My Thoughts On Where The 'Fake News' Narrative May Be Heading

in #news8 years ago (edited)

By now I'm sure you are all aware of the ongoing assault on the alternative media. A vast number of websites that are devoted to the truth have been labelled as Russian propaganda by the mainstream media. Ironically, 'fake news' is the buzzword that these bought-and-paid-for media companies are assigning to the alternative news sources.

It is obvious to us all that the goal here is to completely silence all independent media sources that are not pushing the agendas that our governments and their masters desire. I have been thinking a lot about what their next step may be, because repeating the words 'fake news' in perpetuity, will never in itself gain them the public support necessary to achieve that goal.

Many of you will be familiar with the Hegelian Dialect, a method utilised frequently by governments and corporations to fulfill an agenda that the public would otherwise not be willing to accept. A problem is manufactured, and a solution to that problem is then proposed. Before the creation of the problem, the goal in question would never be accepted by the people. However, once the problem is in effect, people become willing to accept whatever that goal may have been as a compromise to put an end to the problem.


Above is an example of this method in play, but 9/11 is probably the best example to use;

The goal was to remove Saddam Hussein from power for challenging the petrodollar by selling oil in Euros. This would have been a serious threat to the US economy, but that alone would not be enough to get public approval for a war in Iraq. Once the problem of Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction was revealed and the attack on the World Trade Center had taken place however, the public not only approved of a war in the Middle East, but more Americans signed up to fight in that war than at any other time in history. The people were also willing to sacrifice a great number of their personal freedoms with the very unpatriotic Patriot Act, to protect them from the now imminent terror threat.

This is just once instance of the Hegelian Dialect, as it is always in play in one way or another at any given moment. I believe that the attack on the alternative media is merely the latest example of this strategy at work, with the 'fake news' narrative being the foundations of the thesis. 

If we look at the current situation from this perspective, it then becomes evident that allegations of fraudulent news is only the first step. We know already that the objective in sight is the elimination of any and all news sources that contradict the lies being propagated by the mainstream media. My mind presents me with several ways in which this could come into fruition, but it seems most likely to me that they would make it illegal for anyone to report the news without a special license, issued by the government. Of course, only those who agree to say what they're told and nothing else will be provided with this press-permit.

As it stands, I cannot see the public--even those who are still heavily brainwashed--supporting this type of action. There are many people out there who make their bread and butter from reporting on current events, and there would need to be a much better reason for them to be victimized than allegedly reporting fake news. This is is why I have been led to believe--though I sincerely hope that I'm wrong--that in the not-so-distant future, there may be an event that is shocking enough to justify the assertion of their agenda. I am basing this on my own observation of history and standard logic.


Once again, there are numerous potential events that I'm able to conjure in this overactive mind of mine, all of which could lead to them getting the support they need to make independent journalism illegal. Below, I will share with you a few of the probable headlines we may see after such an event, that could serve to gain public approval for their plans.




These are just a few of the possibilities that could lead to some of the populous questioning the safety of allowing non-governmental sources to report on news, though the event could potentially be on a bigger scale should it take place. It could also just as easily be an event that didn't even take place, but was reported upon as if it did--as they have done before.

These criminals have been doing this a long time, and they're getting exceptionally good at it. They also seem to be very efficient, often killing two birds with one stone. So, should something along these lines take place, I wouldn't be surprised if they were able to silence or discredit someone who has been a problem for them at the same time. If the supposed crime is serious enough and perpetrated at the hands of a gun-owner, they could also use the same event to justify the removal of citizen's firearms as they have been attempting for quite some time now.


I do not want to be accused of fear mongering or anything of the sort for taking the time to speculate on what might be. I am merely sharing my thoughts, and the primary reason for me doing this is to disrupt any potential plans for a false flag event which would result in a win for these fuckers. If enough noise is made about a false flag attack being expected, then the incentive to perform said false-flag would be eliminated. What use would they have for producing an event if that event has been predicted and no one believes it to be true anyway?

Some may consider me crazy but I have seen it too many times. It is somewhat depressing that I have had to adopt such a mindset, though I am optimistic that I will not always need to exercise such paranoia. All around the world, the people are breaking out of their psychological prisons and awakening to the reality of their enslavement. I'm very happy to be a part of Steemit, where a large portion of the users are conscious of the world we live in. Most were attracted to the site because of the decentralized nature of it, which is dichotomous to the system we must return to when we log off. 

If you feel that I'm not being overly-paranoid here, then I would like to request that you make your suspicions of an imminent false-flag known on other parts of the internet, and that you resteem this post so that others can know to do the same. We have an opportunity here to disarm them, or at least remove the ammunition from their gun. Even if it is only a 1% chance that I'm right, it is still worth taking precautions, for if we lose the alternative media, then we have no chance at awakening our sleeping brothers and sisters to the truth.

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Have a great day, Steemians.


Fantastic! Never fear!

I do not want to be accused of fear mongering

I think people go though a phase of fear when they first learn of things like this. In that state it is probably not realistic for them to distinguish between fear mongering and healthy fear. So, I don't think you'll escape an accusation but I don't think it is anything to worry about especially if your anticipating this.

Thank you very much for that. You're right, it isn't worth worrying about. I have just seen some comments on here before from people who are in denial, so they lash out at those who are providing them with the harsh truth that they do not want to accept.

I believe it was your article on fake news I read not long ago. If so, it was an excellent piece. I think it clear that you too know the situation could escalate if the desired result is not achieved through the repetition of the words 'fake news.'

Many of you will be familiar with the Hegelian Dialect, a method utilised frequently by governments and corporations to fulfill an agenda that the public would otherwise not be willing to accept.

