The Ten Stages of the Mahayana Bodhisattva Path

in #mindfulness6 years ago

The Fourth Stage

Part 6


Stages of the Mahayana Bodhisattva Path are similar to the Theravada idea of the Noble Eight-fold Path, although not the same in the order of the stages, as well as the aim of the various stages that comprise the total trajectory that the Bodhisattva has to traverse. The idea of the Bodhisattva path is linked to the idea of bodhicitta, the aspiration of becoming enlightened, and this aim is for the benefit of all sentient beings—when compared to the Arahant idea it is distinguished by the fact, that the Bodhisattva holds off on attaining final non-returning Nirvana until all sentient beings are brought along the journey of the Bodhisattva path towards enlightenment.


Various Mahayana texts discuss the stages of the path in varying detail and order. For this sixth article in the series, I’ve mainly followed the stages of the Path as explained in the Dasa Bhumika Sutra. Dasa bhumika in Sanskrit means ten stages. Prior to these ten stages, and similar to how the Theravada Eight-fold Path had the gotrabhu (becoming of the lineage), some texts define two preliminary stages that were explained in Part 1 of this series.

I’ve also consulted the abhidharmsamuccaya text of Asanga and the prajna-paramita abhi-samaya-lankara, that provide additional information for the stages, as well as the Mahayana-sutralamkara text. The Avatamsaka Sutra (Flower Ornament Scripture) has great details on the 10 stages of the path as well, including the Gandavyuha commentary. For cross-reference purposes I’ve used the yogacarabhumi text, which incorporates the bodhisattva stages into an even greater 17 stages, to verify Sanskrit terminology.

In this article, I’ll cover the fourth stage of the 10 Stages of the Mahayana Bodhisattva Path.

‘Lesser’ and ‘Greater’ Vehicles explained by the Buddha:

Some people asked why there are different vehicles—like Mahayana, Theravada, and Vajrayana—and why one is considered greater by some, or better even, than the other vehicles. In the samdhinirmochana sutra, a Mahayana text, a valuable lesson on this subject is given. I’d like to begin with this, while explaining the fourth stage of the Mahayana Bodhisattva path, as the fourth stage is the first stage that has it’s emphasis on purifying and perfecting insight.

Avalokiteshvara asked the Buddha, “You say the vehicle of disciples (Sravakayana) and the great vehicle (Mahayana) are just one vehicle. What is the secret meaning behind this?”

The Buddha replied,

“In the vehicle of disciples, I explain the nature of various things, such as the five aggregates, the inner six sense faculties, the outer six sense objects, and so on. In the great vehicle, I say those things are of one and the same nature of reality, with one and the same innermost meaning.

Therefore I do not say the vehicles are different.”

“Yet there may be those who develop a mistaken notion of the meaning according to the words, so that one vehicle is aggrandized and one is diminished. Such people also think the different principles of the vehicles are mutually contradictory, and they argue among themselves more and more.

That is the secret meaning behind this.”

To recapitulate, the Buddha spoke these verses to Avalokitesvara:

“The contents of the stages, and what is to be cured,

“Higher developments, undertakings, and learning:

“Cultivating the will based on the great vehicle

“Expounded by Buddha results in great awakening.

“I explain the variety of phenomena,

“And also say their innermost meaning is one,

“Whether in lower or higher vehicle;

“So I say the vehicles have no difference.

“If you make up false literalist notions of the meaning,

“Aggrandizing or diminishing,

“Saying the greater and lesser vehicles are opposed,

“This ignorant interpretation produces [unnecessary] conflict.”


Stage 4. The stage of Radiance (arcismati bhumi)

The fourth stage is called Radiance, but can also be described as Fiery Brilliance and Glowing Brightness due to the Bodhisattva’s perfection in energy (virya paramita). The Bodhisattva trains in acquiring virtues and practices defined as the 37 aids to enlightenment (bodhipaksiyadharma).

In detail

After completing the first three stages, the Bodhisattva now starts the fourth type of purification and perfection. In the first stage, determination was purified, in the second stage discipline and moral virtue was purified, in the third stage concentration was purified, and now from the fourth stage

Various types / levels of ignorance have been purified in the first three stages, and in each subsequent stage the ignorance that is to be purified is more subtle and difficult to address than in the previous stage.

  • In the first stage, the ignorance of clinging to person and things, and the ignorance of the defilement of wrong tendencies and actions have been purified.
  • In the second stage, the ignorance of minute errors and transgressions, and the ignorance of what various actions lead to have been purified.
  • In the third stage, the ignorance of greed, and the ignorance of complete mental control to retain what is learned have been purified.
  • In the fourth stage, the Bodhisattva will address the ignorance of attachment to attainments in concentration, and the ignorance of attachment to religion.

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Greetings @reddust, hope you are doing well. Did you feel the ingress of Uranus into Taurus? Will be there for 7 years. The energy lingers.

