Do You Have What It Takes? Does SteemIt?? (Some Random Thoughts)

in #mapster6 years ago

Is content less important than networking? And which role does personality play when it comes to SteemIt success?



I’m so confused at the moment, I don’t even know what I’m going to write about in this post. I’ll have to wait and see where it goes, just like you...

I haven’t done a lot today. Had a few conversations on Discord, published a post I should have deleted and even managed to make a HUGE mistake in the title. The slug will say KFC instead of KYC forever now...

It took me 3 hours before I noticed... Sigh...


What Am I Doing Here?

Amongst other things, like posting a reply to the wrong comment, I also read two articles that completely confused me, both in their own way.

I think the only thing both articles had in common was the fact that the authors were both RIGHT, and that’s exactly what disturbs me.

Both made me wonder what on earth I’m doing here on SteemIt...


Where It All Begun

Earlier today, I stumbled upon a post by @spiritualmax - STEEMIT Dynamics: How a Blank Page Can Outearn You! - in which he questions the importance of quality content here on the platform.

Basically, he wants to conduct an experiment. The idea is to create an anonymous account and post crap content but put a lot of effort into networking. He wants to see how far this will get the account.

Personally, I like to think that ‘SteemIt success’ is a combination of both. Networking is an important factor, but I do believe quality content is too.

... until this afternoon.

After reading @spiritualmax’ article, I’ve been looking at the platform with different eyes.


And I came to the conclusion that he’s probably right. Content isn’t of the same importance as networking...

I do realize that I get a lot of upvotes because I’ve made quite some friends here. I do know that my content isn’t as good as a lot of other content on here that gets way less attention. It’s the networking that’s making the difference.

It makes me wonder why I spend hours just to write one single post...


Being Different

Like that wasn’t enough, I also came across a post by @yallipapi. #SharkSchool Lesson 2: Develop A Taste For Other People's Blood, I guess you’ve all seen it, ‘cos it’s popular as hell. (DISCLAIMER: not for sensitive souls - lol)

Yesterday, I had read his first part with genuine interest. I thought it was no coincidence that I came across another post about addiction - but that’s a completely different story...

I had set up Gina to be notified of new #sharkschool posts because I had the feeling he was on to something.

Today's edition hit the bullseye! I’m not even sure whether I have the words to explain... You’ll have to read it yourself... Be sure to look beyond the surface and try to get the message he’s actually sending...

The post made me think, and so far I believe he is right. If you want to get somewhere here on SteemIt, you need PERSONALITY. You need to stand out. Be different.


Were you offended/shocked by his main image? If yes, it worked. Everybody knows creating controversy is one of the best tricks in the book. But you have to have the GUTS to do it.

No matter how he plays it, his statement is correct. You will never earn good money on SteemIt if you do not make your posts stand out. Sure, you can buy your way up, just like I’m doing. But that doesn’t change the fact that you won’t become a success by just being the girl next door.

I don’t mean you all have to go all angry on everyone, like @yallipapo. It’s just about being different from everyone else...

And you know what...

I’m not sure I have what it takes.

Although people in real life often see me as completely different from them - with the dreadlocks and the piercings and the clothes... -, deep inside I’m just a normal girl. A friendly and polite girl. Not so different from anyone else...

I’m not so sure I will be able to become a personality here on SteemIt. I don’t have anything special to offer like for example @abh12345 who has his database skills, or @spiritualmax, whose marketing skills have really impressed me...

But if I don’t, so be it. At least I’ve been having a good time.



Reading through this post again, it’s very obvious a couple of hours have gone by since I wrote the first sentence. By now, I’m in a completely different state of mind.

I really didn’t know where this post would go when I started it. And now I don’t have a clue how I should end it, hahaha...

Maybe I should just stop and leave you with some wise words... ;0)


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I’m not so sure I will be able to become a personality here on SteemIt. I don’t have anything special to offer like for example @abh12345 who has his database skills, or @spiritualmax, whose marketing skills have really impressed me...

