Saying Goodbye to Garlic as our Ally: Part 2 😭😭😭

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)

In the last post, I wrote that even though I'm a huge fan of garlic as a healing plant and I grow it myself in the garden. However, since Jamie has discovered he can't digest garlic and onion and has to follow a FODMAP diet, garlic is no longer our ally.


Jamie isn't the only person to omit garlic and onions from his diet, and in sitting over the remains of a garlic-less nasi goreng in Bali, we did a little research into why Hare Krishnas don't eat it. I'd reminded Jamie of that as years ago my Mum and Dad were obsessed by a cooking show on our TV station, SBS, hosted by a guy called Kurma, who was a Hare Krishnan. As my folks were vegetarian, Dad pretty much wanted Mum to cook everything on the show.

Dad is a big fan of Gopals too in Melbourne, the Hare Krishnan place there, where they serve up great food for really cheap - if you're ever in Melbourne it's just up from the main train station. We've also got Hare Krishna valley about twenty minutes from our house, where we can go for a Sunday feast after listening to some discourse about the Bhagavid Gita and a few mantras, which to be honest isn't the worse way to spend a few hours on a Sunday.

Hare Krishna Valley, Bambra, Victoria

The Hare Krishnas have been at pretty much every festival I have been to in Australia and I love their mixed plates, particularly their vegetarian kofta balls with tomato sauce - I've included the recipe below for you because it's just delicious. They include asoefoetida, or hing, which is onion-like in taste, although you wouldn't use it in, say, an Italian style pasta sauce as it's just not the same thing.

Hare Krishnans aren't the only ones that don't eat garlic and onions - many Buddhists and Hindus also refrain because it's meant to be agitating and adversely affects conciousness.

Vedic literature says that onions and garlic are in the lower realms of nature - passion and ignorance, two things that we should avoid if we're going to have a good spiritual practice. Aspiring devotees of Krishna will only eat what they offer him, and his devotees say that he doesn't eat onions and garlic. Maybe he was on a FODMAP diet too?

Clearly, garlic breathe isn't something you'd expect to smell on the breath of a God, so perhaps it's undestandable that it's impure or ungodly in this way. We used to do a lot of Bikram yoga and you'd smell pretty garlicky if you'd ingested a lot the day before - and garlic sweat just ain't pretty either.

'Garlic Gum is NOT funny' - Bart Simpson

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna actually says that foods that are 'too bitter, too sour, salty, hot, pungent, dry and burning are dear to those who are in the modes of passion. Such foods causes distress, misery and disease'. Now this is absolutely the case for my darling, who is absolutely miserable and in pain if he eats garlic or onion, but damn I love as much chilli as you can give me, so I could never follow this advice! Perhaps moderation is the key - the point is, if you've eaten foods that are likely to disturb and agitate you, like a killer curry (try sleeping after that - never!) then your sense are going to be distrubed and that's going to make it hard to live equanimously and virtously. Makes sense.

Offering food to Krishna - just not garlic

There are many myths and stories about garlic in Indian traditions:

When Lord Vishnu in His Mohini form was distributing nectar to demigods two demons named Rahu and Ketu sat down along with the line of Demigods. By mistake the Lord served them nectar into their mouths. Immediately the lord was informed by the Sun and Moon that those two were demons. As soon as the Lord came to know of this He cut off the heads of both demons. By that time nectar had not passed through their throats. It was still in their mouths. When the Lord cut of their heads , the heads were separated from their bodies. Thus nectar did not pass to the stomach but fell on the ground . (That is the reason why Rahu and Ketu’s head are still alive but their bodies were finished.) When their heads were cut off garlic and Onions manifested from this nectar which fell on the ground from the mouth of the two demons. Thus Garlic and Onions are regarded as nectar but not used for the Lord because these are remnants of demons having touched their mouths. Even the nectar touched the mouths of these two demons still garlic and onions act like nectar in curing the diseases. But they are not meant for Vishnu or Vaishnavas. The doctor told me that whoever will eat garlic and Onion, their body will Be very strong like demons body and at the same time their intelligence also will be contaminated like the intelligence of demons.

And even other traditions too - in Turkey, the story goes that when Satan got booted out of heaven, garlic arose where he stepped with his left foot, and garlic with his right. Now usually I'd be behind Satan picking up the free onion and garlic, but Jamie would be reminding me that he can't eat it anyway.

Onions and garlic have historically been given aphrodesiac qualities, mentioned in Hindu texts but also in ancient Greece and other cultures. If one is trying to stick to a spiritual path, it's obvious that foods with aprhodesiac qualities shouldn't be ingested. In fact, it's probably a good idea to decrease the production of sperm and calm down the libido rather than stimulate - have you ever tried to meditate when you're really horny?

IN some Buddhist writings, particularly the Tao, the alliums have a detrimental effect on the organs. The zen masters, Chinese and Japanese Buddhists eschew garlic for it's tendency to disturb the body, mind and spirit.

