What should you do on Steemit to get out of anonymity?

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

If you want to know the answer, the first thing is to NEVER STOP POSTING!

Who has not suffered the disenchantment of the first days in #Steemit? When we try very hard writing a "quality" post but nobody interacts, as if the other Steemians were allergic to our words.

This post is intended to break down the vicissitudes that pass through the users who live overshadowed by the prominence of those "whales" that move the waters of #trending and #hot.

First: Do your posts have enough quality to compete against the big ones? Let's find out!

This question is very important because if your texts don't have a minimum quality to be taken into account, you are wasting your time. I understand that you are disappointed, that you want to send everything to hell and want to return to ordinary work, under a set schedule; but you can't prosecute the assistant for the blacksmith's mistakes.

  • Let's play:

In the following table there are 10 questions, each of them is worth 10%. After the answers, we will calculate the possibility of effectiveness of your posts.

QuestionEach affimative answer worth 10% (be honest)
Do you plan your posts for 1 or 2 hours before posting?Yes / No
Have you done all the minimum necessary research about your post?Yes / No
Do you handle the basic Markdown tools?Yes / No
Do you respond to the comments of other Steemians?Yes / No
Do you post every day?Yes / No
Do you interact with other communities through Discord or SteemChat or another platform?Yes / No
Do you measure the value of your post according to the interaction of other users?Yes / No
Do you curation every day?Yes / No
Do you upvote only quality posts?Yes / No
Do you mention all your sources and try to use your own photos?Yes / No

  • If you took 30% or less: You are in serious trouble.
  • Between 30% and 70%: You have good possibilities, you just have to polish some things.
  • Between 70% and 100% You're doing a good job, you just have to have a little patience.

Who to follow?

Many times we believe, erroneously, that only "whales" are worthy to follow, and we forget that they were also small fish once. Follow those people whose posts are strong enough to motivate you; those who maintain a constant structure in their texts, full of quality; they will one day become great "whales" and you will have missed the opportunity to meet them.

On the other hand, don't insult those who have money to invest. Maybe they don't make high quality posts and just talk about how the weather was, but to grow up in Steemit we must understand that in such a large community, there are many ways to make a profit. But you, never, do a crap post.

Why is it so necessary to choose well whom to follow? Simple: people who are dedicated to quality post also value the curation of other users and help them to make themselves known, upvoting comments and responding constantly.

Never stop posting (yes, again)

If one day you can't create your own quality post, devote at least a couple of hours to curation, interact with other users and go to online interaction platforms. It is always important to stay connected, remember that this community is constantly mutating and if you don't want to live forever in anonymity you must be up to date with all the updates.

There are thousands of tutorials to learn how to use Markdown. Read them all, it's important! A well-ordered post generates more interest and help so that readers don't forget your text. Of course, never plagiarize. If you don't have enough time, don't copy-paste; wait for tomorrow, will be a better day.

The most important thing to do original (creative or informative) and good quality posts, is that you never know when a "whale" can give you a click of grace and increase your reputation in a heartbeat. Or even, that you're of great help to a large number of people and offer you their unconditional support as faithful followers.

2RVmpmQ - Imgur.png

Remember: a good job will always be recognized, so it takes some time.

2RVmpmQ - Imgur.png

Any questions? I answer you in the comments!



Never stop posting!

Yes, that's a great advice! However, sometimes it's just very hard finding the inspiration to post everyday when all you get is some spammy comment like "Nice post, upvote for upvote".
I think the best thing to do is, first of all, to find and follow good content creators and start interacting with them. This is both a great way to find inspiration and create your own circle.

Definitely. It can be difficult to down out the background noise, but once you're following some top quality content creators, it starts to feel a little more like home.

Of course! Wise words @philnewton!

Also, who only praises you also has a certain degree of importance; they help the visibility of your post.

Patience is a virtue, my friends, it is up to us to know how to treasure it.

I think your observation is very accurate @fede93g. That's why I talk about how important it is to choose well whom to follow.

As for how often you should post, I tell you: the inspiration is on the street.

Go out with your camera almost daily, use your smartphone to stay updated and take note of any curious data that comes your way. You can even question what you are doing wrong, get results, posters and I'm sure someone will feel identified.

Finally: never ask yourself "what should I write today?", But "for whom do I want to write?". You will be more successful.