Every person has a unique combination of qualities which can be only discovered by looking within.In our quest for success we may become swayed by how others succeed. While trying to follow others steps is quite distracting, being committed to who we are brings balance and stability. It doesn't necessarily brings booming success, But it is success itself. Success is not only about money- I am sure you know this-. it is about what we feel in the end of the day. The more authentic we are the easier we feel success even with a tiny amount of payouts.

I agree.
Steemit hasn’t been about the money for a long time. It’s the community that drives me. It’s just.. every once in a while my low self-esteem gets in the way, and I start to doubt everything.
Here on SteemIt I learned that the best way to overcome that feeling is to write it down, let it go. I used to keep it to myself, which doesn’t solve anything.
I was able to let go of the feeling, and now I’m ready to face the world again :0)

Yep I totally get you on this, being a mostly polite if somewhat reclusive person myself. Your friendliness is delightful so please be happy about that. And really, my take? Nope I don't have what it takes to be famous here, I'm too anti establishment to fit the mould, too stubborn to buy my way up, too inconsistent to network successfully, but I do get excited about a 1c vote or a comment and the things I've learnt is it's about finding the value that isn't measured by money, success or recognition - that's what makes it all worthwhile imho. So when you read your post again, giant title error or not, you should give yourself a big round of applause for your magnificent achievement, after all it's on the blockchain forever! But I guess what I'm trying to get at, is we're all different with different approaches, and when you find your niche, it will be 100% you and nobody else, and you'll live happily ever after, or so I heard <3

In fact, I’ve already found my SteemIt success. Not in financial rewards, but in the community. I can not recall making so many friends in such a short time. And there are so many things I’ve learned. SteemIt is helping me to overcome my personal struggles in life. That’s where the true value is!
Every once in a while, I have a moment of weakness, like today. I used to hide it away, building a pile of uncertainties inside of me. Writing a post like this, expressing my doubts and showing my uncertainties to people is a big step in my personal evolution. I’m learning this on SteemIt, because I feel safe here.
Steemit stopped being about the money or the reputation long ago, but every so often I get caught up in these feelings I described above.
I wrote it down, and it’s gone now.
I’ve found the spirit again, thanks to the community.
Thank you for your kind and wise words!

That's a brilliant idea! Using Steemit as a way of working through personal issues, self healing basically. I hate the idea of writing down thoughts as a therapy method - it's like talking to yourself without being able to deny what you said at a later date! But doing it under the guise of a blog makes it different somehow, but actually ok too.
It is you who is the wise one here :)

It’s not only the writing down, it is also the interaction with people afterwards. Like when you feel a bit down, and a lot of people leave comments, telling how awesome, fabulous and unique you are - lol
Those things are always good to hear ;0)

Hi Mike,
For people it is not often difficult to look behind the clothes, hair, etc...
Beautiful people do get more chances in life than not so beautiful people.
People with the same interests group together ans support each other and are trying to find a shared enemy.
This all already starts at school, where the nerds are the one who do get cornered!
I’m trying to teach my kids that they need to look behind the appereance of people and threath everybody like they want to be threatened.
The same here counts on facebook. People are trying to find their place. Some which great content, others with being active and even some by begging! The newbies try to support each others, the whales who are upvoting their own posts and so one!
Just read an article by @tarazkp what he could do on Steemit when he did win the lottery! Great post, worth a read!
Also sow the article about the blank page experiment and this could surprise is all, for sure if he does place genuine comments.
We all need our sponsors in the beginning!

True. Nobody makes it to the top on his own :0)
Great to hear you’re teaching your kids such an important lesson!

Umm, you stand out! At least for me! I noticed you before I came in contact with #newbieresteemday. It was nice to see a familiar face, one that I could match with posts that I liked. But I get what youre saying. Its definitely a networking thing. Hell, all of life is. You gotta know someone to get some where. Coming from and living in a small town has made that painfully obvious. And once you network the hell out of yourself, you still have to stand out from the rest to stay there. Its a hard ass game we play but I do think its worth it. At least on this platform its worth it, to me. In life, Ive pretty much said screw you people if you dont like me for me. You aint gotta know me or like me for that matter. Im here! lol

Youre apparently doing good, starting a post, not knowing what to say and yet it makes complete sense, check check! Just keep on keepin on. Id miss you if you werent here!