The Buddhists love numbering things don't they? I wonder if it is a cultural thing or if they pattern after the Buddha himself.

I like the 10 ways of contemplation. One could use these as meditations perhaps.

I like the idea of being a Bohisattva, but don't see it happening this lifetime. However, I do like the idea of being enlightened and being able to better guide others to a peaceful and meaningful life. Looks like I'll have to get stem cell treatments... I may need a few extra years.

I'm rather... hmnnn... what would you say? On a spiritual path similar to that of Buddhists but not so dedicated to the practices or teachings. However that may change. For now I seem to be following a more mundane path with Steemit and other things... trying to put into practice what I have learned and what I'm becoming.

Going on a mens retreat tomorrow for a couple of days. Always enjoy that. A time of fellowship and simple friendship and sharing.

I appreciate your friendship. May you be blessed with peace.

Happy Friday, Odin's lovely wife day! Everything is going well on my side of the fence and I hope the same for you.

The planet energy has been heavy and coarse, I've been using it to get my housekeeping and gardening work done...I am exhausted...lolol

Are you really getting Stem cell treatment? I've heard such good things about recovering from old injuries!
The 10 ways can be used as a meditation tool as I wrote out the passages I recognized my own aspirations listed. Although I am a long way from the Bhumis I can see some results from my practice and studies.

It's nice to go through these teachings after all these years. I am writing this series more as a reminder for me and in gratitude to my teachers and if other people find the articles pleasing and helpful this doubles up on my joy!

Enjoy your time with the men, I love hanging out with the guys and hear their talk flow around me. I listen to Joe Rogan's podcast just because I love to listen to guys shoot the breeze!

When I read about Buddhism in a book about religions I knew immediately I wanted to try the teachings and and I needed a teacher to help me learn how to help myself. I knew I couldn't do this on my own because I had been trying for years to help myself let go of my PTSD. I went to therapy, plus I took medication for panic attacks and night terrors with no cure and my symptoms became worse on the antidepressant medication. After years of being on my own I knew in my heart I needed a guide to help me through the dark woods so I could find the light in my heart. My intuition came true, I found what I was looking for and so much more.

Your story of coming to Buddhist practice is classic. When confronted with pain and suffering we seek a path out. Some turn to various addictions or other run-away behaviors, but then there are those who are fortunate enough to seek true inner spiritual work. And then we come to a point where we actually are grateful for the wounds that caused us to seek the Light. Perhaps it takes a few life times to have the soul maturity to do that...but I'm grateful.

I think I'll make a quick post about that this morning and then start packing up for the retreat. I'm in charged of food and meals for 45 men for the weekend. Have been doing that for the past 4 years. I enjoy it though I'm no cook. Have "volunteers" who I rope into the actual cooking.

I think one of my favorite parts of spiritual path is that, like this morning, I feel/felt a calmness, a solidity of not-knowingness, a very sensitive condition where the slightest shift in energies is felt. It's like boundaries are softened and one's energy is gentle flowing water. Well, hope that makes sense.

May you be blessed and at peace this weekend.

it turns out the teachings of budha is also very broad, honestly I am confused to understand it, maybe because I just heard it, so sound strange, just like Sufi, when I first heard it I also confused, but after I started to study and enter it I just start to understand it,
you @reddust how long to study it so far to master so far?

Dear @steemitnatural, I have been studying and practicing since 1993. I have links at the bottom of this article explaining the basics, the 4 Noble Truths, The Eightfold Path, and Dependent Origination. These are the teachings that are easiest to understand and will help you understand the more advanced paths of the Arahant and the Bodhisattva. I am still confused most of the time but I can let my confusion go so it won't get in my way, this has been the skill I treasure next to equanimity, keeping a steady mindset no matter what is going on.

I am still working on being wisely kind and compassionate, these skills are like gardening, you have to weed, water, fertilize, and hope someday you can harvest...hahaha

The basics of Buddhism

I have been looking all over the net for the basics in Sufism! I haven't found a site that is simple enough for me to understand, I am just like you @steemitnatural....hahaha

thank you for your explanation my friend, I will try to learn, hopefully I can understand it, ha ha ha

in Sufis the streets (vehicles) to arrive at noble ends are also different, they call them Thariqat, there are various Tariqats, there is Shari'ah, there is Naqsyabandiah, there is al haddad, and still banya again, all these vehicles depart to the same destination, pursued differently

I wish I had English text for the ideals you present me @steemitcountry. I need to find a good site online or books so I can look up the words and ideals you share with me. The vehicles are suited to our needs and conditioning <3

i will try to help look it up too

Thank you @steemitcountry, I would greatly appreciate your help so I can understand your religion.

Always enjoy your writing reading
I've been following the series and reading it make me feel refreshed. Very cool! Thank you for taking your time to write all this and post it for us.

@anouar8, I find reading sutras very relaxing as well. I am happy you are enjoying this series as much as I am writing it!

