Are We Trapped In A Corrupt Matrix ?

in #matrix8 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit Community! I am confused and feel a bit like trapped in some power games here on the platform. Please could you stop making me feel like I am your guinea pig. Just be clear! 

We need to spend hours to figure out whats the deal, maybe a future newsfeed might be a great idea? I appreciate to learn and understand what tests are important. I prefer not to be caught up too much in such issues, to become paranoid because of a few down-flags. Not a big deal for me anyways because I don't see whales that much on my posts. We are still in Beta, so fine with me whatever you whale experts think is right to grow a great project I got to love quite a bit. 

I intend to spit as much love as I can, especially for all newbies here who might think we are all a bunch of in-mature kiddos. Keep it @smooth :) and simple! Maybe I sound to esoteric but its not all about the "moooney". Its such a fun and creative place we all share and oh wow , make some steem$$$ as well. I am excited because I just got into crypto-trading. What a ride since I signed up. Yeah! I power up since day 1. 


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In a real sense we are all enslaved in one or the other way no matter where you walk in life! Right? Balance is the key, critical thinking a daily exercise in those crazy times. Stay kind!

Bansky, the revolutionary street artist, once commented: 

“People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from  tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments  from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is  happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel  inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the  world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers  and they are laughing at you.” – Banksy

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So, I decided not to pay too much attention of every little discussion and move on asking myself once again: 

Do we all just live in a Matrix?

Several physicists, cosmologists and technologists are now happy to entertain the idea that we are all living inside a gigantic computer simulation, experiencing a Matrix-style virtual world that we mistakenly think is real. - Source BBC Earth 

Some tech Billionaires, Elon Musk among them believe that we do and they are funding scientists to break us out of it. How nuts is that? 

I might be a part of your computer program but all I hope is to live in a so called perfect world. I wish for a awesome future for my girl and generations to come. 

I keep on searching but mostly what I find in present days is such a big drama and disaster, wherever I look. Meanwhile I try to keep my cool, focus on everything positive and the beauty among the mud but I have to admit that I am short on dreams! I feel a bit lost in that new world of technology speeding up too fast for my taste.  

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I am empty as Agent Smith said but "So are you" (Neo) .........Are you? 

 Agent Smith: "Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some  believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the  Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization." - Source Imdb

Maybe our Universe is not real and is indeed a giant computer simulation. Should we care? Hell yeah! 

I actually do believe that we live in a world of illusion. Most of the concerns occupying my mind are worries to be manipulated in so many ways. Our society feels sick for me, a corporate consumer culture that now dominates our human race. I am an old school girl and get lost in the nostalgia of my past and the life I know and grew up in. It was so different. I might sound like my Grandma but that's ok I guess when you realize your presence, the new environment slips through your fingers. 

I am holding on tight so far to enjoy the ride . 

The Beast : 

 We are trapped in a corrupt matrix, generated by our own mutant genetic  programs and the frequency feedback of our chemically-altered  brainwaves. Humanity’s release from slavery will not only require  that we retrieve the truth of our origins and uncover the identity of  those who are manipulating our reality but must also include the  resurrection of the original human blueprint prior to our genetic  modification. Encoded into that blueprint is the resonant  template that will initiate our electromagnetic disassociation from the  synthetic matrix. Resurrect the full divine immortal Human blueprint,  and you will realize the visual audible feed-back of the true space/time  continuum – a transcendent paradigm.” ~ Juliet Carter - The Template  I recommend her book : Worldbridger 

Food4Thought :) 

The manipulation of the human species begins with the violation of our thought structure and brain causing the effect of confusion with trauma as the result.

Humanity will be enlightened and awaken one day to embrace their true and authentic spiritual nature. Enlightenment is not an act coming out of creation. It is the Eternal Existence! 

“We're  not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves. But in doing  that you save the world. The influence of a vital person vitalizes.”
Joseph Campbell

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“When you investigate the endless conspiracies now being revealed,  the deeper you go the closer you come to the core betrayal of Humanity –  the modified matrix that is causing the systemic failure of earths  bio-systems and is generating this fear-based reality, establishing a  slave race on a prison planet. In order to enslave a race you  take away its past, its memories, its ancestry…its identity… you  downgrade its genetic blueprint… you instigate a program of  psycho-social, chemical, electromagnetic, political and religious manipulation of consciousness that renders that race pathologically obedient." - The Template - - ( Sacred Geometry, Sonic Codes...
Awakening the Light Body Matrix The activation of the sustained re-connection of 33 circuits of  Human bio-circuitry via a resonant response to the synergy of the  geometric and sonic codes of creation.) 

Is The Light Body Matrix Real ? 

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At the end I believe that its all about Energy and the right flow!   



More on Humanity:   

1) Betrayal Of Humanity - I Am Not A Machine, Nor Am I Blind! Are Conspiracies Now Being Revealed?

2) How To Gain Your RIGHT For FREEDOM, The Tenability Of What You CAN Do Anywhere, ANYTIME!

3) Human Behavior And The Human Mind - Just An Illusion? - Inspired By Awesome Bjoerk

4)  It May Be Your Idea Of Utopia, But It's Not Mine - The Illusion Of Paradise  


Agent Smith always did have the right of it! ;0)

haha, I am so attracted to them :)

I read an article long ago that agent smith was the real Neo...lolol

Do you still have that article @reddust ?

