The Deathless In Buddhism

in #mindfulness6 years ago (edited)

The Positive View In Buddhism

Buddhism was originally not a negative [in the sense of negating what we are truly not, and not in the sense of pessimism] teaching as we see it in the Pali Nikayas today, redacted and schematized into a negative formula of suffering, without having an established positive aim as a true goal to be attained. Nibbana as the goal is simply said a negation of all affirmations of the negative, without having a positive narrative that establishes importance of the positive.

A large part of this moving towards a negation-style teaching is the rise of the abhidhamma schematic constructionist formulas of puzzling all the elements or dhammas that constitute a quasi-psychological investigation in the body and mind. This type of mind-analysis moved away from the positive affirmation and put more stress on the negation-style of all the particulars that we are not and should be abandoned through Buddhist practice in the daily life and during meditation. In this move towards negation, the positive affirmative ‘deathless element’ became pushed towards the background and eventually being pushed aside by making the process of Nibbana the goal of the path.

A common analogy of Nibbana in the Buddhist teachings is the reaching of the ‘other shore’ and ‘going beyond’. This in contrast to the ‘near shore’ that pertains to mundane living in the cycle of birth, death, and suffering. The near shore is considered wrong liberation, and the other shore being Right Liberation, while the noble Ten-fold Path is the raft to take one from the near shore to the other shore. Nibbana is the process, literally the unfolding, crossing the river of suffering towards the ‘other shore’:

“Wrong liberation is the near shore, right liberation the other shore.

Few are those people who go beyond.
The rest merely run along the [near] shore.

When the Dhamma is rightly expounded, those people who practice accordingly, are the ones who will go beyond the realm of Death so hard to cross into the deathless.” — AN V.232

One of the first scholars to study Pali Buddhism, Theodore Kern, wrote about the difficulties of accounting for particular doctrines that did not seem to fit into the schematized and negation-formulated system of the Pali Nikayas. The conclusion of this scholar created suspicion that original Buddhism wasn’t exactly what we can ascertain from the current English translations of the Nikaya books.

It used to be imagined that a more ‘original’ recension of the Pali Canon of the Three Baskets (pitakas) may yet be found that would include the ‘original teaching’, freed from the scholastic and monastic schematic and structured formula in which it is now presented. To find the earliest portions of the teachings, is to find the more affirmative teachings that still survive in the Nikayas.

“Monks, possessing six qualities, the householder Tapussa has reached certainty about the Buddha and become a seer of the deathless, one who lives having realized the deathless.

What six? Unwavering confidence in the Buddha, unwavering confidence in the Dhamma, unwavering confidence in the Sangha, noble virtuous behavior, noble knowledge, and noble liberation.

Possessing these six qualities, the householder Tapussa has reached certainty about the Buddha and become a seer of the deathless, one who lives having realized the deathless.” — AN III.451

One can’t deny the fact that there is evidence that all repeating parts of the teachings in the Pali books show a heavy reliance on oral tradition of ‘remembering’ the teachings by the repeaters (petaki). Once these oral renditions were transferred to written text, it is no big imagination that they needed rectification from time to time. And the rectifying most likely was painstakingly done, but we have to acknowledge that the rectifying editors, as capable and influential as they might have been, in matching together the various spoken versions, put in adaptations and structures to fit and express the view they themselves had come to understand of a given doctrine.

Considered a ‘left-in’ of positive affirmative teachings, a great reference in the teachings that point at the aim of Buddhism, as such shows that Nibbana is not the goal of Buddhism — Nibbana is the process that leads to it, and showing the spiritual aim:

“There is, monks, an Unborn (ajatam), Unbecome (abhutam), Unmade (akatam), Uncompounded (asankhatam).

If there were not this Unborn, Unbecome, Unmade, Uncompounded, then there would be no liberation here visible from that which is born, become, made, compounded.

But since there is this Unborn, Unbecome, Unmade, Uncompounded, therefore a liberation is visible from that which is born, become, made, compounded.” — Udana 8.3

In the evolution of the negation-style emphasis in the teachings, the characteristic of an-atta (not self), or denial of the spiritual ‘element’ as ultimately real, was important. In the teachings ascribed as earliest of the Buddha, we find advice given to find the spiritual ‘aim’, with the caveat that “the body is not the ‘aim’, the mind is not the "aim."