Well introducing another part of the letter. You recover very faster these ten stages. It's better than to get knowledge to us. I starting follow those steps. Some of difference things indeed more than other once. But you created deserve environment for clear our mind across Bodhisattva stages. I tried to do meditation path of hold breathing. I failed but I don't leave from it. Again try and will do better.

My husband found an 11th stage, he helps me research, that will be an added bonus...Thank you @kingsberry.

I use the natural breath as a meditation object, you place your attention around the nostrils and feel the breath come and go...just let it be and keep your back straight and face relaxed...

History teaches us that unity is strength, and cautions us to submerge and overcome our differences in the quest for common goals, to strive, with all our combined strength, for the path to true African brotherhood and unity.
By Haile Selassie.

The sphere of living beings is unbounded,
Likewise the desire to help them all.
And even if you lack the strength for altruistic action,
This is something you should constantly intend.
In those who harbor wishes such as these,
Bodhichitta will indeed be born.

Manjushri <3

learning to be actually present in each moment and not assuming anything you are experiencing in that moment is the path.

And, it is a weird path.
Where one can say
Before teaching a mountain is a mountain.
After teaching a mountain is no longer a mountain.
And upon enlightenment a mountain is a mountain.

You can only speak of what you now perceive in riddles.
You can only hint at things, saying to others, look.
You can only whisper in their ears, "wake up".

I get whiplash trying to be in the moment, that moment was just here and then it's gone, faster than I can blink my eyes, and there it goes again, and again, and again! I've tried to be in the present moment ...maybe the moment isn't a thing but an unblinking awareness that is not you or me <3

Being in the moment is like standing in a stream.

I find that many artists have trouble being in the moment.
As, the act of arting is pulling in stuff from the future.

I tend to float down stream....hahaha

I understand, of course, light is energy, it is not created or destroyed, it is only transformed. Being light, you can effortlessly move, transform into other energies, radiate that light and combat darkness.

Do you know we see the world from darkness, all the energy taken from our senses is translated into electrical waves deep inside our brain and that is how we see the world darkly...everything is constantly reacting to the light...we don't see the light, we see the things reaction to the light...hahaha Good evening @amigoponc

I have seen that light; I spent 11 years in prison for political reasons, I lived submerged inside myself to avoid that nauseating environment, full of perdition. So today, in freedom, with the years on my shoulders, I feel light, at peace with myself. Thank you for the opportunity to share these experiences, it's a pity we didn't get to know you sooner and were able to meet you personally. Happy evening and have a happy weekend.

I have met and taken lessons from a Tibetan teacher who was imprisoned and tortured for years by the Chinese government during the cultural revolution in Tibet. The Rinpoche was one of the kindness men I have ever met. He used his time in prison to meditate and build compassion for those who tortured him.

I need to check out your blog @amigoponc, I hope you have written about your experience. If you have written about your experiences in prison, if it isn't too much trouble you can leave a link for me here in my comments.

I never wanted to mention that experience before, I was afraid someone would resent telling that. But with your encouragement, I am convinced that sharing the experience will be that sparkle of light that radiates. I write and when I finish that post, I pass you the link...

Thank you @amigoponc, your story will help others who are struggling within the prison of their mind or have had to go through difficult times and don't know how to put down their trauma.

@reddust, That's brilliant explanation of fourth stage of Mahayana Bodhisattva Path. After reading these article I see some equality of Mahayana, Theravada and Vajrayana of vehicles with below concept.

“In the vehicle of disciples, I explain the nature of various things, such as the five aggregates, the inner six sense faculties, the outer six sense objects, and so on. In the great vehicle, I say those things are of one and the same nature of reality, with one and the same innermost meaning.

Buddha nicely explained to every questions who asked something. Also Buddha strongly determined all steps of Dharma paths. These letter showing to everyone such a powerful strength of Buddhism Dharma. Buddhist have freedom than other religions. I confirmly tell y'll that, I'm Buddhist. I have seen every dharma of religious. Thanks for the letter and again my big salute to you.

Buddha reminds me of Socrates the way he questions his students and debate opponents...he has the skill to ask the right questions and give the right answer at the level that the student or debate opponent can understand...that is real wisdom. I hope I can have a little of that wisdom to engage other people someday...sigh

Someone brought up Theravada and Mahayana as one may be better than the other...that is now how my first teacher taught me...The vehicles suit one's mode of travel, one is not better than the other.

I consider converting all the time, I hope to move to Asia soon maybe then. I took a class in Buddhism in university it's pretty interesting, they brought in a Theravada monk one day, a white guy who moved to Thailand. He said he doesn't even use a phone

I remember when I didn't have a phone and decided to not carry one around unless I am traveling. My husband and I leave the phone home as much as possible. Life was simple before the digital age! No one could call me or text me when ever they wanted...hahaha

The most important part of walking the Path for me was finding a good teacher. I lucked out or as my Buddhist friends have told me, I have good karma...<3

“Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha!

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