Here you go!

In the last film’s climax, Neo sacrifices himself by returning to the source, thus destroying the virtual reality prison known as the Matrix. Supposedly, this fulfills the prophecy that would make him “The One.” Except all the clues that point to Neo point just as much, if not more, to Agent Smith.

This isn't the article I read years ago, this is a simple version

so funny !!!
Awesome @reddust ! I will read the whole article tonight . Time to get off here again.

I read it and was laughing . Excellent and fun article

Flagged by agent @smooth lol ! He actually thinks he is Neo 😉

Seems to me that all of this IS an illusion... and it's just a giant "game" we are playing from the safety of our "cocoons" somewhere. When our consciousness figures it out here, we get to "level up" and leave this particular matrix for... the next level? Or eternal consciousness? Who knows... but it seems that the people who insist that we "create our own reality" may be onto something.

Oh nooo ....I just broke out of my cocoon with crystal walls and now I am back in again oh dear! I am on to more than something. Jumped over a few levels and ready for eternity. I kind of get it finally .

I'm pretty new and I have found some cool people. You just need to know where to look.

Oh yes ! I do agree very much so. I went to the first steemfest, blown away how many special and unique personalities came together. Most of them are not very active anymore but there are new ones.

Well I'm an alien studying humanity, what it does to itself and the other beings on this planet...and were waiting until you all destroy the entire planet , so we can utilise it for our purpose...won't be a long wait.

I am also an 👽 but I am here to help to wake up and dance more! Life shouldn't be that serious to worry about flags but be conscious and kind. That's why I follow you now! I still have hopes for the planet earth.

You know it's ironic that these people are running a social network, but do not socialize with the users. I'm perfectly OK to participate in every experiment as long as I'm informed. The lack of communication is the elephant in the room, no one dares to talk about. We need an official newsfeed or someway of being up to date what and why these actions are taking place. For a regular user, ​it takes hours going through posts, trying to figure out what's going on.
It's called PR and everybody does it.

Don't forget its still in beta but a newsfeed is much needed indeed.
They chat but in their chat clubbing rooms :) Who knows.
The beauty of the whole platform are the members who write their own articles right away, so you can choose to read so many different opinions. It has its own dynamic but the ones who are not active here will not understand anything. The other experiment I just made for myself .
No whales show up on my posts , not much, at least not the big and famous ones.
So , Moral of the story ...I don't give a Fxxxxxxk and continue my own ways.

Hhahah I've gotten one time whale vote too have to say it boosted my confidence but just briefly before I saw it's just numbers and nobody read a thing :D Still hope somebody found it interesting and insightful :) post was about brain plasticity.

That's hillerious ! The topic was needed obviously 🙄 I count on my followers mostly. I am so happy today because it seems finally a few people seem to have read a few words. 56 comments on this thread is an achievement.
Reg 🐳....You need to be in their so called club I guess. It's a weird and wacky place here.
Maybe that's why I like it so much.

I believe we can change the matrix by changing the way we react to sense data.

That's a very interesting thought. Lets do it :)

I'm trying but the habit of wanting the reality I experience to be true through my conditioned reaction to sense data is hard to break. There is no true reality, it's all a construct, a simulacrum.

Great article! You stepped into crypto trading as well; WOW! Looking forward to hear/read about your first experiences. You may like my article of today as well where I explain what I did yesterday;

I got my Exodus wallet and much more :) No idea what I am actually doing but I will learn it.
I will go and see a female bassist Nik West tonight and continue tomorrow on my steemit rollercoaster. I check out your article now.

How fun tonight! And tomorrow as well! :)

I will and I need it badly !

I replied on this fun article yesterday and here is one comment I wrote.
I just copy and paste reg the "experiment discussions"
You might find it funny

I am thankful to everybody who taught me, an old school girl who didn't even know what an email was in 2002, about block-chain, crypto-trading and so much more. What a wacky but lovely community and I feel that I belong. I gained self confidence getting my word out . That's massive because I never liked to go too much public nor personal. I never belonged to the big earning stars but since June I am collecting my steem little by little. I love my wallet! So , every experiment helping to get us moving further and ahead is more than welcome. I can take it ! The Down-flags I mean! I put my 💄on , get a couple of pro-seccos and sit back :) and see what's next while I keep on steeming and powering up.

Super comment! Also I never blogged, but Steemit got me into it. Hahahaha. Steemit is changing part of my life for sure: Blogging, Interacting with unknown people, Crypto trading. Whats next? Am looking forward to all the new things I'll learn through Steemit :)

I can tell you got the virus hahaha ! so glad you listened to me and checked it out. most of my friends thought I am nuts . Oh well !

And I'm very happy you introduced Steemit to me. Wow! Thanks so much :) And yes, we are nuts, but that is sooo much fun, not being the same as the rest, but different! :)

Oh well OH well ....Thats the Bass Lady by the way

I will keep silent. Nice article :)

hahaha ....some should never stay silent too long :) Thanks much !
My very spontaneous thoughts....

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