#MOTU - Fisto Awakes! - The First Mission Begins - Get To Windermere ASAP!

in #motu7 years ago

After coming through the portal of transformation, Lord BMJ was now Fisto! The transformation had taken a heavy toll on his body, and he had passed out for what seemed like weeks.


He awoke to find a giant sword laying on the ground next to him, and his right arm had been transformed into a giant, titanium fist. The memory of the transformation came flooding back, and he was momentarily dizzy again. "Wow!! That was quite a ride!!" he exclaimed, while surveying this new, strange land he found himself in. There was a map lying next to him as well.

He notices all kinds of footprints on the soft ground around him, and a huge pile of what looks like bird crap. "Hahahahaha!!!!" He shouted. "A Chicken!!!! Some poor bugger has turned into a chicken!! Phwaaaahahahahaaa!!!"

"I'm a ROOSTER!!" came an unimpressed voice from behind him.

Fisto recognised the voice immediately, and spun around. "Donny!!! You're a CHICKEN!!!! AHAHAHAHA!" Fisto could barely contain himself. "Okay, okay," he said through gasps of laughter, as he regained his composure, "you're a rooster!! The portal must have had its reason for your transformation into a chi... rooster. What have I missed?"

Donny Leghorn relays the message from Julia, Sorceress of Castle Grayskull, to Fisto as he's flexing his enormous biceps.

Go north from Castle Grayskull to Windermere. Be careful passing through the hot and humid Vile Marsh, as evil lurks in the swamps. Mosquitor and Leech are thought to reside there, building up their armies of evil swamp creatures.

Pay particular attention to avoid the once mighty Nightflame on the edge of Vile Marsh. It is haunted by supernatural beings, that is, those who fell on the battleground but whose souls are unable to pass into the afterlife. “The Wanderers” cannot escape Nightflame as they as they are trapped there by ancient Grayskull magic. Do not let them touch you or you will both die. The only way to defeat the Wanderers is with an enchanted blade.

"We better get a move on! It sounds like things are getting serious around here. I'm hungry though, so I think I'll stop off for some EFC (Eternian Fried Chicken).

fried chicken.jpg

You want so... never mind...sorry!!" It didn't matter, Donny Leghorn had spotted something silver on the floor and was pecking away at it, oblivious to what Fisto had just said. It seems he couldn't resist shiny silver objects. Perhaps it reminded him of his family...


Fisto grabbed the map which had been left next to him, presumably by Sorceress Julia while he slept off his transformation, and studied it.

"North, yes!!" he quietly whispered to himself. Now where am I exactly? Fisto took out his compass he had been given when he was Lord BMJ in Steemlords, and smashed it on the floor. He didn't see a need for it anymore, he now had a built-in ability to which way East was.


In the distance to the west, Fisto could see the top of a castle, towering above the treetops. He presumed it must be Greyskull, so he headed off towards it, along the river and into the forest. "I'll go to the castle and see if there's anyone there" he thought, "It's better to have some teammates around in case we meet up with any villains."

Just as Fisto got sight of the mouth of Castle Greyskull, out from the top of a nearby tree came a moderately loud, but rather squealing, pseudo-evil roar. Fisto spun around to see Blade jumping out of the tree at him, skinny swords twirling like windmills.


Blade came closer and closer, but had misjudged the distance, and fell on the floor in front of Fisto. Staggering to his feet, Blade let out one more grunt before Fisto took one big uppercut swing with his giant titanium fist, and sent Blade straight back to the top of the tree. "Try again next time!" Laughed Fisto, and walked off. "This fist sure pack a punch!"

He reached the entrance of Castle Greyskull, and was met by none other, than the Girls of The Greyskull Mansion, Sha-Ra, TeelaK, and KubbyGlimmer.


"You don't want to go in there, Fisto. He-man has the Man-flu!! You best keep well clear. We don't want you feigning illness as well!!"

