My Name is What? TheDarkHorse - Writing Contest

in #mynameiswhat6 years ago (edited)


This is my entry to the My Name is What contest by @steemitachievers. I was tagged into this contest by one of my favorite steemians @fitinfun in her entry, visit and give it a read too!

Please write about your Steemit name.

thedarkhorse is a name that I came up with for Steemit and only Steemit. This name was something that someone mentioned to me about our hockey team one season as we went from one of the worst teams to taking a championship. Wasn't really sure what they meant when they said we should change our name to Dark Horse so I looked it up and here is what I found.

a candidate or competitor about whom little is known but who unexpectedly wins or succeed
Source: Google Dictionary

Why you chose it and what it means to you?

As each day we can choose to succeed or fail no by our actions or inaction I felt that this was a fun label to be placed on my efforts on steemit.

Any new member of steemit has a major uphill battle to gain followers, earn votes, and have any form of real success TheDarkHorse just seemed fitting. Each day I put in the effort to help grow my account as each day my choice is to due the actions that can lead to long term success.

At the same time when I started on steemit I held multiple state licenses and was worried as they dealt with finances that my posts could be an issue. The government probably would look down upon someone with any financial licenses talking about or suggesting any form of crypto investment. This conflict meant that I wanted to go with an anonymous approach and the name gave no clue as to my digital footprint so that made it appealing.

Source: Pixabay

Given the chance to be able to change it, will you?

Not a chance. I like the name and my free profile pic from that site! While I have started sharing about my family I have still stayed more or less anonymous and plan to stay that way for now. Every so often someone does something that reminds me that the world doesn't need to know exactly who I am while online.

Those that have gotten to know me know me, maybe not my face but they know who I am and that is really all that matters.

To me the actions a man takes when nobody is watching is very telling about their character. While anonymous I could be selfish or giving, I could choose to be a jerk or caring, I have options as nobody would know any different. I choose to stay true to myself while being anonymous and keep trying to give and care about others. Putting my face and name to the account wouldn't change my actions, but it would potentially change my motivations and that isn't something I want for now.

This is my entry to the My Name is What contest by @steemitachievers.

How about you?

What is the meaning of your name? Anyone can enter this contest, and we are supposed to tag others so they might participate. Here are a few people I'd like to see join in the fun...sorry if I missed your much to read each day and so little time:


Let me know your thoughts. My posts aren't a static piece of information, but rather the starting point of what I hope turns into a conversation.

Great story about your name. I have always known what a Dark Horse is and assumed that you considered yourself a Steemit Underdog. However, I always enjoy your posts and think of you as an honest, sincere contributor to the platform (unlike so many). I love the idea for the challenge and I think I will post some short explanation as well if you don't mind me linking you.

Thanks again for all the interesting posts.

Thank you for all your kind words. I strive to be myself and stick to my ethics which means you shouldn't see anything other then sincere posts.

Always feel free to link to anything I post.

Great contest - that's interesting. I'm sure i would have asked you about your name as i already was wondering about it. I just checked if we have this definition for this term also in germany - but i couldn't find anything beside articles about dark machinations in equestrian sports. Then i looked up in Dutch but there i found only articles how horses can see in the dark or how to make a horse more recognizable in the dark. :) So it looks like it's an english term. Great to know about it! Thanks for tagging me - i think i will work on my entry tomorrow :).... What i saw on the original contest page on the contest rules is : 'Leave the link to your post as a comment to this post so we will know you have an entry'.....but i didn't saw your comment/link ....something you missed to do? ....just sayin ...not that your entry will not be recognized.

Just left my link, thanks for the reminder!

Didn't realize that Dark Horse was only a US saying. It's really not a common one here either, but it's known at least. Think I like it's not common, more fitting.

The british people also using it. Definition UK : a person who keeps their interests and ideas secret, especially someone who has a surprising ability or skill. :)

A little different meaning, but fairly close.

I really enjoyed reading this post @thedarkhorse I remember commenting about your cool choice of incognito tag when I first came across you here. Since then, I have had the pleasure of getting to know you better through your posts and interaction and would definitely agree with what you have said about yourself. I have found you to be a man of integrity with great values, and one who has the courage to challenge anyone who says otherwise. As we have all come to realize, anyone can voice their opinion online and maybe some people experience a sense of power in doing so but for genuine people (like yourself) who are aware of your own vulnerability when sharing personal stuff for the sake of genuine relationships, these are the people I gravitate towards and choose to spend time and converse with. Now, I see you have included me in your list of nominees to get involved with this challenge. I have to admit to feeling a reasonable amount of resistance when I saw this but after you rose to a recent challenge I sent your way with promptness despite your fears I feel it only fair that I do the same. I'm not sure how soon I can get this done, but I will give it some thought and put something together shortly.

Thank you for your very kind words. Glad that you will take up the challenge and that maybe I will be forcing you outside your comfort zone a little. Think we all need that once and a while.

Forcing me out of my comfort zone? No doubt about it @thedarkhorse You took the words out of my mouth. (lol)

Think that is only fair as you did the same to

You take great photos and I love seeing them...but I think you can offer even more. When you write your comments with such passion I feel you have a voice that should be heard. Lets see if a couple challenges can bring out your inner voice. This one and then maybe the one I'll announce tomorrow. If you hate it feel free to give me a hard time for making you uncomfortable, but hopefully you'll have fun.

I've often wondered where 'thedarkhorse' came from and what it really meant. It does seem very fitting for you!

I saw this same contest, but considering my lack of creativity when choosing my steemit name, it wouldn't be much of a post ;)

Have a great weekend, and enjoy your houseful of Easter peeps :)

I didn't see any point in tagging

Easter egg hunt, good food, and family makes for a good day. Actually was shopping tonight for food for Sunday and it gave me my next post. Watch for it in the morning, say 8 hours from now. Think you will appreciate it. Writing it tonight and then will edit tomorrow when I'm fresh.

haha no kidding:)

I'm glad Easter went well; looking forward to seeing what you're going to write about!

Easter is today, just finishing up the cleaning while Wife and kids are at church. Also getting the cooking started...probably shouldn't be on But I did need to sit for a minute, back is killing me. Missed a stair and really tossed everything out of alignment.

Haha sneaking in a little steemit while the family's at church!

I hope your back is ok too :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend...hopefully you'll be able to take it easy tomorrow!

Tomorrow I'll be working all day out of the house and have the kids helping me. Will see how they do going out the door at 7am and "working" a full day.

This is so awesome to read and absolutely nothing like I expected! I think the first post of yours that I saw was about your kid's horseback riding lesson, so I thought it was about that.

Great job, thank you for for compliment, and I'm so glad you entered :)

Compliment is well earned.

I bet more then a few people would think about the riding lessons and my name. So this was a fun little contest.

Thank you :) I thought this was a good one too. I am always glad for the chance to tell people about mine.

Hey Black Horse, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and thanks for sharing about your name. Love horses.

Nice name that you got there!

Your name is well chosen. Never heard of a "dark horse" as an expression. What's in a name? Clearly a lot. Since the deadline is already over:
A brother frequently said to me: wake up Kitty (how come you believe what people say, most people are lying, you better start to do so too or they will stone you to death...) I would not change my name, I also will not shut up or lie, since that is not me.

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