You’re always so nice, @smylie2005.
I have this picture of you in my mind, always smiling when you’re typing your comments. That’s where you stand out for me!
I don’t think it made complete sense, though - lol. Although I managed to get across how I felt. Fortunately, there are good listeners around here, like you!
Thanks again, girlie!

Haha, Youre not wrong thats for sure! I smile a lot! Ispent a lot of time not smiling when I was younger and realized lifes too damn short to be anything but happy. If I can spread that happiness around for more to have, then why not!

It made plenty sense! ;)

Awesome way to think about life. You’re completely right. I will keep trying ;0)

I actually stumbled upon a different post of the user you refer to and while I agree there needs to be something that stands out about you or your posts here on Steemit, being a shock jock or crude, too me, doesn't stand out.

If that's what it takes, I'm sorry, but I will fail, and it will be on purpose.

Reasoned reasoning, sound debate, facts and decorum actually attract me to more posts than anything else. People who are trying to get a point across with expletives and sexual references do not. They're free to do it, but that doesn't mean they should, or that it convinces anyone any more than had they actually tried for something less provocative.

If everyone was like that, then it would be the norm, and on Steemit, just like Reddit, it's more prevalent than not. So, not being that way would actually make you stand out.

Steemit and the STEEM ecosystem is still relatively new. There will be room to grow. As more and more people come on, there will be more and more niches to create and fill. The hard part is hanging around for that day to come. But, hey, that means if you feel like you don't have much to offer on some days, maybe that's when it's time to step back a little and bring it on the days you have it.

Or you could just push through it, like you did on this post. Nothing wrong with that, either.

Marketing and networking are all important, but you also have to have something to market. So, the content part is going to be important. I'm not going to upvote any trash posts from anyone. I don't expect anyone to do it for me, either. What's the point in that?

I think you're doing just fine and that you, along with the rest of us, will continue to find your own way. If you so choose. You don't have to create a persona to do that. You can just emphasize the parts of your personality that make you unique.

We all can.

In my opinion, keep doing what you're doing. Buying in is just fine (I've been doing that, too). Having skin in the game is good.

If that's what it takes, I'm sorry, but I will fail, and it will be on purpose.

And that is another reason that I respect you so much Glen!!

Well, thank you.

In re-reading what I wrote, I feel like I probably could have worded things a little differently.

There's enough salaciousness and negativity in the outside world and here that we don't need to, in my opinion, purposely create more. I'd hate to think that's the way the writer of the post actually lives their lives, berating everyone and stomping on them to stand out. I don't know. Do people respond to that? I guess some must.

Unfortunately, I think at least part of it has to do with the level of anonymity they have. People tend to be one way when they're behind the 'mask' and quite another when they talk to to you face to face. Which is it? Which is real? I can't say I'm perfect at this, but I do try to be the same person in both cases.

I appreciate that you

try to be the same person in both cases.

But yes, unfortunately, some here are not. I just choose to stay clear of them, but if I get zinged by a miscalculation of my part, I'm very wary a second time.

Thanks, @glenalbrethsen.
I, too, don’t agree with the way he’s spreading the message. SteemIt would me a less fun place to be if we all wrote posts like that. But it is just an act - a way to protect himself from feeling vulnerable.
That being said, the message he’s sending is correct. The bigger the platform gets, the more the need to stand out will exist. In one way or the other (preferrably not the other - lol)

I also agree that I wouldn’t upvote crappy content. But a lot of others will. One of the best ways to earn curation rewards is by outrunning the bots. So still, a lot of people vote to earn, no matter the quality of the content.

I’ve had a good night of sleep since I wrote the post, and I’m not afraid anymore for the outcome of @spiritualmax’ experiment. We can only learn from the outcome, and keep trying to make SteemIt what we want it to be :0)

I wish there was a meme to show my emotions for this

Hello simplymike!

