Steemit series on Mathematics, Types & Quantum electrodynamics / QED 1

in #math7 years ago (edited)


Hello, folks of steemit!

I'm going to do a series with on and for this platform that has been a long way coming.  It will start very basic and eventually bootstrap statistical physicsfrom formal logic using programming language theory


My first job is to turn things into an accessible format while also keeping it interesting. For the former, I gotta do some set theory (with an eye type and category theory) with something everyone has some experience with: Numbers. But surprise, I know, haha. For the latter, I know I must not dwell on trivialities too much. And I want to engage with examples for each item on my list.

Challenge accepted. I signed up yesterday and also upload tutorials on coding. I've already written some parts of this series. Also follow me, because I don't know where I should even post this. Can you help me out a bit here - which are the channels for which this is most relevant?

Take care!


Tutorial on coding on steem is the most wanted thing for me. Welcome on board!

Can you help me out a bit here - which are the channels for which this is most relevant?

Your tags are good! There is no major channels on this topic yet.

Cool, which languages are you interested in? I started a series on the functional language Idris here and may make videos on solidity, the language on Ethereum, in the future.

Now I'm most interested in functional programming on JS, because I will be using it at my work. But Idris and over functional languages are fine too.
I slide through you Idris tutor and waiting when you start to go deeper in language and fp concepts.

Ah, I see. Yeah I notice there is a lot of web development going on here. I'm more a mathematician than a developer, although I made this site here last week for fun, haha
Typed functional programming is a world on it's own, as you may find out. I will be explaining Idris, but slow and in detail, and in my math series, I'll end up here:
and go beyond. Although I'll keep it friendly. You'll like the post tomorrow morning ;)

Willkommen :D Programmieren hat mich schon immer interessiert bin aber bis jetzt nicht sonderlich tief eingetaucht... jedenfalls freue ich mich schon auf deinen hochqualitativen Inhalt :)

Hallo brickster!
Ich hab zwei Sachen für die nächsten Tage geschrieben, die dich glaub ich nicht enttäuschen werden
Ich hab einige Videos über Idris auf meinem Youtube Kanal, was eine sehr mathematische Sprache ist. Wenn du Programmieren willst um in absehbarer Zeit code für alle möglichen Dinge zu schreiben, dannw ürd ich als Einführung Python empfehlen, und da gibt es zum Beispiel die folgende Reihe vom MIT - Einführung ins Programmieren von 2008 - online

Liebe Grüße

Vielen Dank für deine mühen! Phyton kenne ich sogar ein wenig (bis GUI) da wir es in der Programmier-LVA hatten. Hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht so kleine Programme zu schreiben. :)
Idris klingt sehr Interessent wenn auch bisschen abschreckend muss ich gestehen. haha Aber ich bleib auf jeden Fall am laufenden was deine Beiträge angeht! Liebe Grüße

Hab grad in deiner introduceyourself gelesen, dass du dich mit Crypto auseinandersetzt.
Passt ich hab mal schnell ein Python script zusammen geschrieben, dass da zB. helfen kann, ich poste es morgen :)

Bin schon gespannt wie und was das macht :D

Welcome! Look forward to your posts.
Upvoted and following.


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Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now

Welcome @qued. I hope you enjoy here as much as I do! Nice post, I will follow your account, please follow me at @rohitrajput and give a upvote to this comment.

Welcome to Steemit @qed!
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 Welcome to this incredible platform, hope everything will work out for you. Being here it’s not easy but not difficult neither only an extra effort will go a long way, engagement is the key good luck I’m @tinashe Start by Following ,Upvoting &Resteeming people and they will do the same. 


Thank you


Welcome to Steemit @qed!
Dropped you a follow for support!
Please dont hesitate to reply and ask if you need any help!
Hope you enjoy your time here as I do!

Great, thank you!
First question: Why is your post yellow? :)

Because you clicked on it from your replies box, that means my reply is highlighted!

Haha, silly me ;)
Well, see you around! :)

Hey! Enjoy steemit!! Followed. Follow me back 😘

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