Do you realize how fundamentally flawed that statement actually is?

Just curious. I know people keep repeating this over and over until the public believes it and just takes it for granted. But just because you've repeated a lie so many times you no longer bother to question it's veracity, does not make it suddenly true.

The actual purpose of a Hegelian dialect is to find a compromise, a middle ground by hearing both sides of a story.

It literally means the process of watching two parties with OPPOSING INTERESTS discussing an issue and the process that they used in order to resolve the conflict without resorting to violence.

Please for the love of god, quit assuming conspiracy theorists have anything remotely resembling coherent thoughts. This is getting contagious. You repeat things like this and it spreads like wildfire because 50% of the population has an IQ below the median average, but they account now for 80% of the internet traffic.

We've reached a tipping point. That's what this is. You need to actually use critical thinking skills now or you will drown in this sea of information and become a part of the flotsam and jetsam with the rest of the parrots who keep regurgitating the same "fear for dollars" narrative.
Don't do that, you're smarter than that.

You can't trust what google is telling you or any of your social media circle friends.

You have to think for yourself and that means to go to the original source and don't believe anything anyone tells you at face value. Do your own homework, draw your own conclusions and then help others come to their OWN conclusions by showing source material for both sides of the coin.

Do that and we might all get over this bump in the road and avoid our own home built dystopian nightmare.

Though you are correct--in a way--you really ought to do a little more research before attempting to be quite so condescending.
While the Helegian Dialectical Principal can be broken down to a compromise in its simplest form, there are a number of working models used to reach synthesis.

"It literally means the process of watching two parties with OPPOSING INTERESTS discussing an issue and the process that they used in order to resolve the conflict without resorting to violence."
That is just a complete fallacy. It is not an observation, but an action. It is a lot closer to influencing the discussion.
One definition is; an interpretive method in which some assertible proposition (thesis) is necessarily opposed by an equally assertible and apparently contradictory proposition (antithesis), the contradiction being reconciled on a higher level of truth by a third proposition (synthesis).
No limitations are stated to the various ways in which that method can be utlised. The principal is founded on the belief that the human mind is unable to comprehend anything that it cannot split into two opposite sides.
It can be as simple as finding a compromise between two opposing factors, or--as I stated--It can be the manufacturing of said opposing factors in order to achieve a compromise that was always the intended result.

"You repeat things like this and it spreads like wildfire because 50% of the population has an IQ below the median average, but they account now for 80% of the internet traffic."
I would love to see a source for these stats as it seems like you pulled them out of your arse. One thing is for sure though, you speak with a tone of superiority, so I can presume that you feel you are above average intelligence. Perhaps you are, but you should know that brain power does not necessarily equate to understanding, and there is a very big difference between intelligence and wisdom. I'm sure I could find someone with below average IQ that is wiser than both you and I.

You ought to think twice before attempting to show how clever you apparently are, because to me, you have simply made yourself look arrogant and exceptionally silly.

First off apologies for the condescending tone. I see that conspiracy angle touted out so often, and get tired of seeing people intentionally mis-explain it like that.

You clarified how it is used in your rebuttal and that's fine, but it's not at all what you were saying before. You could have just as easily used something along the lines of "The government manufacturers these dialogs and controls both sides of the coin." and then provided some solid examples backed with citations from credible sources.

You appear to think these guys are way more organized than they are and I can tell you first hand what you describe isn't within the capabilities of the system to pull off. There has never been a conspiracy that was successful because people suck at keeping secrets.

There's an old saying, don't mistake incompetence for malice, even if it feels that way. No one in government is any different than you or I. There aren't secret clubs, or cabals or illuminati, or jewish banking conspiracies or a global elite with some unified plan. There are just people, some of whom are bad, most of whom are good though.

Instead you mis-informed your readership by implying it's a term of the conspirators.
People are going to take your words at face value and it's not just you. I see this floating around and correct it wherever I can because mis-informed people make bad decisions based on fear.

"You repeat things like this and it spreads like wildfire because 50% of the population has an IQ below the median average, but they account now for 80% of the internet traffic."

I would love to see a source for these stats as it seems like you pulled them out of your arse. One thing is for sure though, you speak with a tone of superiority.

That's pretty much the definition of median average. 50% will be below it. As for accounting for 80% of traffic, I should clarify that this is a reference to social media traffic so I misspoke. Either way you're right I pulled it out of my ass. I used IQ as a proxy for education level and ability and desire to think critically. It's pretty much self evident by looking at what trends, what is popular and what people accept into their vision of reality. Point is people are impressionable they aren't going to search an obscure term when you give them a definition that sounds legit. This is what I was attacking.

One thing is for sure though, you speak with a tone of superiority, so I can presume that you feel you are above average intelligence.

No I don't consider myself above average, just average. I've never made any claim to superiority, but I do try to help people think critically, because I look around me and I see it lacking.

You ought to think twice before attempting to show how clever you apparently are, because to me, you have simply made yourself look arrogant and exceptionally silly.

If you thought this was me being clever you'd be wrong. I apologize for the condescending tone. It wasn't intentional, but it was there. Words have meaning and they have impact. The way I talked to you is the way I talk to my friends while sitting around having a meal or a drink at a bar, but you don't know me so there isn't a way for you to get a read on it. This is something I need to work on, so I'll work on it. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.

Good post !!
An easier way to describe how the Hegelian Dialect is being used in MHO would be problem, reaction, solution. The powers that be will create a problem and hype it like it's the end of the world in order to get a reaction from those below average IQs. Then they will roll out the predetermined solution they want. There are many examples of this very thing happening all over the world today.

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