“Friend Anuruddha, when you think: ‘With the divine eye, which is purified and surpasses the human, I survey a thousand-fold world system,’ this is your conceit.

“And when you think: ‘Energy is aroused in me without slackening; my mindfulness is established without confusion; my body is tranquil without disturbance; my mind is concentrated and one-pointed,’ this is your restlessness.

“And when you think: ‘Yet my mind is still not liberated from the taints through non-clinging,’ this is your remorse.

“It would be good if you would abandon these three qualities and stop attending to them. Instead, direct your mind to the deathless element.” — AN I.282

The teachings might be better explained in the differentiation between becoming and truly being. Becoming meaning the clinging and grasping towards what is ever-changing and mere embodiment material, and truly being explained as the real ‘aim’ in a positive affirmation of true being, the ‘more’ that we have forgotten by only paying attention to the ‘becoming’ of the body and the analytic mind.

“When the wise man is in the midst of fools, they do not know him if he does not speak. But they know him when he speaks, teaching the deathless state.” — AN II.52

Pictures From Pixabay

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    @reddust, I guess you know when Lord Buddha was born. It's Wesak full moon poyaday. Today is a wesak poya day to every Sri lanka buddhists. So we today will go to temple and worship there. Lot of houses decorated with wesak designs like as neon lights, buddhism flags etc... So I give you big salute coz you posted best meaningful post on my religious leader's birthday.

    Nibbana as the goal is simply said a negation of all affirmations of the negative, without having a positive narrative that establishes importance of the positive.

    Yep... I totally agree above content as you mentioned here. Every peoples tray to go Nibbana then we haven't any dissaster or sadness things. We will not get any human or any other life on the planet if you have get nibbana. It's valuable and everyone try to do. Humans has most of passions. But after our death what things you'll carry out. Please think carefully. That's most valuable content indeed post. Easy understand content there. How you celebrate Wesak festival @reddust?

    @madhushanka, I am just a happy parrot...hahaha

    Happy Birthday to Buddha and I bet Sri Lanka looks beautiful with it's colored lights and decorations.

    Regarding the deathless reminds me of this passage:

    "If a monk abandons passion for the property of consciousness, then owing to the abandonment of passion, the support is cut off, and there is no landing of consciousness. Consciousness, thus not having landed, not increasing, not concocting, is released. Owing to its release, it is steady. Owing to its steadiness, it is contented. Owing to its contentment, it is not agitated. Not agitated, he (the monk) is totally unbound right within. He discerns that 'Birth is ended, the holy life fulfilled, the task done. There is nothing further for this world.'

    I like Bhikkhu Thanissaro translations compared to my other favorite translator Bhikkhu Bodhi...Thanissaro has more juice....lolol
    SN 22.53 PTS: S iii 53
    Upaya Sutta:
    translated from the Pali by
    Thanissaro Bhikkhu

    If there were a place to land called Nibbana it would be a thing...there is no thing as Nibbana, things are bits and pieces of other things. We can't go to Nibbana ...there is no self to go anywhere in the flux of phenomena...hahaha <3

    I celebrate Buddha's birthday with my Vajrayana friends on Saka Dawa May 16 – June 13, however when I write and study Dhamma every day is a celebration. I wouldn't have the courage to teach, Buddha was truly a warrior...people aren't very nice, especially during Buddha's time...Most of the people, the Brahmans, and Jains didn't believe him and a few tried to kill him, even his jealous cousin and a serial killer called Angulimala. Buddha faced all danger with a calm steady mind and taught the Dhamma...I try and be a warrior but I am a wimp!

    Buddha was born into a time of war and eventually his kingdom was destroyed, but he walked away from being a prince and saved his family...many became arahants including his Mother's sister.

    If I have to to get chance to take colorful images I'll post it.

    I'm really Buddhist too and I prefer to your deepest thoughts teach from Buddhist religion. Its positive thinking method.

    A common analogy of Nibbana in the Buddhist teachings is the reaching of the ‘other shore’ and ‘going beyond’.

    I seen most of foreign peoples attracted with Buddhism and they saw Buddhist scenery very important for their life succeed. There are lot of concepts for follow everyone.

    I feel about as deep as a mud @templeflower, it is easy to write about the Dhamma but to practice and manifest an enlightened mind is beyond me right now. But writing these articles gives me faith and soothes my troubled heart.