"Man-flu is real!!" Fisto retorted with a grunt. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I better keep moving North, I suppose. It looks like EFC is closed anyway, they're out of chickens."

Fisto kept going. After a short walk he met up with a drunk man and a young girl. "Little girl!" He called out. "Are you okay? Is this .. er .. man causing you any trouble?"

"Oh hi Fisto!" She turned around, and greeted him. "No, this is my uncle, Beerman. You remember him, don't you?"

"Oh it's you, African Goddess. I don't recognise him standing up and conscious, no." Said Fisto, tilting his head to one side to get a better angle. "Oh yes, now I do!! Where are you heading?"

"We got word from Sorceress Julia to head north to Windermere. There must be some trouble brewing there, so we're on our way."

Overhead, Fisto Hears a strange whirring sound, and looks up to see Inspector Scootadget flying past wearing a helicopter on his head, and landing on what looked like a giant black lion.



"Woah, check that dude out!! He's wearing corduroys and a long coat! That guy’s got some serious 80's style!! I need to get a hat like that too!!!"

"Well I'm off to Windermere, stay close behind me if you like, and I'll get us there safely. I know these parts pretty well." an with that Fisto began walking north, making sure not to get too close to the Nightflame, for he knew the evils which lurked there well, as it was the battle with the Snake Men in his hometown in the Misty Mountains, which had caused him to lose his arm many years ago, his robotic fist a reminder of that day; the day he and his brother, Duncan, were reunited. Fisto's memory of how they were separated is but a foggy emptiness, as result of magical amnesia brought on by his injuries during the Great Unrest.

African Goddess taps Fisto on the shoulder. He jerks his head back and raises his fist. "It's alright, you're having another flashback." Fisto shakes his head, grunts something under his breath, and walks forward towards Windermere. He gets past the Nightflame, and heads into the Vile Marsh, making a straight dash towards their destination.

As he runs, the memories of the Great Battle come flooding back, and Fisto draws his sword, almost unconsciously, and starts swinging it wildly, slashing a pathway ahead of him. He sees a body with no head lying in the marsh out of the corner of his eye. He turns and sees that it is Leech, decapitated by Inspector Scootadget's helicopter hat.

He continues running like an animal possessed, leaping over logs and through the marsh, thrashing this sword from side to side as he goes, faster and faster. Out of nowhere a buzzing sound gets closer and closer, and Fisto see that Mosquitor has seen him, and is making a dive at him. Fisto jumps into the air to meet Mosquitor, clenches his titanium fist, and swings with all is might. He doesn't quite connect with Mosquitor, but sends him tumbling into the marsh, his wings getting waterlogged. Mosquitor looks back at Fisto and shakes his fist in anger. "I'll get you one day!!!!" he shouts, as Fisto disappears out of sight.

Fisto reaches Windermere, out of breath, and supercharged with adrenaline,. His heart is beating out of his chest. Fisto looks back and doesn't see the others who were behind him.

  • Did African Goddess and Beerman make it through the Vile Marsh?
  • Was Donny Leghorn still pecking away at that silver object?
  • Would the others get through the Vile Marsh before Mosquitor's wings dried off and was ready to fight again?
  • Would there be any EFC for Fisto to eat on this side of the marsh?

Look out for the stories of the other characters in #motu to find out.


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Thanks Gohba😁

This is great @bmj. I had a good laugh!

You've advanced the story well.

Thanks Choo. I'm glad I finally managed to get something posted....

Awesome writing keep them coming

Thanks mate. Glad you enjoyed it😁


This was awesome! Great story telling @bmj. I had a couple good laughs this morning reading this :)

Haha!! Sorry I picked on you this time.. now stop pecking at that silver and get yo ass to Windermere!!

Awesome story man, I need to start sorting them properly by newest, so I can read them in better order, starting to get so confused again, bringing back fun memories.

Calling @originalworks :)
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