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RE: Saying Goodbye to Garlic as our Ally: Part 2 😭😭😭

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago

Sad about the garlic :(
Fascinating stuff about the yogi diet though, would never have picked garlic and onion as a no no, they definitely make you smell if you eat enough of them. Guess onion tart is out of the question. I wonder if there’s any correlation between garlic and vampires and this practice, a bit of Chinese whispers and a sprinkle of legend


Now thats an interesting theory @stuffing!!! I love a good interconnected myth origin theory!! I think garlic also causes indigestion (well it does for my honey) so that wont help meditation either. Its interesting isnt it? I fpund a whole HEAP of European anti garlic myths and histories too, so garluc warding off vampires was probably because they didnt want to eat it!!!

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