In Ayurveda, onions are tamastic and rajastic - in yogic philosophy one shoud eat sattvic or pure foods only rather than heavy or stimulating foods.

Garlic is both a tamastic and tamastic food and shouldn't be consumed by yogis

There is also quite a bit of debate about whether garlic is harmful (and they do know it can cause botulism - I read a great story about Italians coating their bullets with it as they were notoroius bad shots, but figured the botulism from the garlic would finish them off anyway) but I haven't read any conclusion science on it's effect on the brain, which some claim, and would need to read more into this.

Before doing this small amount of research, I had no idea that garlic and onion were so controversial. There's a whole lot more historical information on garlic and onions and how it was seen as a food for the poor, the ignorance or the undesirable. I'm not sure any of these reasons are reason enough for me to abandon garlic altogether, and there's much research for me to do before I give up my beautiful garlic crop! I'm still on the side of it's good for me - don't get me wrong. It's antibacterial, antifungal, good for blood pressure, impotence (there's the aphrosdesiac stuff again), diabetes and all sorts of things. And I'm not a Hare Krishnan, nor a Hindu, and I'm not entirely willing to change my diet for these spiritual reasons, though they are great to give us a further excuse to ban garlic from the table.

However, I certainly won't be consuming it when I am doing a lot of meditation or when I need to concentrate, or at least I'll be monitoring how it makes me feel now. Like with everything we put into our bodies, a little caution goes a long way.

I guess with Jamie being so badly affected by them, maybe that's reason enough we say goodbye to the alliums as allies.


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Shame about the new garlic-free-zone (for you!) and some interesting historical anecdotes too :-)

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Oh, I'd forgotten about Kofta balls. Those things are the best!

I bought some hing once. It's so strong smelling. I had to seal it in it's only plastic container to not stink out my cupboard.

Arent they awesome!!! Im not sure if Jamie can have chick pea flour though so will have to substitute ... oops forgot to include recipe lol... lets see if anyone notices.

Well, sounds like another post then. I have a good recipe too (off the internet) but I like the ones at Govindas more. It will interesting to see what yours is like.

I used to make them with grated broccoli and grated cauliflower so as not to waste vegetables. Loved them. however, I'm worried about the gram flour - will test jamie on it first, as I dont think they'll have the same texture without it. Ha, any idea for another steempost, that's for sure!

I wonder whether the properties change depending on how they're cooked. If you stir fry onions fairly quickly, they would still be quite pungent. But if they are sauteed slowly in a stable fat (I like lard), they become very sweet and soft. Not that I would expect that to make much difference for Jamie, but as general way of looking at them, I imagine reactions would be different.

Unfortunately it doesn't matter in this FODMAP case. If you fry them in oil then remove them that's okay, but that's a bit of an effort for me and seems pointless. I'll definitely try the olive oil infusion though.

No it wouldn't change the FODMAPs. But in a Traditional Chinese Medicine sense, it might make them more digestible for others. Maybe... Did you watch the last Handmaid yet?

Well i kniw they are just as painful for J. Cooked or raw so im not sure about that.

Yes, I DID watch it... and whilst I was frustrated and wanted her to escape it made sense. How could she leave Hannah behind? And that now sets us up for Series 3, whuch hopefully has her leading a rebellion??? Although theres going to be hell to pay when she gets home so Im not sure how that will be handled. Im glad Emily got out.

I think she'd have been better off getting out, regrouping, and working on getting Hannah out with some help! But it wouldn't set it up so well for next series.

Sad about the garlic :(
Fascinating stuff about the yogi diet though, would never have picked garlic and onion as a no no, they definitely make you smell if you eat enough of them. Guess onion tart is out of the question. I wonder if there’s any correlation between garlic and vampires and this practice, a bit of Chinese whispers and a sprinkle of legend

Now thats an interesting theory @stuffing!!! I love a good interconnected myth origin theory!! I think garlic also causes indigestion (well it does for my honey) so that wont help meditation either. Its interesting isnt it? I fpund a whole HEAP of European anti garlic myths and histories too, so garluc warding off vampires was probably because they didnt want to eat it!!!

Sad about the garlic and also question the wisdom - garlic & onions contain hugely important sulfides that protect bone osteoblasts. Being unable to digest something suggests the need to add diversity to the digestive microbiome. FODMAP? just nah. some of the longest lived people groups in the world consume enormous quantities of garlic.

That's the most Ive ever learned about garlic (my favorite spice!) No way I could give it up...

I feel all too often people over eat what is good for you and sometimes that is the reason good food turns out not so good for a person. Also, food allergies due to an imbalance in the immune system or body can cause a reaction but this is actually the second time I have heard such a good argument about these 2 products. I know when I eat too much garlic and onions within the week or too much for a meal I feel sick to my stomach. I like your post because it gives some history to support the reasons. Thank you.

You're welcome, I am so glad you got some benefit from it. I think overeating is a problem for sure, but I'm not sure that it the reason for my husband's intolerance - I wish it was so simple. He's always been a moderate eater - strange for a man, I know!

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