My Name is What? fitinfun!

in #mynameiswhat6 years ago

my name is what fitinfun.jpg

Please write about your Steemit name.

My online name is fitinfun on all the platforms I use. Sometimes I add my first name – Sharon - in front of or behind fitinfun. I also have it lengthened in some places such as fitinfunfoto and fitinfunfood.

Why you chose it and what it means to you?

I chose my name many years ago – more as a motto than as a name. I was very sick and obese for most of my life. I had a life of close calls with death and many hospitalizations. After one very scary event, I decided while in the hospital that I needed stop worrying about being sick and injured all the time, and to fit-in-fun, no matter what.

At the time I decided this I was 26 years old and now I am 58, so I feel like that was a good plan. When people constantly tell you that you will soon be dead or that you should be dead, it's an optimistic way of life to fit in fun as best you can in case it is true. Or on the flip-side - you might just live - and who wants to be miserable all the time?

When I lost weight and became healthy, I decided to work online to help others lose weight like I did. The first thing I set up was my wordpress blog in 2010. I needed a name for it and fitinfun was available so that is who I have been ever since.

Given the chance to be able to change it, will you?

No! If you search “fitinfun” on any search engine you will find me, me, me. I have worked hard to make my brand happen and I would not like to give it up.

I also feel like it is a good mantra for people on a journey to better health. When you are trying to lose “half your size” or more, it can be very discouraging. I hope I give people motivation to go on with the message of my name.

At the end of most of my You Tube videos I say, “Be sure to fitinfun no matter what” as a tagline. That is my advice and who I am.

This is my entry to the My Name is What contest by @steemitachievers.

How about you?

What is the meaning of your name? Anyone can enter this contest, and we are supposed to tag others so they might participate. Here are some people I know with interesting names. I hope we will soon find out how they came up with them:

fitinfun before and after difference.jpg

My life is so much better now that I have lost weight and kept it off with natural methods. Anyone can do this is I can. Ask me for help, and I will help you.


wow.. i have been trying to lose weight too.. i am super interested with what you refer as natural methods..

The comment below your, has my reply with what steps I took. I would be very happy to answer any questions for you if you have them after reading that :)

Whoa now I see. The first time I came in contact with the name I tried to guess the country of origin but I can't relate it to any.

It is a good name with a good reason backing it up. I love it when people coin names from there experience in life.

But come to your weight, I am so marveled when I saw the differences from the picture below. I am eager to know. How do you make this possible?

Because a friend told me that some are big and others are small in size and that's nature and nothing can change it.

What's your secret?

"some are big and others are small in size and that's nature and nothing can change it"

HA! Oh, I hate this theory. It is one of the main excuses people use to stay overweight. I used it myself. When I was obese, I had "big bones" and I was never going to be thin. Now people who see me say how tiny I am and cannot believe I was ever fat.

Here is what I did to lose weight:

  • I made the decision to change and did not give up for 4 years.
  • I got over my excuses and took action.
  • I learned skills about food and stopped eating poison. No gmo's, chemical additives, flavors or colors, pesticides etc. I eat high protein and high fat, few carbs except veggies now - but the key is "no poison" if I can help it. I learn something new about what to avoid all the time as the mainstream food sources get worse.
  • I exercised every day within my limits. I started with 10 minutes per day since I was very sick at that time and had to start somewhere.
  • I got good hydration with a lot of healthy fluids.
  • I started getting better rest and sleep.
    I still do all of this today. I got to my goal weight in Oct 2011. Of course there are a lot of details to all of this. I have coached others and it works for them too.

I'm so happy you like my name and think it makes sense for me. I cannot imagine another one :)

Whoa! But it takes discipline to achieve such. I respect yours.

Thank you so much!

Mine came about through sheer exhaustion. Back in 2012 I was starting a personal finance blog and it's a very crowded space (even back then), so quite difficult to find a good URL. I was also a stay-at-home dad for a 1 y/o. So, after trying different names and coming up with blanks or stuff that wasn't really "me" I finally just said to hell with it. It's a blog about "money" and I'm doing it for my little girl - "infant". So, there you have it "moneyinfant". I figured it was a bit silly, but also catchy and memorable. That blog is still there, but hasn't been updated by me in a few years, but the name remains.