    Buddhist scenery changes with the land the Dharma settled in...Since I am an American I do not have any traditional preferences to Buddhist trappings, although I do appreciate the Beautiful iconography and temples...

    Dear @reddust It is believed that your deepest truth can not be conveyed by word. Personal development, too, is not the accumulation of certain words in the mind, but rather, on the contrary, accumulated words, in other words, the acquired knowledge is purified. This is so interesting. is not it?

    Words are just things and cannot hold what is NOT a thing....but insight can know ...words are like me telling you all about how yummy an apple is even though you have never eaten one...After you eat an apple both of us will know it's taste without having to say a word @turkishcrew.

    Buddhism is one of the top religion in the world because it's teaches us to be a proper human being. We can learn meditation, truthfulness, peace, science as well as humanity. Buddha is great for his true meditation as his followers still follow his path and they control their mind by buddha's meditation. I respect Buddhism and believe people can learn a lot from here. Thank you @reddust for teaching us about Buddhism.

    Most of our worlds main religions teach humans how to be a good human. I like Buddhism because it has a path that I can walk away from my condition so I can clearly see reality as it is...

    Everyone struggles no matter what their religion, we all have this in common and we all want to be happy <3

    Lotus is the essence of your post and I feel very connected to this word due to various reasons like lotus is the national flower of India and the lotus posture in meditation.

    Lotus in Buddhism represents in some Buddhist traditions the our growth along the path of enlightened. We struggle out of the mud of conditioning our karma to break through the water into the fresh air and sunlight.

    Great post @reddust. Your knowledge about the religion can not be questioned and the way you presented it is well explanatory.
    Though in my country (Nigeria) not many if there is people practicing Buddhism so my knowledge about the religion is what I read and understand from your post. So I will say thank you for transferring the knowledge .

    Thanks for sharing @reddust
    Long time

    I know a few Buddhist teachers who taught in Africa but I can't remember which country. There are several vipassana meditation retreats and other Buddhist centers too, I would have to look the centers up. I know Nigeria is mostly Christian and two of my college professors were from Nigeria, the both were devout Christians and so kind <3

    I am working on the chickensouraus...I will post an update tomorrow!

    yea you are right, most Nigerians are Christians and Muslim, so as you have the opportunity to taught about Buddhism in school, we do undergo christian studies and Islamic studies here.

    Can't wait for the chickenouraus

    Mind affirmations is whole different aspect for study because the mind affirmations is nothing but the thoughts which take concrete form in the mind and it drives in way of subconscious way and conscious mind sometimes don't understand this thought flow and it makes more tense because subconscious mind is not controllable it's run according our beliefs if we change our beliefs then our subconscious mind also work in that way. And yes, in today's world our subconscious mind is filled with those thoughts which really push us away from the understanding of our true self. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

    I think human's minds have always been full of desire, thoughts, reactions to emotions and sensations. Maybe today we are super busy because of digital devices...but we are still struggling to see through our conditioning no matter what time we discuse in human history.

    Yes absolutely right, no matter how much we deep dive into technology, we cannot leave our natural desire and essence of life.

    I think, Deathless is a word for abundant life. If we think as death then to no longer be constrained by his armies is to be freed to live fully. Gotama does not think of the deathless as immortality as the term is understood in Brahmanism but as the positive absence of reactivity.

    The deathless isn't a thing, things are made up of bits and pieces of other things, and those things are made up of more things, things are endless and always in flux, this is life.. Buddha and the Brahmans discussed many things...hahaha

    Buddha disagreed with the caste system, anyone could become enlightened, including women. Secondly he disagreed with animal sacrifice.

    Here is a talk given to a Brahman

    @reddust I'm not a very religious person (yet I do believe in God)... But if I had to follow a religion, that would be Buddhism for sure! Great stuff! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Most of the practices are applicable to any religion, I've meditated with Christians at Vipassana retreats. However it is hard for anyone including Buddhist to let go of our beliefs and conditioning to see the deathlesss... <3

    I really love read your post about Buddhism. Thanks for share this with us. By the way I love am the pictures. I hope that are you so good free of migraine

    The lotus represents our ability to rise about negativity and our conditioning. The lotus is a spritual symbol all over the eastern part of the world.

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