Changing Your Relationship with Money

in #money6 years ago

Money is the root of all evil, or so we've been told

Growing up, there was always something that rubbed me the wrong way about making lots of money and being wealthy. My perspective was shaped in large part by my parent's opinions on wealth and money, and from an early age, I remember believing that the pursuit of riches and abundance to be associated with questionable morals and ethics.

The sophisticated wealth hoarders of Wall-St. don't necessarily give the pursuit of prosperity a good name. It's easy to look at the big banks and industrial capitalists and believe that a large supply of cash can be equated with a dearth of integrity.

The way in which money enters circulation as debt-based fiat currency doesn't help the situation, as money is forever associated with immoral and predatory lending practices of central banks. There's something about acquiring more Federal Reserve notes that leads to uneasiness, especially once you look into the creation of our fractional-reserve banking system.

But that's just one side of the story

It is possible to become wealthy through moral and ethical means. There are plenty of examples of successful entrepreneurs who took an idea and made it a money-making reality without compromising their morals and preying upon consumers. It turns out, you can become handsomely rich without losing your soul.

The past few years, I've had the opportunity to interact with more wealthy and successful people than at any other point in my life, due to a concerted effort to expand my network. This has introduced me to plenty of folks who are rich in finances without being poor in spirit.

It turns out, money doesn't have to turn you into a monster. With the proper mindset, wealth can be a powerful tool to assist others, whether through charitable means or by providing work for those who need it.

Embracing wealth as a natural consequence of hard work and persistence

Often, there's a perception that those with an abundance of money don't deserve to keep it to themselves. And in some cases, this is not far off. For example, the global financiers who are in bed with governments and have earned their fortunes through plunder and deception certainly shouldn't be allowed to become billionaires off the backs of the rest of society.

However, I would wager that a majority of wealthy people didn't necessarily scheme and scam their way to the top, even if some of them had inherent advantages due to their family wealth or connections. The pursuit of freedom and security that monetary prosperity provides is completely understandable and does not have to be nihilistic or narcissistic.

If we were still an agrarian society, seeking abundance would be a matter of national security. The value of excess supply would be much more tangible, and a scarcity mindset would be counterintuitive.

In this way, seeking wealth is something that, if done with conscious intention, can lead to an abundance beyond just the individual themselves. If you take care of you for me, and I take care of myself for you, we won't be dependent upon external factors for our livelihood.

Shunning monetary freedom in the name of morality is self-defeating

Recently, I've been questioning many of my core beliefs in an effort to gain clarity on my underlying motivations. When it came to money, I realized that my belief that money or wealth was evil was actually sabotaging myself. By associating financial freedom and abundance with immorality, I was effectively shutting the door on ever achieving it for myself.

Once I understood that this belief was reductionist and limiting, I knew I needed to shift my perspective. Money is ultimately a game, one that you are either playing or being played by. Your ability to support to those in your family and community is greatly enhanced by having excess funds at your disposal.

The rise of cryptocurrencies has also created fresh and positive associations regarding money that centralized debt-based dollars simply cannot provide. The slimy old money game is being replaced with one that no longer reeks of fraud and abuse, creating mechanisms to distribute wealth in a more healthy fashion.

Shifting your relationship with money is a critical step towards achieving financial freedom and should not be overlooked in the pursuit of personal sovereignty.

All uncredited pictures from or my personal account

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Great post! My next post will be on money as well actually!

The first non-fiction / personal development book that I've read was Secrets to A Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Ecker. Great book that someone could go through very quickly. At its core, it describe how to remove limiting beliefs, then applies that to finances in particular.

I have a different perspective money, yet I agree that rejecting income, that comes naturally, on the moral notation of being a more "noble person" is ridiculous.

My favorite line:
"The slimy old money game is being replaced with one that no longer reeks of fraud and abuse, creating mechanisms to distribute wealth in a more healthy fashion."

All I have to say: YESSSS

This is the type of content I’ve been looking for on steemit. I really enjoyed your article and followed you. I was with you til the end when you started talking about crypto. I think we’ll see fraud and abuse in crypto like anything else that deals with vast amounts of money. Where’s the value? In the technology behind the coin? The coin like the usd is produced out of thin air.

Thanks for the feedback. I think the value is in the fact there is more community support, particularly with certain projects such as SmartCash, Dash, and Steemit.

Decentralized currencies won't be manipulated on the level of central banks and that is a very good thing. Will there be fraud and abuse in the space? Absolutely, Bitconnect and other scam projects have proved that, and one could argue that Ripple is an example of this as well.

Value is determined by the market. Some projects have much more backing them up than others, it will be interesting to see how crypto plays out over the next few years. Valid questions though, I appreciate the input.

Great post and absolutely true, i have always asked these questions to myself as i believe everyone must have at some point in there life. I really like you're quote that money is ultimately a game one that you are playing or being played by (i think that has to be one of the most truthful things i have read).

Hey dude yr post is so relevant in this kind of world and the way you presented is awesome 👊🏽

Great points and it is so imperative for us all to embrace abundance and prosperity as a positive thing and as a possibility for all of us. We give away and we receive, the balance in everything. This has been a big step for me to let go of old contructs of income and finances. Great post!

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