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Ironically I was just sitting here myself sorting out all the possible posts to make today.
I normally have my days all planned out but today my mind keeps wandering. Thanks for letting me, and others know, we are not alone with this!

I learned that it is good to talk about your doubts and fears, because most people don’t, and so everyone keeps thinking he’s the odd man out. While many struggle with the same things...
Thanks for letting me know I’m not the odd man out here ;0)

I have so many different things going through my head after reading this, so I'm giving them to you, bullet style:

  • From where I'm sitting, you totally know what you're doing here, but perhaps you don't believe that. I think you have to trust yourself, have faith in your abilities and truly believe in your numerous, positive and helpful contributions that you make here on a daily basis.
  • I just read @spiritualmax's post and left a huge "Queen-like" comment haha. I was serious with it though; have a read if you'd like, but if he follows through with his experiment, I hope it fails miserably, in terms of his expectations. Personally, I would much rather focus on those who are doing good things, like you, as opposed to wasting my time and energy with those who will probably never change.
  • But that doesn’t change the fact that you won’t become a success by just being the girl next door.

That kind of describes me, so I'm going to respectfully disagree:) I don't think "shock-value" is your answer, because it's only good for a little immediate attention, and then you're forgotten, because there is no substance to it. There is however substance in genuine posts, genuine comments, kindness, helpfulness, selflessness. Look at your "appreciation post"! It was a huge success, because it was real and the quantity of comments showed me that a lot of people feel the same.

  • I don’t have anything special to offer like for example @abh12345 who has his database skills, or @spiritualmax

That's where you are wrong @simplymike, because you do have something special to offer, and that something special is you. And I'm not being all rainbows and unicorns when I say that:) Every single one of us has a story; your dreadlocks and piercings have a story; your life; your history; all of it is your story!! And people are interested in it. Seriously, why the hell do people get dreadlocks? I've always wanted to know that...and I'm not kidding. You have a huge personal story; we all do, it's just that it has become so normal for the one living it, that it doesn't seem "blog worthy". But it is. I think it was @abh12345 that once said to me, everyone here is so different, the only thing we all have in common is steemit. The rest is worth writing and hearing about.

  • "Do or do not, there is no try"

My suggestion, for what it's worth, is "try" :)

Thanks, lynn
With your long comment - hey, a girl’s gotta do something to keep her crown, doesn’t she :0P - you managed to narrow down my problem like you’ve known me for years: I’ve just got to have some faith in myself. I’ve got to learn I can, and that I’m interesting enough just being me.

When I used the words ‘the girl next door’ I actually meant a wallflower - but that word only came to mind just now.
And though you might be that girl next door, you’re everything but a wallflower, lynncoyle1 :0)

Thanks for this (gentle) kick in the ass. It’s about time I stop wining and start believing in myself. If not now, when else. When I’ll be 85??

Thanks, @lynncoyle1
With your long comment - hey, a girl’s gotta do something to keep her crown, doesn’t she :0P - you managed to narrow down my problem like you’ve known me for years: I’ve just got to have some faith in myself. I’ve got to learn I can, and that I’m interesting enough just being me.

When I used the words ‘the girl next door’ I actually meant a wallflower - but that word only came to mind just now.
And though you might be that girl next door, you’re everything but a wallflower, lynncoyle1 :0)

Thanks for this (gentle) kick in the ass. It’s about time I stop wining and start believing in myself. If not now, when else? When I’ll be 85??

you managed to narrow down my problem like you’ve known me for years

I'm so glad! And I feel like I am getting to know you by really listening to your words every day ;)

haha ok, a wallflower I am not!

And I am always happy to give you a kick in the ass, if that is what you need ;) You don't want to waste your life wondering if you're good enough; start today believing that you are, and then everything else just seems to fall into place.

This all makes my heart warm <3

Thanks, @lynncoyle1. I’d never thought I’d say ever say this, but I’m glad too :0!

And I know who to count on when I need a kick in the ass again :0)
I will remember!

I'm glad...I can see that the spark is back! If there is a next time, I'll be sure to put on my pointy shit-kickers too haha

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