OFFICIAL: Open-Mic | passion-ground's Top-5 Entries for Week 94

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)


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Week 94 was blazing hot with great music and outstanding performances!

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What is it? Am I the only one without a life! Ha-ha... I suspect there is quite a strong case to be made that I fall into such a distinctive category. Lol…

Why I am not seriously depressed is a question that only a higher power can answer. I ask no questions of my blissful state, nor tell no lies. For now, as in the past, and for the foreseeable future, I am truly quite content despite all prevailing odds.


Yes, I am a very rare creature. Beyond that, we shall not venture. Nonetheless, here I am – signed, sealed, delivered, - and I’m yours!

I am sharing all of this simply because I am a rather excitable boy, and when I’ve got something going on that motivates me; I focus on it like a laser beam.

I’m alluding to my recent involvement with the Open-Mic Mega Mash-up, of course… However, I must temper my expectations and realize that unlike myself, most everyone else does indeed have a normal life and cannot focus on outside projects the way that I tend to.

As such, I have to be very patient in granting artists all the time they need to get their ducks in a row so that they may participate in this project in a way that is most convenient and enjoyable for them.

Hey, if we don’t make the week #100 or week #104 deadlines, well then so be it. We will just keep working until we get the job done and present our wares when we are good and ready! Simple as that.

Despite that, I still have high hopes that we can rally our collective forces and bring something of excellent quality together in time for the 2-year anniversary in week #104.

Either way, I intend to make this project and journey a fun and most enjoyable one for everyone involved – no matter what it takes!

If you haven’t done so already, please check out all of the most recent posts associated with the forthcoming Open-Mic Mega-Collaboration.

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The Original Announcement Post

Update #1.

Update #2.

Update #3.

Should anyone have any questions or wish to participate in the “Mega Open-Mic Collab,” feel free to hit me up on discord >> passion-ground#5524.

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Next Up, a few words about our proud Sponsors

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Please, VOTE for These WITNESSES...

IMPORTANT: Before we move on, please don't forget to vote for @Pfunk as witnesses! @pfunk is our biggest supporter, and plays a major role in helping to fund, the Open Mic contest each week.

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Every last one of us should be SO VERY PROUD that @pfunk continues to weigh in at #18 on the witness list! It wasn’t that long ago that he was struggling to hold onto the #20 slot. Let’s keep this up, okay - @pfunk all the way - to #1!

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In addition to @pfunk, I am also adding @curie, @ausbitbank, and @aggroed to my short list of “must-vote-for” witnesses who support the Open-Mic venue.

You can vote for each of these witnesses right now by going directly to this link:

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With all of that said, following some further insights as to how I judge entries, let’s get on with it, shall we?

Steemit Open Mic Week 94

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My Process

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As one of the esteemed Open Mic judges, it is my job to come up with (or “curate” as it were) a short-list of my top 5 entrants each week. With all of the great talent here, that is by no means an easy task. Sure, tossing in another 5 honorable mentions helps, but not when my weekly list starts out with 100 or more of my favorite entries... You guy's rock - I'm tellin ya!

Yes, I am a Libra – so I have an inherent drive deep within me to be fair and balanced – good qualities for a “judge” if you ask me. That being said, I’m still human – filled with emotion and subjective feelings – just like you. So, in order to mitigate my subjective tendencies to the best extent possible, I’ve come up with a method by which to narrow down my selections in a more objective vs. arbitrary manner.

Here’s how I go about my personal judging process: I first start out with a list of 100 or more of my most favorite entries for the week, and score them (yes, subjectively) in six distinct categories via a spreadsheet. The categories I’ve selected for scoring are in general harmony with those explained by @luzcypher in his post titled How We Pick The Top 3 Entries, referencing such.

To get a more in-depth perspective as to how I personally go about selecting my artists, please refer to What I go through as an Open-Mic Judge.

Even though it’s still a “subjective” process – diligently going through each scoring category to come up with a “total” score for each entrant helps to minimize any overzealous subjectivity that I may harbor with respect to any specific entrants.

Quite often, this exercise doesn’t give me the exact results I would personally prefer to see – but that only means that my system of judging is working as intended and designed. With all of that said, here are...

My Top-5 Picks in Order

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FIRST PLACE: @silentscreamer – On My Own - (Cover)

Right from the very start, @silentscreamer - or "SS" as I like to call her, grabbed hold of my heartstrings, and for 4+ minutes, she never let go! This is a profoundly beautiful song rendered in equally exquisite fashion by one of our very own – the immensely talented, Marica! I LOVED THIS – “All On My Own!”

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SECOND PLACE: @ilazramusic – Hola - (Original)

Whoa! – One could not ask for a catchier tune! @ilazramusic has once again outdone himself in assembling and producing “Hola!” His vibe is always positive, his music - always captivating, and “Hola” captures all of these blessings that have been graciously bestowed upon the musical genius who is otherwise known as @ilazramusic. ”Hola,” my brother… NICE!

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THIRD PLACE: @jotadiaz12 – Lateindo de mas - (Cover)

Okay, so in my estimation, these two talented performers are the “sleepers” here in week #94! Both of them set forth incredibly impassioned performances in covering this most beautiful song. The backdrop, audio quality, vocal and guitar performances are simply outstanding! Bravo!

