dream of basic income

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Like many of you I have long been aware of the threat that automation poses to the prevailing economic model. Unless you're reading this from aboard a yacht, odds are good that within the next few decades you're going to be in the same sinking ship as the millions today who have been replaced with machinery.

Meanwhile today's wealthy elite and their progeny, having at last cut us loose, will accelerate away like a rocket bound for Elysium. We are the exhaust being cast out the bottom so the rocket can climb. There are still holdouts who have not thought the matter through all the way saying things like "But the wealthy will still need us to buy products, we can't do that if we're poor."

None seem to realize that when the technology exists to manufacture any sort of material good, the few who own those machines can simply turn them inward and live off of what they produce. "Utopia for me, but not for thee". What's really being described here is a robotic support infrastructure for human beings, and what's at stake is whether it will support a few, or all.

But I don't want a yacht. I just want to write. My beef with the current economic model is not that I must work to live, but that I am not being utilized correctly. I will stick my neck out here, exposing myself to possible backlash by claiming to write very well. That is what I am routinely told anyway, and I have no reason to disbelieve it. You be the judge. If you don't love it, I'll eat my own face. :0

My only pride is in the joy I've brought my readers. To have provoked unfamiliar thoughts, to bare the contents of my heart to strangers and discover from their feedback that I am not alone in feeling that way; that my own life experiences overlap to an unexpected degree with others simply because we are all human.

I would be content to write and publish free work for anyone to enjoy until I finally croak and they shovel dirt on my face. But in this world, you still need money to live. Holding down conventional jobs, in particular ones where I have to deal with people face to face, has proven very difficult on account of having an autism spectrum disorder.

The ones that don't require such contact still typically let me go after a few weeks for a variety of reasons that I suspect involve sensory overload, difficulty with imprecise instructions and the tendency to upset people without realizing I've done it or why they are upset.

There are plenty of people like me out there. Perfectly willing to work, but longing for the freedom to choose what sort of work to perform. Perhaps not in every case, but in most, the individual has a better idea of what their strongest skills are than the market does.

This represents an absolute ocean of lost potential. There are, right now, sublimely skilled musicians, writers, performers, directors, scientists, mathematicians and so on flipping burgers, manning call centers, picking defective phones off an assembly line, stripping, selling their bodies (though that's not to say there aren't some who choose to work in the adult industry because they enjoy and are good at it) all because the market decides the only useful thing a skilled violinist can do is dig ditches, or the only useful thing a math savant can do is to mop floors.

Part of it is that people who have put a lot of time into developing a talent don't often know how to monetize it effectively. Part of it is that there's such a deluge of media these days that it can be difficult or impossible to get discovered. Think about how well 50 Shades of Grey sold compared to unfathomably better novels which will sit, largely ignored, on some forgotten shelf.

But these barriers can be overcome. At least it now appears within reach. Steemit represents a platform for easily monetizing quality content. The individual decides what they can contribute that others will value, and the community rewards those contributions proportionally to their enjoyment.

There is still the discoverability problem; hot girls on vacation, makeup tutorials and stolen content rake in the dubloons while for all we know, the secrets of the universe lay buried far below all of that with $0.01 in earnings. But the perfect should not be the enemy of the good! Two huge barriers on the path to financially fruitful self-actualization are now demolished.

Perhaps this is it? The lifeboat many of us have been searching for which will keep us afloat until technology and political changes make the post-scarcity economy a reality for all of us. If so, you won't find me sunbathing on a yacht. I will be holed up in a cabin somewhere, furiously typing away.


I've been thinking about the economy of the future for months or longer. I figured that sooner or later, automation was going to make vast amounts of wealth available to many people - and eventually sending people into more creative or artisanal pursuits in order to provide value. However, if Steemit continues the way it's going, it appears that Christmas has come early.

I've been trying to get many of my artistic friends to give Steemit a crack, and a few have come on board so far. They're already starting to see the life-changing potential that this type of technology has - especially for many of my friends who live in developing countries.


automation is more likely to consolidate wealth further than disseminate the benefits to all

I also have been trying to get my artist friends into this. A photographer friend of mine is currently in Turkey of all places and I think if he could take some photos and tell a little story about the failed coup and post it all here that he could do very well. We always hear about the struggling artist and how they are not "fairly compensated" for their work, will Steemit is the chance they have to no longer be struggling and to be fairly compensated. It is definitely worth a shot for a struggling artist to get on Steemit and start posting (and commenting and voting).

This is a great article! Steemit can possibly help some of the kinds of people you describe here. Keep on typing away; I enjoy what I have read from you!

however much i want this to succeed i can't see how it can finance everyone to a standard of living most in western countries are used to

As I understand it, part of it is that we currently have many redundant benefits programs for both housing and food. A great deal of savings are possible by rolling them all up into a single program. There's also the money saved by making it unconditional, so stuff like drug testing isn't done. Essentially it's just a more efficient, less costly benefits program.

Then, there's the matter of what it costs taxpayers to provide healthcare to homeless people for the conditions they suffer as a result of living outdoors full time, as well as the court costs, police costs, etc. involved. If you look into the Utah solution to homelessness, it turned out to be cheaper to buy every homeless person an apartment (outright, not rented) than to cover their police, court and healthcare costs over their lifetime. Keep in mind this is just for the chronically homeless, which are 8% of the homeless population.

i understand the benefits of such a system for the disadvantaged and disillusioned but i still think even with all these cost saving that you mention that such a system is viable without raising taxes to unmanageable levels

would also like to share this page with you i think you may appreciate it

Awesome post, mate! You've summarized the promise of Steemit as well as some of the obstacles very nicely.

There is still the discoverability problem; hot girls on vacation, makeup tutorials and stolen content rake in the dubloons while for all we know, the secrets of the universe lay buried far below all of that with $0.01 in earnings. But the perfect should not be the enemy of the good! Two huge barriers on the path to financially fruitful self-actualization are now demolished.

Love this paragraph, I've often wondered how much amazing content is buried somewhere on Steemit and how I could go about finding it.

I think universal income will be here sooner then later. I know some VC's are already testing the idea in a small city.

I'm aware of movement in that direction in Switzerland, as well as an experimental basic income trial in India. I will be keeping a close eye on both.

Nice post, hope steemit helps for folks who have difficulty in the workplace and Iike yr description of steemit as a lifeboat

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