I appreciate your reading!

Great encouraging post!

Hi @saggel, thanks!

It's good that you liked it, I hope there's something there that can help you in the future.

This post has received a 1.18 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @lord-faustus.

very good post. I started on steemit and realized quickly I didn't know anything. Hell I had lookup what markdown is. But I'm learning and trying and have made many new friends.

Hi @blazinbob419!

Don't worry, we all start the same ... At first I didn't even know how to center a paragraph XD

In me, you also have someone who offers to help you; just ask.

Have a nice day and SteemOn!

Genial @lord-faustus, seria bueno que compartas este post en español tambien para la comunidad hispanohablante @originalworks

Tomaré en cuenta tu consejo @fernandorivera, pronto lo haré.

Muchas gracias por la lectura!

Thanks for sharing!
I will be a little more vigilant in my interactions within the community.
I just like the fact that I can engage with other members without ads.

When you do a good job you don't need much publicity, the recognition will knock on your door.

Thanks so much for reading @mstaxidrvr

Your post is motivation pure, I come maybe to 70% and I will work on the other 30%, thanks for the motivation, I will resteem it and post it on my steempress.org blog if that's ok for you.
Thank you very much and have a wonderful day

Wow! Thank you very much @zanoni, your proposal is flattering. You can do it with full confidence.

For that 30% don't worry. If you are doing things right, you can achieve it quickly; you will see that if you respond positively to all those questions, your interaction with other Steemians will improve a lot.

I also want to read your blog, I imagine it very interesting.

I'm still new on the platform and have definitely been discouraged at a point,but then it's about consistency and to do that it requires time. The issue I have now is that I'm yet to understand most terms used here and what it means,like curation,how to increase steem power,even most of those interative platforms,will love to be a part,just not found the right connection.
Thanks for this I appreaciate.

@willizgaller you have an important point for the debate: how difficult it is to learn Steemit's terminology.

Coincidentally, I'm collecting information about it and I hope it will be helpful for new people. It could even be useful for those who have little time. However, don't worry. As time passes, you take the rhythm to the platform and the concepts are automatically added to you.

Have a nice day!

Thank you,i'm hoping so...

Great motivation! Thanks for posting.
I've been on a month. To be honest, I've tried other forms of blogging and got NOWHERE!!! Because it's hard to be noticed in the sea of bloggers out there.

Steemit is so different! Anyone, absolutely anyone, can be good here. Anyone can be noticed... if they put in the work.

I have worked hard to have 3+ posts daily figuring that I can always repost them a year from now when I have lots of followers. (Though always trying to add further value to what I have.) I know I can get there if I am patient and just keep plugging away.

Thanks again.

You are also projected @viking-ventures, that is very important!

3 posts a day is difficult (I usually do a maximum of 2 per day) but if you have the chance to do them, don't hesitate a second to do it. Think that in a short time you will have a good amount of followers who will want to read 2 or 3 posts a week from you; yes, they may be few, but of high quality and they will be well paid.

One last recommendation: StemmOn and never give up!

I saw someone recommend 4+ to start with. I figure, at first, it's important to keep visibility up, so posting more frequently is more likely to catch attention. At the moment, I'm doing a spiritual post most days, a multi-photo post and either another stand-alone photo or an actual article.

I'm trying not to set any major rules for myself, but my photography was always meant to be one of the main points of my blog. However, even with years of back-logged photos, there is a limit to how long they will last before I need to hustle with new ones! So, yeah, I know I will need to scale back a little further, perhaps.

The rest of my focus is on replying to interesting articles - and getting seen. I found you because of my friend @zanoni resteeming you.

Anyway, thanks for your reply. And yes, I plan to Steem onward and upward. :-)

This post resonates loudly with me. I joined Steemit a few weeks ago, and have some pretty big goals for myself on the platform. It can be difficult at first because you feel like you're going unnoticed, but like you say, it's all about consistency.

I don't post enough of my own content at the moment, but I do spend a lot of time interacting with other users, and this has given me a bit of traction that keeps me motivated.

Great post. Following for future updates.

Constancy is everything, not only on Steemit, but also in life.

I think it's great that you already have certain defined goals, because that will motivate you a lot to keep growing. If you use that motivation in your posts, I assure you that soon they will begin to know you.

Thanks for reading @philnewton. I hope it will be helpful in the future.

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