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FOURTH PLACE: @darrenclaxton – Inside Your Soul - (Original)

If Darren hones his songwriting skills any finer; they will soon become sharp enough to cut through diamonds! In fact, it is likely he has already done so. “Inside Your Soul” is yet another of Darren’s rather outstanding compositions. Such clear gifts cannot be ignored, nor go unrecognized on a mass scale for very long. In my view, Darren is just two or three steps away from becoming an international Super-Star!

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FIFTH PLACE: @siomarasalmeron – Balada Boa + Danca Kudro (Mash-up Cover)

I just love @siomarasalmeron’s vibe! Her vocal talents easily match - if not exceed her natural energy and passion, which makes most every submission of hers one to look forward to! This mash-up, which was inspired by a “SS” initiative, serves to provide yet another small glimpse into the incredible talent that she possesses!

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My Top-5 Honorable Mentions in Order:

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First: @wilins – Rompecabezas - (Cover)

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Fifth: @daily-musings – Long Way Home - (Original)

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Thank you for reviewing my selections for this week’s Open-Mic contest. If you find this content I’ve curated entertaining and of value to you, then please consider up-voting and/or re-steeming it.

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Peace, Love, and Justice for All

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A Very Special Shout Out To:

The following 20 artists who were very much on my radar, each within a splitting hair of making it into my overall top-10, and whose performances I loved, cherish, and respect most assuredly. This special list is very much an extension of my most honorable mentions.

They are - in no particular order:

@nilssonleiva, @juliolunar, @k0wsk1, @ill-esha, @davidcentenor, @damcrow, @samidbarid, @pechichemena, @rodrigo98, @thesimpson, @leomolina, @tribedownsouth, @dinoromanelli, @andreinakm, @mariajruizb, @dreamrafa, @shookriya, @moderndayjester, @klynic, and @miguelblanco!

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Another Special Shout Out To:

The following artists whose performances I very much enjoyed this week.

They are - in no particular order:

@wildfamily, @alcoholisedbsoul, @steffan, @oliverwaterman, @lk666, @mcmusic, @coruscate, @shephard, @diegopadilla, @samjgonz, @jorasiro, @rjcha, @sayury, @cpereira, @itslobianco, @cimillan, @donatello, @enriquesalgadoc, @carlosvidal, @albertluis, @mooliner, @orlandogonzalez, @minuetoacademy, @tcpolymath, @luismarcanoxd, @franmemontilla, @belenlopr, @maycorjerjes18, @jons0318, @lecumberre, @lozanocarmen, @edwardstobia, @lostgalaxy, @danieldedosd2, @abrahampe3, @dianakyv, @luis2702, and @katrina-ariel!

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Much love and thanks to each and every one of you who have touched a part of my heart and soul - not only this week but forever!

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And the hits just keep coming. Loving all the talent here and thank you @passion-ground for all your loving encouragement and energy.

Click here to see who won Open Mic week 94:

Steemit Open Mic Week 94 Winners See Who Won Open Mic And Join Us This Week --- by @luzcypher

That they are! The talent is endless...
Thank you, brother!

Well shame on @luzcypher for not setting the openmic week 1 to coincide with week 100 for the 2 year anniversary. Quite a fumble. 😂 hahaha.
I kid.. We get to celebrate twice!
I know youll get the project ready. Its super hard when people are all over the world... Well i said that before, not to repeat myself.

Thank you for the honor as always. SS out! ❤😂🙌

Ha-ha... My pleasure, SS...
You really got to me this week, girlfriend! :-)
Thank you!

Haha. No thank you. ❤😁

Thank you for the lovely post!

Awesomeeee! Open Mic loves rocking. I just realized. Didn't know it, but I do already. You, guys, love rock. I could presume it was that way, but now I know for sure. Jajaja Greetings, @passion-ground!

jajajaj... I love rock, anyway... :-)
Loved your performance this week!

Hey, if you want to add some vocal tracks to our Open-Mic mega-collaboration just let me know!
Friend me on discord at:

Cool! I'm going to contact you!

I already sent you an invitation.

I never got this invitation... not sure why?? :(

Haven't get your answer yet, @passion-ground! Find me and message me! siomarasalmeron#6345 I think jaja Or take a look to your invitations.

Doing it now! :-)

Cool, I have a wierd issue with my Discord. People says they see two siomarasalmeron jajaja Anyways... See you there!

GO! Once again in the top 10, I'm super grateful, thanks for the support man, Full Rock and good life.

You definitely rocked the house hard this week, brother!
It's hard not to support such a rockin'... :-)

You should start from the number 5 to create suspense ;)

Interesting suggestion! One of the others judges uses this approach.
I'll give it some thought - thanks!

Right on thank you for the honor of making your list this week, that is some great company! Have a great week! ;9)

You got it, brother! It's been a long time coming! :-)

Hi @passion-ground, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I found out that @slilentscreamer doesn't exist on Steem. Maybe you made a typo ?

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Oh Lord, it's you again... The "Mention" POLICE - Alright already... I fixed it... Thank you! :-)


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