You are right about being memorable :) I like the sheer exhaustion comment. We have to keep going no matter what and still make accomplishments. My old blog is suffering too and I'm not sure if I will ever keep it going. You have a good story and I hope you enter the contest.

It really was just a throwing up the hands moment :-)
I don't consider the blog to be suffering, I've moved on to other projects, so it's fine.
Contest entry is doubtful given time constraints. I still owe @iamthegray a contest of my own devising (I haven't forgotten!) and have a pile of client work sitting on my lap.

Lots of work is a good thing in this current climate!

Yeah... You do. And I've not forgotten either (just do well to tag me in it as I'm becoming less active on Steemit)


Can't be. I just saw you as the winner of a contest :-)
I'll make sure to tag you though.


But it's still true that I'm 'taking a break'

Check my blog


You know, I've always wondered why you have that as your username. Now that I know, it sounds kinda sweet - and cool too.

So you're the money guy, ehn?

Anyway, just hit me with the URL. I'm curious

I've got issues with my finance, think your scribblings back then can do me any good?

Easy peasy.

Look for the older posts though, most of the newer stuff is sponsored content not written by me ;-)

Surfing already

Seen something I like Fun Vs Frugality

Glad you found something useful over there and hopefully your financial problems aren't so bad.

Thank you for joining, good luck!

Thank you so much. This was a great idea for a contest and I have seen many fascinating entries :)

Being fit is fun, having fun makes you fit, fitinfun is just awesome.

Thank you so much! The most fun I ever have is swimming, and second is dancing around to videos when no one can tell me how bad of a dancer I am :)

Fit For Fun. Fitting Fun into Life. Gotta be Fit In Fun if you want to be Fitin' Fun into Life. Love your name.

Thank you very much!

Mine is a rather long (and maybe boring) story.

First, I was never one to have a nickname. It was just Gracious. At some point, this rapper came along and blew everyone off. His name: DaGrin. I liked his style and name so I tweaked it a bit. So I started scribbling DaGray on my note books.

Well, this rapper died at a young age. My folks are a superstitious lot so they didn't approve of the nick anymore. I changed it to GeeGray (A tiny number of my friends call me Gee), and then to TheGray

So there you have it, I. Am. The. Gray.

I also like how it expresses my indecisiveness. I'm always in the gray, undecided between light and darkness, modest or shocking... So I walk that fine line in the middle, take a bit of this and a sprinkle of that and live my life

"I also like how it expresses my indecisiveness" - that is a good thought really :)



That name fits you perfectly!
I chose to use my full name as my Steemit handle! I want people to fee like they can talk to me about anything. I never want my clients to feel as if they are unable to approach me or can't ask me questions (related to health and wellness or anything else). I want to be transparent so people can relate to me and my beliefs as a fitness professional! :) Hopefully using my actual name helps to achieve that! :)

This is why I put my first name in some profiles. You and I are on the same page about that. I find the biggest fear people have when talking to me is just being able to talk at all.The whole healthcare field is a mess these days - the more approachable you can be the better! Thank you so much for your support :)

Agreed, gotta find ways to break the ice. As a counselor at camp one year, my nickname was the Icebreaker. The year before, Oatmeal. But breaking the ice is a stepping stone in relationships like you were saying.

Agreed, transparency helps in so many ways as we build relationships, especially in building trust, cooperation, teamwork, and I've been online since maybe 1998 and one username I had in Yahoo Chat back then was Star_JSA and I've had all kinds of handles, names, URLs, since, and now I'm using my name plus the country I lived in for 5 years, Vietnam (VN). I've wrestled over the past twenty years over which names I should go by. I still debate it in my mind a little.

Yes from your transformation of body I can say the name fitinfun really goes with you, it suits you! And most especially it’s a unique name!

Thank you very much. I am so glad you think it suits me!

Agreed, it is a great motto to live by. Life has joy and fun. You can be fit for it.

This is a good name indeed, and kinda unique too

Thank you - I think it suits everything I do :)

welcome dear.
indeed it do, now a days you are trying everything you can do in order to keep yourself fit, leaving old bad habits are not easy, but you did it, you left eating junk food and stuff like that.

I am very glad to be done with it!

you should :)

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